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Subject: Inside>>>

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Date Posted: 06:51:12 03/25/03 Tue
In reply to: Mairsil 's message, "The hare meets him eye to eye >>>" on 21:09:26 03/24/03 Mon

*Walks up behind the furious wolf and rests her paw in his shoulder, turning him around to face her. She meets his steely gaze without wavering and after a few moments of this she opens her mouth to speak...*

Klik, a word if you wouldn't mind.

*Turning her back on him she heads in the direction of the river and settles down on a rock, oddly enough there is a muddy section in the river nearby...*

Now, as much as I understand your frustration at our lack of work I want you to understand something. We have lost three of our leaders one way or another recently and have only just regained the other. I have been working hard to return us to where we were at, and despite your belief that we are being lazy...

*Here he glances up, surprised that she has acknowledged this belief.*

I would have you know that I work BEHIND the scenes. My work generally goes unnoticed as it appears to have now. But I believe it would do you a bit of good to know just WHAT I have been doing. Because the leader in charge of our record books (website) has been absent for so long we have lost them (no longer have access). I have been working very hard converting what little information we do have into another book (website).

*Stands up and grasps the hilt of her blade tighter, her eyes flashing dangerously. She takes a few steps and stands in front of Klik, at just the right angle that she isn't craning her neck to stare at his face but close enough that she's apparently intimidating him. With well practised ease she pulls it from her sheath and stabs it into the ground nearby then strips down to her pants only. Nodding towards the muddy part of the river she crosses her arms before her.*

Now, if you wish to challenge MY authority you are quite welcome to, although I believe it to be dishonourable, I have no qualms about it. I am you're leader Klik and expect to be treated with respect but you apparently do not.

*She waits for his answer impatiently, quite honestly looking obsurd - an otter facing off against the huge wolf - and she would appear disadvantaged if it were not the strange gleam in her eye...*

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Re: Inside>>>Klik13:39:34 03/25/03 Tue

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