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Subject: Re: *Watches the hare leaving*

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 08:25:57 03/14/03 Fri
In reply to: Casey 's message, "*Watches the hare leaving*" on 03:31:28 03/14/03 Fri

**the wolf lays his paw upon casey's shoulder firmly and looks her straight in the eye**

"Let any who would think of you as any less, say that in front of I, Klik Redwolf, and they will find my blade upon their neck", he says in a quiet whisper.

"We do what we have to do, nothing less and nothing more. We each have our place and do what we must... it matters not what others think, only what we think of ourselves.", he continues.

"If I had known Darkflash was a member of Southsward, I would have never considered it... ah well. May the spirits guide their journey."

*he releases her shoulder softly and pads the side of her face with his strong paw softly, lets a wolfish smile play accross his face, and returns to his duties*

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**finding Casey and returning after taking a moment of rest, he says quietly, "I took care of this weeks supplies. We have stag and fish to last us... Riasa and I will do more between our work on the new Fortress.".** (NT)Klik Redwolf21:44:55 03/17/03 Mon

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