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Subject: -=-[-Death to Idiots, squish-]-=-

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Date Posted: 01:55:46 03/31/03 Mon
In reply to: KliK 's message, "Judgement Day" on 12:42:52 03/29/03 Sat

And so we see how weak the contenders truely are. Me leave? Heh. Oh I will leave when I am good and ready to leave. Going to ban me? Oh Wait... You Cant. That must've slipped my mind? First I offered advice. Then the advice was not only ignored but I got threatened in the process. Due to all this happening, now I am immature? Lol.

ANYWAY, if you do not choose to accept these actions then all the people watching these boards will see how weak this little club is. Here you have one of your former best assassins attacking your leaders, and you not only cant even back up your words correctly, but you cant even defend yourself. Ha! And look at this. An anonymous person and some weak little rabbit who is too weak to do anything on her own are the only ones to even bother replying to my message. AND now we see how strong the Little Rabbit is. She wont even accept my attacks. HAHAHA! Bloody Fools.

TREMBLE, FOOLS! If you do not accept your deaths then when I DO eventually join someplace else or perhaps make a little gathering of my own you better pray you dont advertise your new website what-so-ever because then Ill destroy the entire patrol.

So You have a choice. You and Mairsil can Die.

Or you can hide from me and then you ALL can die.

Choose quickly before I make your choice for you. I mean, an immature ass like me shouldn't have a problem speaking for those who speak for him? Right? Oh wait, did that go over your head too? Try http://www.dictionary.com or http://www.m-w.com/ for all your literary needs.

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Oh and I suggest Jask and Riasa, your entire patrol rather (which is Jask and Riasa) find another job that better suits them. This one is hazardous to their health and their intellect, with you guys as leaders. ;-) (NT)KliK02:06:23 03/31/03 Mon

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