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Date Posted: 13:20:46 06/03/15 Wed
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Trynka's book "ruined" nothing
In reply to: Bernard Mc Dermott 's message, "how did we let Trynkas book ruin this board?" on 16:28:23 05/20/15 Wed


According to the reviews on Amazon.com and Amazon.uk written by readers of Trynka's book, Paul's book is well received and well liked and brought some new Brian Jones facts to the table. I haven't picked it up yet so I can't comment on it either way.
If this book came out a few years ago, I'm guessing it would have been discussed much here.
A message board is only as good as it's members, I'm sure each poster has their own reasons for not posting here infrequently or not any more.
The Censored board closed a couple years ago and the 331 (supposed) registered members of the BJFC forum have rarely posted anything in the last few years, so this dilemma isn't exclusive to LARS.
I know there is a Brian Jones Friends (or something to that effect) account on Facebook, I don't know if that's where all the action is or not since I'm not on FB.
Of course we can't forget that Gerry Seda, the creator of this board and several prominent members here in the past have passed on.
People come and go, move on, we all have lives and things going on outside of the internet. I really don't have the time in my life to author posts for a message board these days.
Lastly Bernard, a guy who's been dead for well over 45 years doesn't generate much news or topics for discussion, that is if people want to discuss them. Trynka's book should have been a great topic for discussion, but in no way did it ruin this board. JMHO.

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  • Re: how did we let Trynkas book ruin this board? -- Pam, 20:12:31 06/09/15 Tue (d-173-44-78-224.cpe.metrocast.net/
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