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Subject: Re:

Riasa Lafaryl
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Date Posted: 23:20:12 03/22/03 Sat
In reply to: Klik 's message, "Re: **The wolf returns** ......." on 21:39:21 03/17/03 Mon

**Casting a keen eye over her long dagger she decides that it's back in prime condition. She sheathes the weapon at her side and unslings her blowpipe.

It seems a curious weapon. Unlike a hunting pipe, the weapon is only about four feet long, perhaps a little shorter. The pipe section is made from hollowed out hardwood - the product of many hours careful work - and is coated with a thick layer of resin. The resin itself had been partly mixed with a wood stain to prevent the weapon from becoming too shiny and hence glinting in the sunlight. At the opposite end from the mouthpiece a slim spearblade that comes to a sharp point to aid in aiming the weapon is attached. It is to this blade that she now applies her attention.

As Klik elaborated on his plans for the contruction she listens intently, a small sigh escaping her lips as she wished she knew more about building things.**

"I am afraid that I know little on the proper construction of forts and the like. Though there is one thing I must point out. Be careful of just where you locate those protruding spears, it would make the walls fairly easy to scale, for a squirrel at least. That's one thing I can advise on I suppose, how to prevent entry into the place via the walls and the like. I'll be able to test how climable they are."

**At his mention of the gold they were to be paid for killing the Southswarder her eyes widen and she grins.**

"My, that is a sizeable sum indeed. A pity really. However a word of honour is never to be broken, and if so, never lightly."

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