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Date Posted: 13:06:31 02/25/14 Tue
Author: Lazlo (Part 2)
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-149-85-13.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Re: The Lunacy continues...continued
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: The Lunacy continues" on 05:20:37 02/24/14 Mon

according to Trevor:

it was all just "evidence", not proof of anything. Some of it was inflammatory, pointing toward people who may have had nothing to do with the death, but whose lives and reputations would be trashed should any of it got out (such as Mick Jagger and Keith Richards)


all the evidence Trevor's investigators collected is just that...evidence. None of it was provable as it stood, and his logic, flawed though it may be, told him it would be irresponsible to present unsubstantiated data publicly.

So, he had nothing after all?

Lets flashback to Trevor's statement from March 2010, these are all direct quotes from Trevor himself, although for some reason, this missive has also vanished from the fan club website. Excerpted here:

"By 2008 our research dossier had grown to over 600 pages and John Latham's considered opinion was that the evidence opposing the original death by misadventure verdict was compelling. Our strategy therefore in mid 2008 was to gain official recognition from a company of international standing and experience that there was sufficient evidence to warrant a re-investigation. In July 2008, the London division of the US security, cold case and forensic company Control Risks was approached and the same month, Letters of Engagement were signed between John Latham's office and Control Risks Group, London.

After initial consultations and satisfactory acceptance by the company's Ethics Committee, Control Risks assigned ex-Metropolitan Police Detective Chief Superintendent Jon Shatford to undertake an independent review of our material. The credentials of this former high ranking Metropolitan Police officer are impeccable and his exemplary record, wealth of experience, and attention to detail should have carried serious weight with Sussex Police.

Noted as the person responsible for foiling the November 2000 Millennium Diamond robbery, preventing what would have been the UK's biggest ever robbery, Jon Shatford's 32 year career biography includes: "During his time as a detective he led many complex and high profile inquiries, and has experience of dealing with a whole range of serious crime, including murder, armed robbery and kidnap. During his time with Scotland Yard's Organised Crime Group he was the senior investigating officer for around 60 kidnaps, all of which were successfully concluded with no life lost. He led proactive teams targeting armed robbers and organised criminals involved in contract killings. For five years he was the Operational Commander responsible for the Metropolitan Police's busiest murder teams. Based in East London, he led over 60 murder investigations each year, and was in charge of 9 Senior Investigating Officers. In complicated or politically sensitive cases he himself was lead investigator. He would also review investigations into unexplained deaths, both historic and current, and set strategies for the investigation. A former undercover officer, he also has extensive experience of covert police operations, both as an operative and on a strategic level".

Ex-Met Detective Chief Superintendent Shatford's 80-page review acknowledges that diligent research supports our dossier. Copies of previously unseen Sussex Police and Home Office documentation are included, and a crucial Director of Public Prosecutions letter dating from 1983 drew Mr. Shatford's attention to precedents set by the then DPP for a case of this antiquity to be re-opened.

Mr. Shatford recognised the significance and importance of the correspondence between Senior Legal Secretary to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Frances Hegarty, and Assistant Chief Constable Scott dated 25th September 1983. Frances Hegarty stated three criteria: "as needing to be met in order to re-open a case of this antiquity".

The criteria quoted by Hegarty are: (a) sound evidence that a murder or some other serious office was committed; (b) reliable information to suggest the conclusion of the original inquiry, and inquest, was wrong and (c) the prospect of locating any person who had committed any offence.

Solicitor John Latham confirmed that in law, the precedent set out in Hegarty's letter remains current and it's Jon Shatford's conclusion that our research documentation satisfies all three criteria.

Frances Hegarty's letter must have been considered highly relevant by Sussex Police at the time. It was copied in its entirety to HM Coroner Mr. E. Grace on 27th September 1983 by a Detective Superintendent McConnell, Sussex Police. No doubt each successive Coroner has been made aware of this letter.

Specialist solicitor John Latham said at the time of handing over the Shatford Report in January 2009: "The report is so compelling it demands Sussex Police's full attention". Later in the year, with internet and media coverage of information released from Sam Cutler and the Mail on Sunday, Latham added: "there is only one definitive document that needs Sussex Police's attention, and that's the Shatford Report".

We believed that the Shatford Report should have become synonymous with Brian Jones' death. If it had been taken seriously by Sussex Police and their paymasters, then it would have proved to be the beginning of the end of all the myths and legends arising out of what really happened that night and, more importantly, why a proper investigation has never been carried out.

Mr. Shatford, in his review, praises the endeavours of our team for "their diligent campaign for justice". He states that we have "demonstrated resilience and commitment which is inspirational". Praise indeed from such an experienced detective. The Shatford Report concludes that there is evidence which will be of interest to the police and warrants further investigation by them.

Since Jon Shatford's review we've received information that during his forensic examination, pathologist Albert Sachs informed the investigating police officers that he believed Brian Jones was murdered. This opinion, offered by such a well respected expert, can be justified today by careful forensic referencing of his findings in the autopsy report, a copy of which is in the public domain. And since Jon Shatford reviewed our dossier, the method of rendering Brian Jones unconscious has been confirmed to me.

Ok, here we go again....So Trevor, all that smoke you were blowing for all those years was nothing was nothing after all?

The Shatford Report? It was supposed to be the end-all of everything, it was to be synonymous when Brian's murder was discussed for all eternity and now in 2014, it's nothing!!!

Years of research?


Your dossier?




Your credibility?


For the last time, Trevor's quote:

"he didn't release the findings of the investigation because they weren't checked out by the police...thus not "official"...and he felt doing so without official approval would trash the club's "credibility"

I've used all Trevor's quotes to contradict this ridiculous jumble of meaningless words spewed above that he fabricated and cannot defend or even rationally explain. If you'd like more examples of his lies and zany stories, I'd be happy to provide them for you. I knew he was telling all these lies and stories still, four years after I jumped ship.
I think one of the biggest lies he told us, was how Brian's children all UNANIMOUSLY voted Trevor a child's split of the inheritance for all the great work he's done researching their father's death. Kinda like Trevor is Brian's seventh child, what an honor!!
Of course, that vote may change now knowing that Trevor really had nothing all along, they may have to reconvene and re-vote Trevor's "7th child" status.

Trevor is always welcome to come here and explain himself and own up to things he has said, but make no mistake, I'll hold his feet to the fire and hold him accountable for everything he's said and done.


Trevor is a liar who makes up stories that he cannot explain or prove.

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