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Subject: *Klik arrises to smell the fire of a neaby camp flow through the winds. Lifting his nose to the winds, he senses the presence of company and gives a slight nod to Jask and Riasa, as to make them away of such. The wolf is a normal sort in size. He stands just under 6 arms length tall, and is thin and agile with strong well formed muscles under heavy grey fur, which has red tints withen its glare. Hiding behind bushes as he tracks the smells and sounds of the nearby fire, he finally catches the light shine upon his eyes slightly as he crouches down withen the cover of a bush. waiting silently before quietly creeping forward, his paws pushing against the ground for stealthy movement as he soon comes withen striking distance of the mouse... he then remains entirely silent... seeming to just watch the mouse, as to size up its talents and intentions before doing anything further. Hidden from sight and sound, he remains motionless... watching...

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 16:21:16 03/09/03 Sun
In reply to: Gelfuri Driftwood 's message, "*Gelfuri had had enough of the sea life and she was making her way in the world as a traveler nowadays. But of course... she was lost at the moment...*" on 12:48:33 03/09/03 Sun

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(OOC: That would be aware... not away (NT)Klik Redwolf16:22:41 03/09/03 Sun

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