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Date Posted: 11:44:16 08/03/01 Fri
Author: Rich and Amy
Subject: Caelin's Thursday appointment

Hi everyone.

Thursday's appointment didn't go as well as we would have liked. Dr. G. cathed Caelin for the first time, but ran into resistance. I could see him getting a little nervous.......which is rare for him in our experiences.....we are getting to really know him I guess! He then tried a smaller catheter.....and he was able to get it in. Phew! He said there are times when the stoma isn't cathable....it is rare, but it does happen. He also said it is always in the back of his mind......we are glad he worries about these things too!......shows he cares! Then came my turn......I couldn't get it all the way in and didn't want to push....I could see his wheels spinning and he said he could feel some stitches at the end and wanted to give it some more time. He decided to put a foley catheter with a balloon on the end of it into her bladder because he suspects the one that has been in wasn't in her bladder which is why the end of the stoma isn't as wide as the rest. So hopefully this will help to widen the end of the passage way, and we can start cathing on Monday. We'll know more then! Caelin was really brave during the whole thing. She was very scared because of past cathing experiences, but once she realized it wasn't going to hurt, she could calm herself down (Gina the Child Life Specialist helped a lot with this too!).

We went to a game at Camden Yards yesterday and had awesome seats.....right behind Home. It was perfect weather. Patrick ate everything in sight, and Caelin kept her eye on the "Oriole" in costume to make sure it didn't come near. Some things never change! They had a great time. It was an impressive ball field.....( I was bored by the second inning of course......that frosted Rich's cookies!)

Aunt Colleen and Uncle Ed stopped by today on their way to Williamsburg. Sounds like they have a nice vacation planned.......peaceful!

Everyone have a great weekend! We will let you know how it goes Monday afternoon!

Amy, Rich, Caelin and Patrick

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