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Date Posted: 23:05:03 05/16/03 Fri
Author: Neutral
Subject: Query from an overseas member

The General Manager.
The Tanglin Club
Stevens Road

12th May 2003

Dear Mr Toft,

RE: Notice of Annual General Meeting

I refer to the Notice of Annual General Meeting, dated 22nd April 2003.

At the 2001 AGM, the General Committee presented a collection of rule changes but failed to include an explanation and reason for the proposed amendments as required under Rule 2. In response to an objection from the floor the chairman, Dr K T Chan, agreed that the proposal to amend the Rules did not comply with Rule 2 and disallowed a vote.

The Notice of the 2003 Annual General Meeting fails to provide an explanation and reason as to why the number of requisitionists required to call an SGM under Rule 34 should be increased from the current thirty to eighty.

No motion is in order that conflicts with the Club’s constitution or by-laws and if such a motion is adopted, even by a unanimous vote, it is null and void. The General Committee’s proposal to increase the number of requisitionists from thirty to eighty does not comply with Rule 2 and is therefore void, even if the chairman wrongfully allows a vote to be taken.

Of the five proposed rule changes contained in the 2003 Notice, only the proposal to increase the number of requisitionists from thirty to eighty fails to include an explanation and reason for what would, in effect, stifle the Membership’s only avenue to express its concerns.

May I please have your confirmation that no vote will be taken on this rule amendment?

Yours sincerely,
Graeme McGuire

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