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+mare follows steed into lands, optics scanning members of herd, before shifting, landing on beautiful flowers coating valley's floor. She whickers softly, before stepping up beside friend.+ (NT) | Dawn's Fire | 17:42:07 05/15/03 Thu |
- |stallion grins and points with chiselled visage. My brother is the dappled grey besides the chestnut stallion. His name is Illusion. Virile lets forth cry to older brother, grin bursting all over facade| (NT) -- Emotion, 17:58:08 05/15/03 Thu
- +mare smiles at stallion's words. I'm sure he will be surprised, and glad, to see you again. Has it been long?+ (NT) -- Dawn's Fire, 18:04:04 05/17/03 Sat
- |I believe the last time I saw him was...after our dam died. I don't think I've ever visited him here before. It's been too long.| (NT) -- Emotion, 18:12:31 05/17/03 Sat
- +mare smiles, knowing reunion would be a joyful one. I imagine you will both have a long talk?+ (NT) -- Dawn, 18:22:22 05/17/03 Sat
- |stallion whinnies to the grey form of his sibling. Illusion. I'm here. Me, Emotion.| (NT) -- Emotion, 19:24:00 05/18/03 Sun
- ::stallion hears call of other and turns away from Soul. Auds prick and upon hearing sibling's greeting, he moves forth with a soft smile 'pon features. Hello there Emotion. Been quite a while since I've seen you. And may I ask, who is your travelling companion?:: (NT) -- Illusion, 14:39:11 05/19/03 Mon
- |This lovely lady is my friend from White Island..Dawn's Fire. Dawn, meet Illusion.| (NT) -- Emotion, 17:08:53 05/20/03 Tue
- +mare smiles, dipping head in greeting. Hello, Illusion. It is a pleasure to meet you.+ (NT) -- Dawn, 17:26:56 05/20/03 Tue
- ::stallion thinks for a moment and then continues. I'm glad you visited. It's about time you've visited some of your other relatives, apart from me. Mysterious Fire has a few offspring, I'm not sure if you guys met them. Freedom and Liberty the twins and their new daughter Justice. I'm sure Justice would love meeting others. She's never been outside of Rainbow Valley.:: (NT) -- Illusion, 17:04:17 05/21/03 Wed
- (intrigued) -- Blue Gold, 17:07:28 05/21/03 Wed
- :::follows::: -- Justice, 17:30:21 05/21/03 Wed
- |speaks| -- Emotion, 17:34:28 05/21/03 Wed
- :::uncle?::: -- Justice, 17:46:54 05/21/03 Wed
- |explanation| -- Emotion, 17:50:01 05/21/03 Wed
- :::grins::: -- Justice, 18:03:43 05/21/03 Wed
- |smiles| -- Emotion, 18:08:13 05/21/03 Wed
- +hello+ -- Dawn, 10:59:43 05/22/03 Thu
- :::new friends::: -- Justice, 11:02:30 05/22/03 Thu
- =greeting= -- Liberty, 11:04:36 05/22/03 Thu
- |well| -- Emotion, 18:36:23 05/22/03 Thu
- +fine+ -- Liberty, 08:04:10 05/23/03 Fri
- |speaks| -- Emotion, 21:34:51 05/23/03 Fri
- +that's okay+ -- Dawn, 10:19:23 05/24/03 Sat
- +approach+ -- MF, 10:25:58 05/24/03 Sat
- =pleasure= -- Liberty, 10:27:43 05/24/03 Sat
- ::speaks:: -- Illusion, 19:33:42 05/24/03 Sat
- +nods+ -- MF, 10:17:28 05/25/03 Sun
- +really?+ -- Dawn, 17:31:10 05/26/03 Mon
- |grins| -- Emotion, 17:52:25 05/28/03 Wed
- +smiles+ -- Dawn, 18:14:30 05/28/03 Wed
- |speaks| -- Emotion, 17:50:10 05/29/03 Thu
- +nothing+ -- Dawn, 17:56:22 05/29/03 Thu
- |well| -- Emotion, 17:36:44 05/30/03 Fri