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Subject: Something inexplicable in the white stallion has changed.

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Date Posted: 09:30:46 07/14/02 Sun

It is unclear to any observer, even those who know him best, what exactly in him has changed. Outwardly, it is the same creature, the same brilliant ivory shine, the same ebony, bottomless eyes.

But something is definatively not the same.

He steps towards his daughter, a serene solemnity arching across his noble features. He ruffles her mane gently, paternally, before turning away with an unforseen brevity.

His gaze falls to his mate, his mare, who he dares not touch. He merely nods, not unkindly (in fact, alternatively so, it radiates an unspoken love and compassion).

"I hope my absense does not linger long in the minds of those who acknolwedge it."

His deep castillian accent reverberates with a suave strength against the cavern walls. The white stallion's stark outline begings to quiver, as he fades, slowly slipping from view, to leave in his place an eternal calm.

[I'm sorry, guys. He had to go... -cries-]

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Although she doesn't know him as well as others may do, a tear rolls down her cheek, wanting the stallion to return. (NT)Sweet Addition20:30:02 07/14/02 Sun

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