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Subject: *Gelfuri had had enough of the sea life and she was making her way in the world as a traveler nowadays. But of course... she was lost at the moment...*

Gelfuri Driftwood
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Date Posted: 12:48:33 03/09/03 Sun

*Wandering around in the wild with nothing but the clothes on her back and little else, the mouse finally gave up walking around in circles. She was getting nowhere today, might as well set up camp early.
Finding a small clearing, she had a small fire going before sundown, and soon a small pot of stew was brewing over the weak flames. Gelfuri was hungry, not having eaten anything since very early that morning. The few roots she had found smelled wonderful to her; even though she knew her meal was rather meager, she was happy with it.
The small mouse was an odd little creature. If you didn't look close you might have mistaken her for some strange searat. But no, you must look close, but Gelfuri is a mouse. Her fur is a light cream color and she has white markings around her eyes, muzzle, and paws. Her fur is unusually long and fluffy for a mouse, and a small tuft on the end of her long tail shows that she is from a far off land. Her feet are long and slender and look like they're made for fast dashes and long bounds, unlike most mice. The young maid possesses eyes of a very dark brown, almost black, and her face is rather pretty and plain.
She is only skin and bones and looks like the wind would blow her away if it picked up any. Her clothes are little more than rags and have no real color, they are so travel stained and patched and ripped.
But these things don't make her odd, exactly... It's mainly the fact that her situation of being a starving beggar never seems to get to her. Smiling to herself she hums as she pokes her little fire with a stick.
When her stew is done she sips it in silence and starts to watch the stars come out. Her thoughts drift to old times and her eyelids start to droop... The wind whistles around her and her little fire continues to burn, it's embers giving off a small amount of heat as the maid snoozes, unaware of anything about her.*

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*Klik arrises to smell the fire of a neaby camp flow through the winds. Lifting his nose to the winds, he senses the presence of company and gives a slight nod to Jask and Riasa, as to make them away of such. The wolf is a normal sort in size. He stands just under 6 arms length tall, and is thin and agile with strong well formed muscles under heavy grey fur, which has red tints withen its glare. Hiding behind bushes as he tracks the smells and sounds of the nearby fire, he finally catches the light shine upon his eyes slightly as he crouches down withen the cover of a bush. waiting silently before quietly creeping forward, his paws pushing against the ground for stealthy movement as he soon comes withen striking distance of the mouse... he then remains entirely silent... seeming to just watch the mouse, as to size up its talents and intentions before doing anything further. Hidden from sight and sound, he remains motionless... watching... (NT)Klik Redwolf16:21:16 03/09/03 Sun
*The young mouse stirred in her sleep and rolled over, her empty soup cup slipping from her paws. She twitched, obviously dreaming, and kicked out with her feetpaws. Her toes brushed her small satchel and her few belongings spilled out. She didn't own very much, merely a ragged shawl, a few shells, and ,curiously, a beautiful wooden flute. The flute rolled out of the little circle of light the fire gave off, coming to rest near Klik. Gelfuri mumbled something but continued to sleep, blissfully unaware.* (NT)Gelfuri Driftwood11:43:38 03/10/03 Mon
*Catching the smell fo fire at the same time as Kilk, Jask nods in return. Making his way towards his javelin before heading out to circle out and parrallel the wolf's course. Treading on the soft ground on the ball of his feet, avoiding the dead wood and dried leaves he quickly and silently makes his way to Gelfuri's camp. Watching the mouse sleep he loosens the grip on his javelin and silently heads towards Kilk. Coming behind the wolf he gently places a paw on his friends shoulder. Seeing the flute he carefully reaches down and picks it up. After inspecting it, he looks towards Kilk, the impromptu leader.*"What do you think. Friend or foe?"*The otter whispers to Kilk. * (NT)Jask Shell14:04:01 03/10/03 Mon
*Gelfuri stirred, slowly opening her eyes and coming around. She yawned and sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes with one paw. It took her a minute to realize that a blanket was over her. She blinked and stared at it. Slowly her gaze landed on Jask. She squeaked and scooted away from the big otter.* WHO ARE YOU?! (NT)Gelfuri Driftwood13:50:50 03/11/03 Tue
Oh... *The little mouse blinked and stood up, accepting her flute back in the same motion. She bobbed a curtsy to the otter and wiped her paws on the sides of her ragged skirt before offering her paw to Jask to shake.* I don't mind ye playing my flute, Mister Jask. You were doing it a favor by playing such a beautiful song, tis much better than my attempts on it. *Gelfuri grinned, trying to match Jask's smile.* It's nice to meet ye Mister Jask. I'm Gelfuri Driftwood. And what did ye say about... some patrol? (NT)Gelfuri Driftwood07:50:51 03/13/03 Thu
Aw, but twas a lovely song, I would have never guessed you weren't some kind of musician, Mister Jask. *Gelfuri continued to speak as she sat down, crossing her legs and pulling her toes close with her paws.* The... Quanshaire Mercenary Patrol? My, that is an interesting name. What do you do in it, Mister Jask? *The young mousemaid tried to look very innocent as she inquired about the patrol. They were a mercenary group though... you never knew with them...* (NT)Gelfuri Driftwood17:07:43 03/13/03 Thu
(OOC: Sorry for the disappearance, I'm back now.) **As the smoke drifts to meet her nostrils the squirrel maid follows Kliks lead and head towards its source. However, she soon peels off from the other two, silently ascending into the treetops. Making her way to the opposite side of the clearing she watches the sleeping mouse curiously. Soon enough Jask appears from the treeline and joins the mousemaid. The mouse, upon awakening seemed flustered. Figuring that there was little point in startling her further, Riasa makes her way back to camp, choosing not to reveal her presence. Reaching the merc camp she sees Klik has returned also and so slips down from the trees to converse quietly with him.** It's strange, a beast doesn't usually wander like that on their own. What do you thing brings her here?Riasa Lafaryl02:20:12 03/14/03 Fri

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