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Date Posted: 04:39:11 06/11/15 Thu
Author: Linda (I don't mind at all!)
Author Host/IP: 184-156-209-28.dyn.centurytel.net /
Subject: Re: Bumping from page 9 for justice
In reply to: Lazlo 's message, "Bumping from page 9 for justice" on 17:03:10 06/10/15 Wed


I'd forgotten about this post! Thank you for resurrecting it. The computer I used to post it from I don't even have anymore! That was long before I retired, which has been a good 4 years ago.

Also, this poem you've re-posted has a sort of paranormal bent. I'd been having a "discussion" with his beloved friend Old Spice about whether or not Brian was "just a spoiled brat trying to get his way", as she felt he was, or if he was right that she "didn't understand", as was my point of view. He appeared to me in a dream that night. He looked confused and was trying to say something to me across a gap between two buildings. We were on a couple of balconies, and his voice sounded like a buzzing bee, and I couldn't make it out. I've since learned from friends who know more about the subject that I had experienced a "classic" spirit visit by someone trying to communicate across the gap between worlds with someone who had no talents in that area. I'm one of those people psychics call "closed". A spirit could stand next to me, pound on me, and scream in my ear, but I wouldn't hear or feel them. However, the next morning as I sat down to work, Brian must have gotten some new "power" from somewhere and my head felt like it was going to explode if I didn't stop what I was doing and write this poem. Once I had it written, all the "compulsions" stopped. If it WAS him, and not just an overactive imagination on MY part, the very idea that spirits monitor the Internet, even if it didn't exist in THEIR time, is wondrous. Also, the idea Brian cared enough about what a friend in life had thought about him 40 years before to try and reach a total stranger about the subject is awesome. What a guy!

I found a picture of him wearing the hat he had on in the dream and posted it with the poem...after filtering it in Photoshop to get an ethereal effect. I was into stuff like that back then. LOL!!

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