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Subject: Necessity is More Important than Store Locations | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 14:37:13 08/26/21 Thu Your store location won’t matter to people until your offers fit people’s goals. As you add value to consumers’ results, they depend on your inputs to maximize & maintain outcomes. Customer Intimacy strengthens relationships by offering the most comprehensive, customized preventions & solutions customers can afford. Divorce can end intimacy when people feel disappointed, especially when they find better offers. Customer Integrators go further with interdependent consultations about customers’ conditions & goals for systematic results. During interdependent consultations, retailers & customers learn from each other with questions & answers to increase understanding & benefits for others also. Optimal products & information make stores necessary for creating & maintaining reliable, predictable results inspiring customers’ full confidence. Doubt about results brings stress which reduces life quality & could cause future indecisiveness. Feelings (pride or regret) about results can cause positive or negative feelings about product manufacturers & retailers. Reduce customers' doubt & regret by providing information to help them understand & evaluate conditions & options. Your efforts show dedication to consumers instead of greed. Use information from suppliers, government agencies & educators to help customers make optimal decisions along all stages from planning to preserving & adjusting benefits. Leadership & Cognitive Labor Leadership includes optimizing mental efforts of identifying & using valuable resources. Decisions & thinking require energy. Stress reduces energy. Tired people become more stressed when they have more decisions to make. Outline thought processes & planning, so people are less stressed & more productive. Example: ‘The issue is __. Causes are __. Effects are __. If your conditions are __, options for reducing causes are __. Control of those causes brings these options for fixing the effects: __. Of these options, the best local option is __. The steps are __. These (products & methods) are effective & efficient because __.’ Offer Example: ‘Whether you think multi-tasking is productive, you’ll be more productive when you’re not distracted by multiple problems. Progress is limited each time you use physical &/or mental energy to pay attention to things that should be resolved already. With consultations & complete kits from (Store), you can be sure problems are practically settled, so you can focus on other priorities. (Store) has the right quality products & plans you need for confidence to conquer problems & move on. Let’s reduce your stress by solving & preventing problems.’ Explain Why Your Store is Necessary for Stress Relief. Even if customers don’t expect total protection against problems, there's value in reducing risks. Example: Infested trees can fall & cause injuries & damage, so people remove blighted trees. Others preserve trees & reduce blight by killing insects & fungi, so it's important to know whether trees can be saved, possibly including branch removal. Those temporary treatments seem less drastic than felling trees. Smooth flowing information & material resources make your store necessary by reducing customers' distress. When people feel uncertain or are sure negative things will happen, stress increases until people find relief. Make specific offers based on how products & methods create integrated customized results to relieve & prevent problems. Price list ads don’t offer specific relief. Offer consultations to discuss details, so you can integrate customized results into people’s immediate expectations & long-term lives. Example: Tree planting & trimming advice can save awnings from damage as trees & branches grow taller & wider. People can enjoy awnings & trees unless growth & rough weather overwhelm them. When you offer definitively chosen products for prevention or solution projects, include timely information to raise awareness of problems. You shouldn’t assume people already know why your offers are valuable. There’s value in helping people understand threats & optimal remedies. Definitive remedies are based on defining what went wrong & why, so customers stop causes plus mitigate effects. After customers are reassured about remedies, their hope makes it easier to focus on creating optimal results. Like any pain, stress seems to push people toward quick liberation, like pain killing pills instead of cures. When you liberate people from stress, they can focus on long-term relief. That’s why you should promote value beyond products & prices. Even if other retailers promote product benefits, consumers need methods for using products to create & maintain benefits. People need information to evaluate plans & results to avoid incomplete or ill-advised results. Offer Example: ‘Some retailers brag about prices or product selection. (Store) offers consultations about conditions & results to recommend project kits for establishing specific benefits. Let’s review what’s possible if you need something quick plus determine what’s optimal for establishing long benefits. Benefit establishment requires the product quality plus optimal methods (Store) offers.’ Instructional Testimonials Customer Integration inspires testimonials by showing you give advice for optimal customers’ results instead of just pushing products. Ask how customers created benefits to clarify how to write instructions & confirm what works. Instructional testimonials can encourage customers with contextual insights. Example: ‘I chose (product) because I could use it to __. It made a difference because in our area, (problem) starts each year unless we eliminate (precursors). After I removed (precursors) with (product 1 & method 1), it was easier to install (materials). Now I can maintain it with (product 2 & method 2). If I notice (symptom), it indicates I need to use (product 3 & method 3).’ Customer Integration fulfills expectations & needs/desires for lasting value. People might gain short-term results from discounters’ stuff because of poor quality & no consultations. Brand reputations make purchase decisions easier but to increase sales, manufacturers give into discount retailers’ demands. Consumers’ expectations are apt to be based on earlier reputations. Some manufacturers sacrifice reputations by reducing quality of materials & labor to comply with discounters’ pressure to cut prices. There are limits to how much costs can be cut by off-shoring & economies of scale. People hope reputations are still valid & believe lower prices bring more value. Strong reputations seem to indicate poor results are from bad luck instead of bad quality. How would people know if failure is due to misinterpreting conditions, poor products or bad methods? Some manufacturers don't tolerate higher costs of changing product runs to include better materials. You should be aware - you could get discount product versions. Some cheap products aren’t made for preventative maintenance or repairs, so failure is likely & necessitates full replacements. If you don’t have access to high quality products, how can you help customers work around or overcome product quality gaps? Is there information you can convert into methods for preparing for projects or adapting results? Discounters can force manufacturers to absorb costs of product returns, so consumers spend time & energy returning products instead of finishing projects. Their customers might still return often, so discount retailing is a hard business model to compete against. Despite discounters’ claims, their reputation is the opposite of building dependable value by integrating high quality products, methods & information. Without better offers from local retailers, discount customers can think they have little to win, but nothing to lose. Explain the importance of investing in high quality results. When prices seem to be the main value criterion, people don't think about how long they need results to last. Explain why durability is important for specific purposes. Define durability & what's required to optimize specific conditions. Explain how your offer fulfills those purposes, requirements & definitions. If you set people’s result quality expectations & guide preliminary planning, people will know what’s possible through integration with your store. After basic projects fulfill purposes, people can maintain foundational results, plus upgrade aspects to increase satisfaction. Offer Example: ‘During any __ project, whatever can go wrong could go wrong at the worst times. It isn’t just a matter of bad luck because discount stores push shoddy products. You can create good luck with projects designed for your conditions. (Store) has information to design projects, choose products & plan methods, so you’ll know which causes you need to change & which effects you need to create. Discount retailers expect you to settle for commodity products. Without customized planning, you’re stuck with commoditized methods & results that are like cheap clothes adequate enough to cover you, but uncomfortable. When needs aren’t fulfilled, cheap products could cause more problems than they prevent. When manufacturers sacrifice their reputations & discount product quality doesn't match your expectations, you need consultations to evaluate your conditions & products. (Store) consultations help you invest your time & energy in creating dependable results. You can achieve goals while others wait in discount store lines to buy & return defective products.’ You can avoid disappointing customers by helping them compare expectations with conditions, product specifications & method effectiveness. Consultation Example: ‘Based on what happened & how conditions change, let’s consider available products & tasks you’re willing to do, so you’ll know what to expect. You can have maximum effectiveness with this kit because (products & methods) make (result) a long-term benefit by preventing (problems).’ Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2021 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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