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Subject: Your Advantages Should Include Reexamining Customers’ Conditions | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 15:32:36 10/25/21 Mon Reexaminations can bring & protect benefits by uncovering what novices might not realize. It isn’t only obvious things that interfere with benefits. You can differentiate yourself from competitors by finding opportunities & eliminating obstacles. If people don’t identify obstacles, resources might be wasted by compensating later for what should’ve been removed before finishing projects. Discounters push popular products without helping people understand how to create benefits. Your customer value perspective & knowledge can create benefits with products & methods for customers beyond saving a few dollars. Fine-tune Project Kits What could connect current circumstances to a beneficial future & make goals easier to achieve? Which other resources are necessary? How should new resources be connected to each other plus established results? How can people benefit more from what they own? Example: Customers might have patios with retractable awnings but not enough lawn space for regular gardens. People can grow compact plants in pots & planters which can be repositioned to clear space for barbecues. Spices & herbs could be grown & harvested as desired while barbecuing. Optimize Cognitive Labor with Questions & Answers Before customers finalize plans & purchases, reexamining conditions can ensure clarity & reduce mistakes. Compare plans while reexamining problems & resources to expand knowledge of what’s wrong plus optimize abilities to make things right. Customers should choose options based on criteria developed from full knowledge. Though the internet & libraries hold information, you can connect product purchases with local knowledge & other facts relating to customers’ needs & goals. Since knowledge is NOT power without implementation, people need insights to use information to optimize products & methods. You can offer adjustments when you know about people’s usual products & methods. Offer Example: ‘Though it’s common to settle for (basic result), you don’t have to miss out on (benefit category). (Store) consultations can guide you to increase opportunities. You’ll enjoy (specific benefits) by adding (products & methods). You’ll be advised in choosing product versions & using customized methods to develop life-specific benefits instead of less interesting generic results. Do you want whatever discount stores push? Or do you want special advantages you deserve from (Store).’ That’s a Benefit for You Because People want to know WIIFM ‘What’s in it for me?’ It’s a valid question, but not a rich question. The rich version is: ‘I have (problem), so why should I buy this from YOU?’ You should offer integrated advantages because many products are easy to find & some retailers only recommend general product benefits. Customer integrators explain advantages of integrating products & methods to optimize benefits. If you don’t offer those advantages, why do you expect people to buy from you? People need guidance to find & sort through relevant facts plus understand how to apply facts in choosing products & methods to create results. It’s important to be careful about advice based on other people’s comparable needs, conditions & results. People could have short-term satisfaction by imitating similar people’s methods using similar products to remedy similar problems. Slight neglected differences could combine into long-term project failures. Any differences, especially multiple differences, can cause problems instead of bring solutions. Help customers learn which information is relevant & enough, so they don't delay projects & increase costs by creating unnecessary results or pursuing unattainable benefits. People might conclude something doesn’t work because they tried the best plan without adequate knowledge, skills & products. People can feel betrayed if they thoroughly fulfill product instructions to achieve short-term results & projects fail later. Ask if customers expect temporary patches or full solutions, so expenses & efforts are worthwhile. People might check with you but buy from discounters. It’s a reason to differentiate your quality from discount offers. Analogy: If total results quality & long-term success would be 100 points, five perfect materials could supply 50 points. Even if perfect methods contribute 50 full points, poor quality materials might trickle in 20 points. Since results depend on each material, that project would fail eventually despite apparent short-term achievement. It’s because 100-point success would be difficult without consultations focused on fully defining & resolving specific conditions with the right methods & products. Consider Long-term Results Diagnoses might be incomplete or inaccurate when more problem symptoms are discovered after projects start. Plans should include alternative steps &/or reexaminations if changes become necessary. Products & plans can seem to fail because people rush in without considering possible misperceptions. Example: Wisconsin conditions are hard for vehicles. I didn’t know how long my old car would last, but I needed to replace a loud, rusted exhaust system. I chose products that might last as long as my car. After a repair, my car wasn’t as quiet as I expected because of my cheap muffler choice. The installation was good but products were only adequate. I bought a modicum of certainty without total comfort. People might demand certainty, control & comfort without defining expectations. Do people expect to banish all doubt or just confirm specific facts? Does control mean preventing symptoms or reducing severity? Does comfort mean preventing all pain or achieving refreshing sleep? Consultation Example: ‘If you can create ABC but not XYZ, would this project be successful? How long should ABC last? If (material) needs 8 hours to dry, would that interfere with your schedule? If we add (product) to the kit & you do (method), you can create (result). Do you want that added benefit though it would cost $__ more & add 2 hours of labor? When you think about your budget & available time, is there a higher priority result we should fulfill?’ Trial & Learning Trial & error processes imply ending with errors which can cause more problems & delay solutions. When customers choose options from case studies of lessons learned, quicker solutions can reduce damage. Limited time pushes people to quickly learn skills to use unfamiliar products in time to avoid urgent damage. Pre-assembled materials in kits can reduce that pressure. Questions & answers guide people in the logic of unfamiliar projects. What firmly indicates whether projects succeed or fail? What constitutes full trials in forming reliable conclusions? Is it a number of steps or length of time? Is it a product or method? If preliminary results are unexpected, would it be justified to stop or change projects? Would it be practical to restart some steps or is it unsalvageable? Which case studies of comparable conditions could indicate potential missing or excessive elements? Did anything reveal potential disruptions? What started preventing, ending &/or relieving disruptions? As projects started, progressed & ended, which transitions were positive or negative? Did unexpected symptoms emerge? Trial & error can produce waste, but trial & learning can bring value. With proper guidance, processes can be trial & learning if people know how to compare expectations with emerging results. Try to qualify & quantify differences between pre-action conditions, planned results & actual project effects. If conditions were different than previously thought, did that difference disrupt the project? Which facts could indicate different products &/or methods are necessary? Help customers with checklists in case preliminary diagnoses give way to new discoveries or if results don’t fit expectations. Whole projects don’t have to go totally astray, if salvage steps are possible. Project kits should include mid-project guidance so customers can change course based on changing needs &/or if preliminary results don’t fit expectations. People might wonder about results of buying products from you after purchases from other stores. If you don’t have access to specifications of products from other stores, you can offer general reviews of what could/should be possible based on conditions. People might wonder if project benefits would be worth their total monetary, energy & time costs. It can be hard to discern how things might add up. If you have detailed case studies, you can compare those pre-project conditions with customers’ conditions. If goals in case studies match customers’ goals, those can be like answers of equations. If A + B + C + D = 20 (goal); A could = conditions to be changed. B + C + D = necessary inputs to fill gaps between A & 20. B could = materials. C could = tools made necessary by conditions & materials. D could = methods made necessary by tools, conditions & materials. Since using certain materials & tools make certain skills necessary, do customers need to learn those skills or choose other materials & tools? In other words, changing B &/or C can make it necessary to change D to get 20. While comparing customers’ goals with case studies, explain how inputs fit conditions & goals, plus ways inputs synergistically work together for specific results. Example: In that case study, people noticed (problem) & decided to achieve (goal). They used (method) to create (result) with (product). If preliminary results turn in unintended directions, what could’ve caused that or taken away what’s desired? What could be added or taken out now to get projects on track? Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2021 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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