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Date Posted: 11:05:24 06/07/01 Thu
Author: ,,
Subject: ,,

{ Earl Clunk is leaning forward on the side of a wooden beam, over a pig pen, waqtching his brother... or is it cousin? Or half-brother? ON his mother's side? His father's mother's half-sisters cousin's uncle? Whatever. Earl is watching Billy Ray wrassle a pig! Weeehooo!}

Earl: Billy Ray, what in tarnation do ya thunk yer doin' thar?

Billy Ray: I'm practicin' for our match tomorrow night in Caleefornia! C'mere little piggy!

Earl: How is wraslin' with that there pig like wrasslin' with them two Italian boys?

Billy Ray: Italians? Well I'll be! I though them two was from Oklahoma, just over yonder!

Earl: Well Billy Ray, I can see why you'd say that, considerin' that Arturo fella looks like yer cousin Luke, all misformed head in all. But see, Luke was born near one o' them nuclear silos, see? That's why his head look all funny like. But that Italian fella, he just looks like... well, an Italian!

Billy Ray: Dang Earl! They sure be an ugly lot, them Italians...

Earl: They sure are Billy Ray... they sure are...

Billy Ray: SUUUUUUUUU-EEEEEEEEEEEE! C'mere little piggy! Yee ha!

Earl: Now don't go wastin' ya breath on that there swine Billy Ray. We got bigger bacon ta fry, and I ain't talkin' about no greasy Italians. I'm talkin' 'bout that Hollee-wood actor, Shane Matthews. Ptoiiiii! We really shown him tha welcomin' wagon, nowdidn't we! Ha ha!

Billy Ray: We sure did Earl! Hee hooo!

Earl: Guess we better be prepared ta finish is high society ass off come this Friday Billy Ray. What ya think?

Billy Ray: Whatever you say Earl! Whatever you say! SUUUUUUUUUUU-EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

{ Billy Ray chases that little pig till way late into the night. No more will be said about what he done to that thar pig. }

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