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Date Posted: 16:01:04 06/19/15 Fri
Author: Bernie (really impressed-this is real STONES Poetry)
Author Host/IP: cpe-68-174-245-161.si.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Here is my "Ode" about the concert!
In reply to: Miss Debby 's message, "Re: Here is my "Ode" about the concert!" on 20:26:24 03/07/11 Mon

Linda, I sometimes Imagine Brian is talking to me as well. Of course Im nuts, but no matter You are very multitalented and a great artist! The first time I saw them was the last night of the 1972 tour...I was right in front of them. when they played Tumbling Dice the music was so lovely I started to cry uncontrollably and did for at least 15 minutes after the show ended. I picked up some rose petals and confetti off the floor and put it in my pocket; I carried it with me for month's.the first electric Guitar I ever played was my friend Richard's Gibson Firebird..He taught me Midnight Rambler and Gimme Shelter. These Guitar tricks stayed with me my whole life..I used to draw pictures of the Stones with Brian above them as an angel with a horned top hat like the R&R Circus. There are so many stories I could tell, but Ill leave them for the future Right now Im wearing a bandana around my head with my hair all tossed up like Keith. All the guys in New York have the most boring hairstyles, only hip people notice me and say hello. That concert turned me into a lifer..I recently restablished contact with some guys I once played with Im going to England on July 6, but I hope we can play when I return. Brian and his band are always good luck for me. Love and peace, B-

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