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Subject: People Often Need Leaders to Create & Maintain Benefits. | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 15:06:07 07/22/21 Thu In previous posts, I emphasized using your ability to optimize benefits as inspiration for people to accept your leadership. Your leadership should include guidance & influencing perceptions, not just stocking shelves. Show how people create more advantages by integrating your store into their lives. Interactions & transactions often seem to be more beneficial for leaders & business owners than followers & consumers. Since customers compare competitive offers, use ads & consultations to describe how you help people create specific optimal value. Help people recognize value, so they can justify purchases. It’s harder for people to justify purchasing if they benefit too little & retailers seem to benefit too much. Analogy: Think of consumers’ conditions as balance scales. Disadvantages, problems & risks are heavy enough to outweigh consumers’ current resources & efforts. Imagine you’re on a third arm & your profits tip the balance closer to your advantage. Though your profits come from helping consumers, it can seem like the balance tips more in your favor without enough value for consumers. Your profits might seem to reduce consumers’ resources without proportionately reducing heavy problems. To justify costs of your leadership, help consumers perceive value of reducing or eliminating negative conditions. Explain value to customers so they perceive how you tip that 3-arm scale for them & reduce the load of problems. Example: ‘When you use (products) & this plan to (create result), you’ll benefit because __. Will (result) fulfill your goal, or should we explore something else?’ Define Full Prevention & Solutions Checklists show what’s needed & guide planning by helping customers perceive total problems. Describe effects of kits compared to untreated or insufficiently treated damage. Example: ‘Damage you’ve described will cost $XYZ to repair. If you delay full repairs, the damage will become worse & more expensive to fix because __. Though other stores offer some products, let’s work together on achieving your goal by coordinating a plan with the right products.’ People recognize leaders as having access to resources including knowledge needed to plan methods for using resources. You produce value by determining the best plan, methods & resources to achieve goals. Since people have different perceptive abilities, customers might misinterpret how conditions change. Explain how to find answers for your questions, so you can deduce what’s wrong & plan to make it right. Consultation Example: ‘We’ll review your answers & checklist results to determine your ability to achieve your goal & your comfort with a plan. We'll create your kit as you agree to the feasibility of each part & step. Here’s the information checklist we’ll use to choose products & plan methods.’ This customer service structure is your basis for offering competitive value. Offer Example: ‘In today’s complicated world, causes bring effects & those effects cause other problems. Discount stores sell products based on profitability. (Store) offers reliability, so you get information about specific causes & effects before product suggestions. Since reliability brings satisfaction & your goals define your satisfaction, let’s evaluate what happened & what you need. When we define reliability for your circumstances, we can be sure our planned methods & products fit specific results. Even if discount stores let you return unsatisfactory products, they aren’t helping you achieve goals. Since you need successful projects, you don’t have time for exchanging products & getting refunds. Let’s start your successful project while you’re in (Store), so you’ll have everything from planning to completion.’ Since people hesitate when they aren’t sure what to choose & how to do projects, you should lead customers so they don’t miss out. Project success depends on knowing which causes are starting, fully happening or ending. Checklists help in confirming causes are over so customers can start repairing effects. Success requires knowing which causes bring which effects & possibly prioritizing major problems when resources are limited. Offer Example: ‘Since people have multiple challenges, bring your concerns to (Store) to be sure you solve the highest priority problems. Though it’ll still be an imperfect world, (Store) offers checklists to find & reduce imperfections.’ Prioritization might be based on inaccurate & incomplete information. Since it’s an imperfect world, people decide based on incomplete perceptions. Also people disregard what doesn’t fit their paradigms. Leaders help people adjust thoughts & feelings. People feel X when they experience Y, so they think Z. When people think better experiences are possible & feel those experiences have important benefits, they think of ways to gain those benefits. You can guide their thoughts by offering results from effective, efficient processes, so people believe results are possible. When you have descriptive case studies/testimonials, you can introduce options so customers can imagine benefits. Consultation Example: ‘A customer was frustrated because __. Let’s review this case study about how (products) were used with specific methods & to create (result). Did this case start like yours? Since (product) specifications fit the solution you need, let’s check how comfortable you are with the instructions. We can adjust ways to use (products), so your benefits will be __ & is compatible with __. In X years, it’ll be time for a maintenance kit. Are we both understanding how you can use (products) with these methods & get the right result?’ Connect Customers’ Thoughts & Perceptions to Value When you help customers' integrate thoughts & perceptions with new information, they'll recognize value of your offers. Which information can connect people to what they need &want? It’s a matter of connecting customers’ thoughts & perceptions to what will bring fulfilling options. Consultation Example: ‘Based on your answers, this information will help you understand how these products & this plan fit your repair & prevention needs. When you finish your project, your confidence will reduce your stress.’ Lead people to turn wishes into desires & plans. Goals can feel out of reach because people don’t have accurate plans. Accurate plans are based on what’s possible with available resources. Desires are demoted to wishes after disappointments. If people overestimate resources &/or misinterpret conditions, desired results could be unrealistic or achieved results could be impractical. Offer Example: ‘Since discount store shoppers don’t get any guidance, it’s possible to buy products & create results that don’t prevent or solve problems. Each person specializes in something & some problems don’t fit your specialty. (Store) specializes in (results). Everybody needs a team. It’s time to prevent/solve (problem) with a team effort at (Store). Since team efforts require resources & plans, that’s what (Store) offers you to prevent/solve (problem).’ Leaders Clarify Perceptions & Challenge Thoughts Based on your product knowledge & conditions awareness, you can help people sort through facts to find what didn’t work & why. Misunderstood perceptions & unchallenged thoughts can become beliefs. Clarification can renew confidence. Consultation Example: ‘Though (product A) can be adequate for similar conditions, (product B) is better for us locally. Though you used the right techniques when (product A) failed, it was like a domino that knocked the rest down. (Product B) is effective with different techniques, so let’s form another plan based on current information.’ Provide information for each step including evaluating preliminary & final results plus determining which maintenance practices are necessary & when. Since some decisions require unfamiliar research & comparisons, people should use processes for finding necessary information & determining which sources & facts are pertinent. Easily obtainable resources can seem sufficient to people who don’t know total possibilities. When you help people find new resources, help them recreate conditions. Nudge people with new beginnings & different (well-chosen) resources. Offer Example: ‘(Store) project kits are made for local conditions & customizable for your needs & desires. With new products, methods & information, you’ll create more comfort. During our consultation, we’ll identify what you need for success & make a kit for your personal project. You’ll have less stress & more success when you start your project confidently.’ Until people know consequences of actions, they won’t know what to do. After people learn about methods, they need to learn about products or vice versa. Since they might need to iterate between choosing products & planning compatible methods, people should have processes. Comprehensive plans leave very little or nothing to chance, so people are confident enough to strive for progress. Hesitation prevents their benefits & your sales. Since anybody is apt to make mistakes, the confidence you inspire can bring people back because they want to reduce costs & avoid costly mistakes. Even after mastering some skills, customers might hesitate about unfamiliar activities. When you & other customers show how to create results that fit needs & desires, potential benefits outweigh people’s perceived risks. Customer integration includes helping people make optimal decisions, so they can optimize results. Stress relief begins when you help people feel comfortable because they know they have essential information. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2021 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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