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Date Posted: 07:48:02 12/18/14 Thu
Author: George (Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays)
Author Host/IP: c-71-63-15-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net /
Subject: Glyn Johns New Book is Out!!

Hi All!!

Another new Book (Glyn Johns) is out that covers our Brian and The Rolling Stones (along with many other artists including The Beatles, Led Zepplin and many many more famous bands). I saw it yesterday at Barnes & Noble Book Store and did a quick glance through the book.

I would strongly suggest buying the book. It looks very good. Although, Glyn Johns does not put Brian in the "great guy" category. As most of you know, Glyn Johns was the Recording Engineer for the Stones and actually recorded the Stones very first Demo Record when Brian was obviously the leader of the Stones (back in 1963). For that little story alone it's worth the price of the book but there are some real cool bands that he recorded and he tells a great story from what I read.

Just an FYI, I did not know Glyn Johns was best friends with Ian Stewart of the Stones either. He mentions "Stu" quite a bit and takes the same attitude towards Brian that "Stu" did... again a genuine dislike but at the same time great admiration for Brian's Musical talents.

Glyn Johns also goes into detail about the abuse Brian took from Keith and Mick. So with these last two books a couple of "Big Pieces" of the puzzle have fit quite nicely. A new perspective on the Brian versus Mick and Keith story/narrative. Unfortunately, it's not a happy story and very sad (from what I read).

I definitely plan on buying the book, though. Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season. Merry Christmas too!!

All the best!!


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