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Date Posted: 10:32:07 08/12/14 Tue
Author: George (Hi Everyone!!)
Author Host/IP: c-71-63-15-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: This could be a promising Brian book
In reply to: Lazlo 's message, "This could be a promising Brian book" on 10:34:36 06/01/14 Sun

Hi All!!

Been way too long since I wrote down anything on our Brian but I DO still read the post's and like visiting this excellent forum (the best).

I can't wait until the book comes out. I also hope that the people interviewed are more fair and balanced towards Brian. I was at a book store just the other day and again checked out Keith's book (never bought the book) and since he totally trashes Brian even after 40 some years later... I am under the impression that this might be a break through for Brian's sake. Though I will not hold my breath either. Too many times (other than Bill's Book) Brian gets back stabbed by not only the other Stones and ALO but others that were part of their inner circle of friends etc...

Let's hope this one comes out right. I have a sense of (some) remorse from Mick which is good, yet at the same time, he is far from not being guilty for Brian's decline and lack of influence inside the band.

ALO is definitely guilty. His decision to remove a microphone from Brian during live performances... to moving Brian only playing in the background, barely seen on videos, to not allowing Brian give interviews is appalling and done out of spite. Again Keith and Mick probably told ALO to do this because THEY were jealous of Brian to begin with.

Keith is the one though, since he was closest to Brian in the band, that still bothers me the most. I can't put my fingers on it as to why he still holds such a grudge. I suppose (who am I kidding it's been over 40 years!! LOL) he will never change. Which is sad... just like Brian never coming back is sad. They are two different things altogether yet they are the same. Make sense? I am not sure if that is a good anology (probably not) but they (Brian & Keith) are in a small circle close together and always will be.

Charlie? Well he claims Brian was always very nice to him and hated he was there when they fired Brian. Claims it was the worst thing they ever did as bandmembers. Then he turns around and says Brian was just another Guitar player who was not very good at any instrument because Brian never applied himself for too long etc... all very perplexing to me. Which is it Charlie? Bash Brian or Brian was a nice guy?

To get the truth about Brian you have to go outside the band to get the real deal as to who he was... hopefully, this new book will do that and give Brian the proper respect he deserves. He certainly never got the proper credit from his own Band Mates(other than Bill).

Hope you all are doing well either here or anywhere around this big planet. I still marvel we can keep in touch over a keyboard (through the years) and talk about our Brian!! Take care as always and I will work on not being such a stranger!!

All the best,


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