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Date Posted: 12:02:26 10/24/14 Fri
Author: George (Book is out)
Author Host/IP: c-71-63-15-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: What Really happened in February 1967?
In reply to: pam 's message, "Re: What Really happened in February 1967?" on 17:51:37 10/15/14 Wed

Hi All!!

I have yet to buy the book but read parts of it in the store earlier today. Book seems to be a very good read. Much of the focus (by the author) is setting the record straight on all of the BS that has been written over the years (the books supporting Mick/Keith). Brian had too much trust in Mick & Keith (believing their friendship would never die. Brian believing they were like family). ALO certainly didn't help Brian's cause either.

For whatever reason the rest of the Stones took Brian for granted until they decided they no longer needed him (through the years). Never gave him any song writing credits nor any kudos for a job well done. Numerous songs are mentioned where Brian should have been given credit (Ruby Tuesday, Paint It Black, Under My Thumb, Last Time, and others). One guy who witnessed the recordings told Brian that he was giving the Stones a "blank check" towards the Royalties etc...all passed on to Mick & Keith of course. For whatever reason Brian didnt care or never fought to get the deserved credit. Very confusing to me.

Brian would be in constant competition with Mick (mainly) and Keith for the fans choice of being number 1 in the group. Mick would get seriously bitter over this. Brian didn't even have to try... he just naturally had it. Which pissed off Mick even more!! LOL. On the West Coast (in America) Brian was by far number one with the fans. Seems ALO and Mick/Keith tried every trick in the book to push down Brian (including coming up with ways to push Brian out altogether) but it never worked. Can you say the word "Jealous" much? The truth is they all knew that Brian was the most talented musician ib the group and was years ahead of the the band when it came to style , clothes, looks etc... Brian naturally had the famous word "IT". The author goes into great detail with examples (knocking down Brian) and goes inside the studios of various recordings to prove how far Mick/Keith/ALO would go to show Brian that it was they and not Brian who ran the show (not listening to any of Brian's ideas or suggestions to a song etc... but then Brian would prove them wrong anyway by playing a part that made a song (Paint It Black for example) all of a sudden work. Of course, the author notes, Brian does not get any credits for the song.

I intend to buy the book over the weekend and give it my FULL attention. My suggestion to everyone is go out and buy it!!

Other stories are very good but I don't want to give it all away here. Sadly Brian allows too many bad things to happen. It seems he lets it all slip away intentionally. Where all he had to do was stand up and be a man. Don't take any sh** from the others in the Stones. Then later on the same thing goes with the Police/Narcs (although that would have been very difficult to pull off). The drugs/alcohol certainly did not help... specially the Mandrix (Ludes). Geez that stuff was awful and turned Brian into nothing more than a waste case. For Doctors to give him that and other downer pills... no wonder Brian fell by the wayside towards the end. It's a shame he thought they were actually helping him. I tried "Ludes" one time in my life (college) and I remember I had to be helped home (too many beers mixed with the pill) as I could not walk!! Ugh!! It definitely can knock anyone out and make he/she completely worthless the rest of the day/night.

Well hope everyone has a good weekend!!


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