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Date Posted: 16:02:23 10/13/13 Sun
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: adsl-76-248-151-154.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Dawn Molloy e-book

from Amazon.com

Not Fade Away:

My time in the 60's with
Brian Jones of the
Rolling Stones and the
heartbreak of forced Adoption

“Not Fade Away" is the fascinating, at times heart wrenching, true life story of a young English girl which encompasses life with The Rolling Stones in Britain's early 60's and the best and worst of that cultural era. This is a gripping ‘must read' for fans of The Rolling Stones and all things British. It takes readers on a journey into the early beginnings of the Stones and also explains how forced adoption was all too common in that era. The author is a survivor who overcame abuse and losses to experience eventual love and joy.

Dawn was one of only a handful of people who would go to watch The Rolling Stones play in the early 1960’s. Now, nearly 50 years down the line, their music can heard playing somewhere in the world every minute of every day.

Dawn Molloy appears from time to time in books and newspaper articles as she was a girlfriend of Brian Jones who was the founder of the greatest rock and roll band in the world. He was the father of her son, Paul Andrew.

Like so many other teenagers in the 60’s, Dawn was made to suffer because of a system that did not allow them a say in the fate of their children. In one way or another, that system and the mind set that went with it, failed them. It ensured that pregnant girls without a wedding band on their finger were stringently and illegally advised to place their children up for adoption.

Dawn experienced rejection from a mother who lacked maternal instinct and her childhood was riddled with fear and doubt, abuse and ridicule. This English lady has met Royalty and had tea with the Queen of England. Dawn experienced the elation of her lost son finding her and the myriad emotions that came along with that and endured heart wrenching grief with the death of one of her children. She relocated from England to the USA with her husband and has had the joy and satisfaction of raising 4 children and seeing them grown and independent.


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