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Date Posted: 12:15:02 06/07/01 Thu
Author: n
Subject: n

{ He never talks... but inside his mind, deep within the chambers of his cerebral cortex, he is constantly turning over all this bullshit they want to call information. Turning it over and over, like a corpse turning over in its grave if it could. He just wishes they would shut the fuck up for once. }

{ They want violence? He can give it to them. More violence then they could ever imagine. Didn't he nearly decapitate that loser Scorpion? Put him out of wrestling, out of the game, forever. Wasn't that enough? Now heha to show up week after week, and get in the ring with some undeserving chump, kick the shit out of them... and all for what? Some measly check? He was better off stealing old ladies purses. }

{ They want violence? How about violence so thick and hot, it drops down on the TTW like molten lava cascading down the side of a volcano? How about violence so ovrwhelming, its eruption swallows whole the enitre TTW and everyone in it? Man, he thinks... I could lay down some shit that would choke this mother-fucker like an acrid cloud of acid rain. Blind their unprotected eyes with the shitstorm I could unleash on this fuckhole. The stink of this place would rise so high, that mother-fuckers would be choking on it for years! Singe the hair on their heads and fry their skin... fucking invalid shits. }

{ Chuck Steele? Scaffold match? Fire? They wanna sign their own death warrants, don't they? Why can't they just pay me and leave me the fuck alone? }

{ Chuck Steele... your fucked. }

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