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Subject: *Nodding his head, agreeing with Kilk. As the wolf lays the blanket over the mouse, Jask moves into the fire light and sits down quietly in the grass across from Gelfuri. Watching her sleep. He puts the flute to his lis and starts to play it quietly, playing a soothing and slow song. He watches the wolf pad silently back to camp for some reason. He now just sits by the fire and plays the flute quietly, waiting for morning or for the mouse to wake.*

Jask Shell
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Date Posted: 11:30:03 03/11/03 Tue
In reply to: Klik Redwolf 's message, "*the wolf looks down towards the sleeping mouse... his eyes rounded as he has not drawn his weapon. Klik places his nose to the mouses paws and sniffs them silently. speaking very quietly he replies to Jask, "...this ones had a long journey... she couldnt harm us untill she woke... and if she was here on bad terms then she wouldnt of slept alone near an open fire...". Klik silently lays a blanket of fur over the sleeping mouse and dips back to their encampment...*" on 22:03:14 03/10/03 Mon

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