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Subject: *two foals lost in the darkness*

Soul Searching and Imperial Death
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Date Posted: 21:10:59 07/09/02 Tue

*the colt stands protectivly over his sister, who has been injured in a fight with Dakark an evil stallion from far away, he is searching for a place that will let them stay here, so that they may remain together*
Name: Soul Searching
NN: Soul
Color: Black, w/ flame mark in white on forehead.
Breed: Arab
Age: 1 year
Personality: Hot temper, un-trusting, cares for nothing but his sister.
History: Nothing important.

*the little filly lays on the ground, her once glistening white coat now dull with sickness, at first glance she looks like she is sweat and loving, but appearences are deaciveing, her little eyes look up at you, and you see the fire that burns there, all she needs is a few days of rest, and some food, and she'll be ready for action again*

Name: Imperial Death
NN: Imp
Color: White, with a blood streaked mane, and tail.
Breed: Arab
Age: 5 months
Personality: Hot temper, loves to fight, hates everything, and anything that gets in her way, cares for her brother less then he cares for her, for shel oves nothing that thinks that she needs help.
History: She was a strong fighter, but Dakark the most evil stallion in the world beat her into a pulp, now she has a fever form her wounds, and needs some rest so that she will recover.

(these foals, have a very active player)

*the colt looks at you* If you want us to leave, please tell us and we'll move on our way.

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"Hello." A grey filly about the same age as the two canters towards them, ears pricked forward, eyes engulfed with curiousity.Sweet Addition08:31:46 07/10/02 Wed

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