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Date Posted: 23:02:56 05/16/03 Fri
Author: Neutral
Subject: Query on recording of minutes of SGM

Sim Yong Chan
46 Margoliouth Road
Singapore 258569

12 May 2003

Mr Brian Toft Fax 67332391 and Post
The General Manager
The Tanglin Club
5 Stevens Road
Singapore 257814

Dear Mr Toft

Draft Minutes of the SGM held on 19 February 2003 (“the Draft Minutes”)

I refer to our several telephone conversations on the Draft Minutes and to our meeting on 9 May 2003 in your office. At that meeting you asked me to write to you.

As you are aware, I spoke on the substantive issues of the SGM from a prepared text. I have carefully compared the Draft Minutes with the prepared text; I find the portions of the Draft Minutes (where it purports to be a record of what I had said) to be incoherent, inaccurate, incomplete, and to that extent, biased.

The proceedings of the SGM were audio-recorded by a professional company engaged by the Club. The professional company presumably prepared the Draft Minutes from the recorded audio-tapes of the SGM. If so, there appears to be no explanation (apart from incompetence) for the way the Draft Minutes turned out.

I repeat the question I had asked in our telephone conversations: Did the General Committee influence, in any way, the Draft Minutes?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Sim Yong Chan

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