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Subject: I can not stay quite any longer.

Jask Shell
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Date Posted: 12:05:49 04/04/03 Fri

What the hell is going on? Kilk, I've read the posts you've made. Why the sudden change of personality? When I first joined, and met you at the sparring ground you did not seem the person that you expressing now. What happened? And don't say that it's because of miscommunication or lack of leadership. I do think you have been acting a little immature and a fool lately. Stop accussing people of not beinf there or good leaders. For one thing Casey was at the battle, I fought next to her and Rio before Rio was hurt. And I believe that she was one of the first ones back here. Now I have been gone for a short time, and have not posted for the fact of stayng out of the arguing for now. I donb't know why I'm posting other than the fact that I'm sick of reading posts that do nothing but degrade others and lower the respect I had for you. I'm sorry that your upset about something. I hope you can come to your senses and just let it go.

Casey let me know if you need any help with the Avidgamer site. Kinnan If you are going to close the site that is your choice, Ihope you try a new site. RPing here was fun when people showed up.

I hope you all have a good day.

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Im not even going to bother giving much of a response. I feel I am constantly repeating myself therefore I have absolutely nothing to say to those who do not read nor listen (NT)KliK15:17:41 04/05/03 Sat
Just remember. Since No one wanted to speak to anyone, then I will not either. The Avidgamer site you guys do put up, you put up at your own risk. I gave them a chance to either end this now, as they asked me too, or end this later. I pointed out the latter would be a lot worse then the other and instead they ignored both options, taking the worst posible option available. Oh Well. Not my problem anymore... I gave up caring about this place when they gave up trying, being honest, and being communative with everyone else. Jask, Before you Speak, try finding out what everything is about. Your arguement just might get farther.. (NT)KliK15:25:31 04/05/03 Sat

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