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Subject: Judgement Day

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Date Posted: 12:42:52 03/29/03 Sat

**the wolf lazily steps up to the little rabbit and casey and wraps an arm around each of them. "So who wants to go first? Infact. Ya know what? Ill take both of you one at once"

The wolf steps back and does a sudden back flip, landing on his hands and pushing off to land back on his feet. He pulls on the scabbard to lift it from his shoulder and grabs the scabbard as he unsheathes the large claymore from its bindings. He holds the blade down against the ground at a slight tilt and places his boot firmly into the ground in front of him, one hand holding the blade and the other resting at his side with each of his muscles tensed.

"Come now children. I grant you that which you have asked for. This is what you wanted. Now I am delivering. You wanted me dead all along, so come, come try and kill me then." Klik exclaims.

Knowing they might choose not to fight he reaches down into his boot and draws a sharp booey dagger from a small scabbard in his boot and flings it at casey with lightning speed and presicion, aiming directly for her head. He then darts towards Mairsil and slashes up from the ground, sending sparks towards her eyes and then turns and brings his blade down towards Casey, slashing down towards her neck then flipping up and away from them where he stood before.**

"COME GET THAT WHICH YOU SO DESIRE! You wanted power?! SHOW ME YOUR POWER, FOOLS!" Klik says dangerously.**

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Subject Author Date
OOC> I've already told you, Kilk, I am not CaseyMairsil19:18:51 03/29/03 Sat
-=-[-Death to Idiots, squish-]-=-KliK01:55:46 03/31/03 Mon
Oh and I suggest Jask and Riasa, your entire patrol rather (which is Jask and Riasa) find another job that better suits them. This one is hazardous to their health and their intellect, with you guys as leaders. ;-) (NT)KliK02:06:23 03/31/03 Mon
Mairsil wrote--"I highly doubt, though, that you're likely to be able to "slaughter" Mairsil; she's more likely to do the killing, if anything." Well? Im still waiting... (NT)KliK00:40:39 04/02/03 Wed

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