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Subject: Re: Inside>>>

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Date Posted: 13:39:34 03/25/03 Tue
In reply to: Casey 's message, "Inside>>>" on 06:51:12 03/25/03 Tue

**The wolf just stands there untill she is finished, knowing his blade is back where he left it and not caring much about it. When she is done with her "moment" he finally speaks. "I strongly suggest you back off. Your only making a fool of yourself Casey. I had no intention of fighting anyone here, but if you feel so inclined to do so, then by all means... throw your life away. You made it quite clear that I do not care either way, isn't that right?", he says calmly. He steps forward to her in an extremely calm fashion untill their eyes are almost touching, "You call yourself a leader. Leaders are nothing more then members who keep everyone else in line. They help communities grow as a whole but they are in no way the brunt of the community, nor what makes them grow. You are quite eager to call yourself my leader and I made it quite clear to you last time we spoke that I would defend your honor even when you yourself would not. Kinnan has been upfront with everything as he always has been and for your comment about the other leaders leaving so we no longer have access to the website. Is that so? I am not as young as you may think I am. I was here during the treaty of Southsward. If not for me then that job at the abbey would have been left in ruin, along with our reputation. I was the only one keeping that peaceful abbess alive, while Kinnan himself was only a mere howl in the winds who shed no blood in the battle. He was too busy grunting orders and wasting lives... I know this because I was there at his side untill I left to do the job YOU AND YOURS should have been doing in the first place. I did that job alone. I fought the queen of the vermin as well as her follows ON MY OWN, outnumbered in every possible way. I still ask you if you truely know what a leader is. I am of noble class, I was taught these things from birth. I am not only all about the honor and the blade. I am an extremely well educated wolf, compared to the likes of a commoner outcasted from her family like yourself. And if someone were to come to Kinnan while he got lost in the woods, what would have happened then? He only checked the boards once the entire time and I dont remember seeing you there AT ALL and yet you have the bloody nerve to question my allegiences? Stupid Otter, I could destroy you without breaking a bloody sweat. Yet even now, when all you resort to is your blade, I STILL have the nerve and the honor to talk with you, when you do not. You have already dishonored yourself. You could have made an OOC post giving an update about current events. THAT is a leader's job. I was stuck doing that alone. THAT is exactly why Jask forgot all about you stupid commoners. You've done nothing as it should be done. And no, I am not saying I am the all perfect Redwolf. I too have made mistakes in my day. But at least I know how to do my bloody job. Instead of doing it correctly, you got to have one of your strongest assassin's practically spit in your face to get you to speak up. Let me break this down for you. You have no confidence in your leadership qualities. That is on record and is quite clear to everyone. You also are unsure if you are doing it correctly. That is also on record and is quite clear to everyone. Yet here you are defending your immaginary grace and honor."

**The wolf bares his lips up and shows his large sharp fangs and steps back a pace. "SO BE IT, FOOL. If your so willing to die because of your own ignorances then I shall be HONORED to rid your filth from your entire being. But I strongly suggest you rethink your actions." The wolf steps forward against and extracts his sharp claws. "I'll rip you apart with my BARE HANDS if you so DESIRE IT!" The wolf pulls off his cloak and tosses it away, extending his claws further and arching his back as he lets out a loud furious howl which shakes through the very tents and echoes off the mountains to carry through the winds.

"Allow me to give you your first lesson, little otter", the wolf says in a fierce grim tone.**

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