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Subject: Round 2

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Date Posted: 15:39:10 04/05/03 Sat

**the wolf walks straight up to Casey once more, once again in his calm state. He tilts his head slightly and smiles to her.**

"You wanted me to fight. Did you not? I believe I remember you challenging me quite clearly... yes... and do you think it is wise to challenge a wolf to a duel? A wolf... like myself. Of noble class at that. I am not one to forget what is said. I had no problem with you up untill that point, I was simply pointing out what needed to be done, in a very aggrivated state that the two mindless leaders were constantly doing everything behind everyone elses back. It started with the abbey and I let that slide... I let it go... thats why It is so important... but it couldnt end with that, could it?

*the wolf shuts his eyes a moment and lets out a deep sigh, before continueing to speak with his eyes closed*

"And now You have forced my hand. Were you not aware that I would meet your challenge head on. Once you said your words, did you regret saying them? This could have all ended with you... a simply apology would have been met with one, for I was in an aggrivated state and I do believe I made that clear in one of the many posts you so easily ignored..."

**the wolf opens his eyes again*

"You challenged me and I accepted. It is as simple as that. The rest is just icing on the cake. The only lack of communication has everything to do with what happened before that, but that could have been worked out. It seems the only time you actually speak up is when you are pushed into a position to do so... and ah... here I am repeating myself all over again."

*The wolf grasps Casey's shoulder softly and looks at her*

"You've already made a fool out of yourself. That is enough for me... I will not meet your challenge any longer. I consider you a coward for challenging me in the first place.", he says softly.

**turning to Kinnan**

"As for you... you may not have lied to Casey... you obviously speak to her more then anyone else here None is more important to you... but you did lie to me... and you lied to them... they are just too... something... to see it... or accept it. You screwed up Kinnan... I looked up to you once... and when you lied about your intentions... not once... but twice... that respect easily flew out the window...", he stops momentarily to let out another deep sigh*

"It is you... and only you... Only one of us can leave here alive, old friend. I will end my torment with your death... the torment you yourself created... the torment I could no longer ignore... But hey... look no the bright side... at least now they get to see you fight... so come... show me if you are a man... or a coward", he says softly. "Oh.. and no weapons... if we fight, we fight with our bare hands.."

**the wolf steps back a pace and takes another deep breath, closing his eyes and saying once more, "You started this many seasons ago... and now you are going to finish it... one way or the other... and I will not rest untill its done... for I could no longer ignore your stupidity.**

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OOC: Klik, a heads up for you. We've moved. You can continue posting to yourself for as long as you like. This was, and never will, be a democracy. We weren't elected so how we choose to run the place is entirely up to us. Oh and try and get facts straight next time before you go off ranting. (NT)Casey22:02:52 04/05/03 Sat

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