Subject: The Undeniable Truth |
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Date Posted: 18:18:27 03/31/03 Mon
LOL. So if finnally comes out how stupid Kinnan is
and now your thinking: "Klik, What ever are you talking about?"
I will tell you what I am talking about:
Quanshaire was hired to defend the abbey against the Vermin Queen Terenia. Klik, being first on the scene, scouted the area from the forests next to Kinnan, waiting for the abbess alery and queen terenia to show herself. Klik thought the main objective was to defend the abbey and the abbess at all costs. I mean, that was what we were hired to do. So we were told at least. After the arrival of the Abbess, Klik rushed off from the woods and took a spot up at the tower upon the front gates, near the Abbess herself. After a day of waiting, the Queen Terenia finally arrived and attacked with her vermin horde. It was then when Kinnan disappeared and abandoned his small yet experienced forces on their own. With a couple Quanshaire mercenaries at his side and the inexperienced forces of the abbey, Klik dropped down from the Tower to land softly upon the ground. Placed his blade firmly into the ground at a slight tilt when at that exact moment the Queen Terenia arrived. The Abbess shot off an arrow at the queen terenia and yet the queen still advanced, dodging the arrow with ease. Klik, thinking the objective was to protect the abbess alery at this point, since being outnumbered the abbey itself was surely doomed to be destroyed. Klik, being honorable as he is, completed his duty by sending dirt and sparks into the Queen's eyes. Slashing many times with grim delight and finally causing the Queen to flee from his strength, the Abbess Alery was thankful to Klik and Klik was happy and honored that he completed the mission at hand, with little damage to the Abbey itself. And still, Kinnan was no where to be found? And where was Casey? Upon his return, he found Riasa and Jask at an encampment and they took turns watching over each other and mending their wounds untill the arrival of Casey and her companion, Rio.
And now we find out that that was not the reason of the job at all. We find out that Kinnan agreed to help the Queen Terenia by IGNORING the abbess, for the Queen Terenia was but an evil counterpart of the Abbess Alery herself, who had a deathwish of her own design. It seems Klik was too strong and the whole process was avoided. Yet who's fault is this? Klik and those who fought? Is it their fault? Nay. it is not. It is the miscommunication of the leaders themselves! Never once have I seen Kinnan fight, only run his mouth and flex his muscles trying to look big and tough. And where was Casey during all this? I know not. Maybe she was there and maybe Klik was too well into the battle to see her. But the deemable truth still remains, the miscommunication of this patrol caused the Abbess to be saved, failing their true mission to allow the abbey to be destroyed, and eventually causing Klik to get so ticked off at the Leader's miscommunication and idiotic reasonings to singal handedly bring the end of the patrol altogether.
So I say this. Was it all worth it? Your plan did not go as it planned to, because of your miscommunication alone. Which was why this started entirely, as I have said before. When I ackowledged the fact of miscommunication, and began doing what I was doing before the so-called leaders returned, which was helping the patrol grow again, I was bashed for it and dubbed immature by the miscommunication gung-ho idiots.
Now I have spelled it all out for you. Even the "person" from Nightshade seemed to grasp my words quite clearly, and that one isn't even of this patrol. So what is your excuse, Kinnan? Casey? What about you Mairsil? What the hell is your part in all this, other then to act all big and tough?
Dont bother answering that. We all know the answers quite clearly, thanks to the communication efforts of Klik Redwolf, true Leader of the Quanshaire Mercenary Patrol.
I also am so bold as to state, if I had not welcomed Kinnan as I did, then the small community of those left, mainly Jask and Riasa, probably would not have accepted Kinnan's leadership if they were as informed of the situation as Klik was.
It all comes down to the 2 leaders wanting to control the patrol through miscommunication and secrative idiocy, and failing to do so in the process by recruiting those who are, by no means, Idiots. Nor are they fools.
You brought this upon yourself. I tried to work with you, but was answered by a challenge from Casey that she herself is no longer willing to meet, for she is a coward who is all talk and no action as well as no communication. She deserves to be my slave, maybe then I could teach her how to truely be a witty woman, suitable of a grand leadership possition for then she would have the qualities to do such.
But then again, I dont really like skanks anway. So I guess that answers that.
Be sure to read all of my post and address its entirity, instead of only addressing that which you can get an edge out of. Respect is earned, not demanded. That also played a part in your demise, you Idiots.
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