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Date Posted: 18:06:38 07/29/15 Wed
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Similarities
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: Similarities" on 04:05:43 07/29/15 Wed

"Now THAT is interesting information, Lazlo!"

Interesting but pretty much useless information, I'm sure you would agree Linda.

How about:

BOTH were male.

BOTH had a first name of Brian.

BOTH were from the UK.

BOTH were Pisces.

A lot of the similarities listed in the original post are somewhat of a reach IMO.

Now it would be interesting if CLOUGH attended a Rolling Stones concert and the next day, JONES attended a football match in which CLOUGH played. IF that happened then one could attempt to claim the stars were truly aligned!

On a somewhat odd note, I remember seeing this list back in 2008 or so, it was sent to me via e-mail by a former friend (or so I thought) in the UK named Meriel Bar-something (forgot the last name) who ended up falling in with the wrong crowd and made a complete and utter fool of herself despite my best efforts to to show her the light. Hopefully she's come to her senses and broken away from that nutty Eugene Landy-ish mentor by now. Even if she did manage to stop the insanity and break free, I really don't think she's got the cojones to ever admit to the error of her ways, so she'll probably just end up wallowing in her swan dress (sorry, but that's the best analogy I can think of at the moment).

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