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Date Posted: 15:56:28 08/06/01 Mon
Author: Rich and Amy
Subject: Monday's appointment

Hello again!

Today's appointment went much more smoothly.........phew! I cathed Caelin and it went in smoothly....wait till you hear some of her sayings thanks to our dear Dr. G's Kentucky upbringing! ex: "That catheter's as slick as a dogs hind leg......and .....Do you have enough goose grease on that?" .....not exactly typical Rensselaer lingo!!!

Sooooo....now we try this for a few days and report back to Dr. G. on Wednesday with the amount her bladder is draining and he will tell us where we go from there. It is possible that we will be ready to come home by the middle to end of next week. I hope everything goes as planned....that would be wonderful. It would be nice for Caelin to spend some summer time with her friends before it is time for school again.

I guess that's it......other than going to an Orioles game Friday night and Sunday afternoon.......there isn't much going on. We did find a Catholic Church that is beautiful. The middle aisle is as long as our street!!! literally!!! It was huge! Mass was very nice.......of course not as nice as home! We'll have to squeeze some shopping in as payback for all these baseball games!

Take care.........

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