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Subject: *Gelfuri stirred, slowly opening her eyes and coming around. She yawned and sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes with one paw. It took her a minute to realize that a blanket was over her. She blinked and stared at it. Slowly her gaze landed on Jask. She squeaked and scooted away from the big otter.* WHO ARE YOU?!

Gelfuri Driftwood

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Date Posted: 13:50:50 03/11/03 Tue
In reply to: Gelfuri Driftwood 's message, "*Gelfuri had had enough of the sea life and she was making her way in the world as a traveler nowadays. But of course... she was lost at the moment...*" on 12:48:33 03/09/03 Sun

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*As the mouse awoke, Jask finished the song he'd been playing. When she squeaked in surprized, the otter raised his paws wide and smiled kindly at her.*"Easy las. I mean you no harm. My name is Jask Shell of the Quanshaire Mercenary Partrol."*He continues to smile as he stands to walk over to where Gelfuri is sitting. He leaves his javelin where it lies, not wanting to frighten the poor mouse any more.*"This is wonderful flute. I hope you don't mind that I was playing it."*As he finishes he offers it back to her. Holding the kind and caring smile on his face, hoping to calm the mouse before she becomes histerical at finding an otter in her camp.* (NT)Jask Shell17:59:02 03/12/03 Wed

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