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Subject: Don’t Let Customers Suffer Problems & Lost Opportunities. | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 16:43:00 11/17/21 Wed Customer integration blazes trails through complexities so customers optimize experiences instead of just wishing for something better. If people lack resources & are frustrated by obstacles, they might dismiss your offers as unworkable. Skeptics think ‘That’d be good, but if you knew my conditions, you’d know it won’t happen.’ Explain how your product & local knowledge make your offers work for specific benefits. Convince people they can achieve results with specialized knowledge & products. Analogy: Frustrated people believe ‘optimal experiences – our conditions = aggravation’. After you help people clearly define optimal experiences, their conditions & your offers, you can show their conditions + your offers = optimal experiences. Everything you add to the equation changes the total. What can you add to conditions to reduce gaps between current conditions & desired, optimal experiences? You need to convince specific people your offers can create special transformations by adding your insights to their information. Aggravation dampens desires & can lead to negative mental chains: overwhelmed; self-doubt; hesitation about specific solutions; uncertainty about anything working; general hopelessness; etc. Provide hope with knowledge of effective methods for using new products. Emphasize results are based on the strength of multiple factors, so benefits don’t seem tenuous because projects don’t rely on one product or method. Since you won’t differentiate based on prices or volume, you need to know your market niche's most significant life differences. Why do niche members have certain needs compared to people’s general needs? How would your offers specifically fulfill certain needs more effectively & efficiently? How should customers define effectiveness & efficiency of solutions they need? If you don’t offer all essential products & knowledge, you can be a hub for other stores, so value revolves around you. If desires & problems are predictable, preempt people’s frustrations with explanations of dealing with current & impending obstacles. With consultations, you can understand obstacles & customers’ goals, so remedies fit approaching trouble plus current & desired conditions. Product & Price List Offers Aren’t Enough. Think about your main concerns & what would indicate somebody has ideal preventions or solutions? Back pain & headaches are common, so you might dread those when you wake up any morning. As you prepare for another day, consider the appeal of these offers: ‘Aspirin $4’ OR ‘Back pain is commonly caused by injuries & physical positions aggravating injuries. As you get distracted each day, you probably forget about your posture. StimApp will ping your phone at intervals you set & remind you to check your position. StimPad is a handheld unit with pads to put on your most tense spots. Pads are like medical patches to keep on sensitive spots for hours. When you take breaks, reconnect the pads to the unit & start massages exactly where you need them. When you interrupt back muscle tension, you’ll keep that tension from transferring up through your neck to your head. Your $XY investment in StimKit will disrupt tension that would otherwise disrupt another day of your life.’ Notice the empathetic information showing an advertiser understands customers’ problems. If StimKit would exist, it would be integrated into people’s lives because the advertiser knows how to reduce customers’ problems. It’s like saying ‘I know causes & effects of these problems. Even if we can’t eliminate these causes, let’s work together to reduce these effects.’ Show how to convert hopes into functional desires & avoid frustrations. In sales, friction is defined differently. Let’s think of friction as marketing & life hassles that wear people out. Identify frictions of preventing & solving high priority problems. When marketing friction comes from a lack of facts, fill those gaps. Do people understand how project kits improve conditions? Are products &/or tasks unfamiliar? If inconvenience is the friction, develop easier processes. Do people need exact products & learn complex methods or could basic products & easy-to-learn methods fulfill goals? Division of Labor People, who acknowledge specialized knowledge & skills are important, delegate work based on abilities. Customer integration makes delegation part of retailing. It includes cognitive labor since specialized thinking can improve results. Ads should explain how offers reduce or end problems plus make solution implementations easier than competitors’ options. Even if you’re comfortable with products & methods, customers might experience unfamiliar projects as minor friction or risky trail blazing. Offers should include making projects feel less threatening than problems, so people realize real risks of problems & reevaluate perceived risks. If you can't make products more powerful, make solution implementations easier & more effective. Reduce risks of mistakes & threats. Even if you accurately describe problems as big threats, people might disagree. Combine emotions of dealing with logical effects. Basic Offer: ‘If you (want experience/anticipate problem), it’s easy to wonder what you’ll do if you can’t escape from (daily stress/problem). Have you wondered how similar people can afford to enjoy (activities)/solve (problems), while you struggle? People enjoy (activities)/solve (problems) regularly because they have (product) & can (method). (Kit) provides (products) with instructions specifically for (creating experience/solving problem) & during (Store) consultations, we’ll customize methods according to your goal.’ Too many retailers follow leaders (big retailers), but since leaders get to consumers first, leaders get top prizes. Also-rans get whatever might be left over. It isn’t a matter of being risk-taking pioneers; it’s the importance of the most relevant offers for people’s current needs & desires. Emphasize high quality products & optimal methods for reducing short- & long-term risks. Explain how cheap products & suboptimal techniques can increase risks because benefits might be late &/or inadequate. Example: 'Don't struggle through choosing products & hoping for adequate quality. Don’t be stressed with planning techniques & projects. (Store) consultations identify risks & define benefits while planning projects.' Are People Wandering Because They Wonder How To Create Opportunities? Sometimes people say they’d feel lost without __. What would customers feel lost without? What does lost mean in their context? Maybe it’s only a perceived/potential loss because they haven’t clearly defined it. If you help them find words to describe it, you can determine what to protect or regain. Does lost mean people are disoriented (not sure how to proceed)? Are people unsure if their knowledge would apply to upgraded products? Which established benefits are they losing? Which partially established benefits are at risk? Which opportunities might people miss? Which abilities/skills do they lack? Do they quantify losses as totals or percentages? If it’s totally or almost lost, do they want exact replacements or upgrades? Is it too late to learn to avoid losses? Do they need to learn about upgrades? If people are ready to live differently or try different directions, should replacements be similar to originals or different? Failures or Opportunities to Restart Optimists think failures & losses are opportunities to restart with new information & experiences. Are there opportunities in customers’ losses? Realists think salvageable resources should be used to optimize relaunches & avoid waste. Are goals still achievable & are results still the highest & best use options with those resources? Review previous efforts & conditions to determine what can fulfill new or future goals. Efforts & goals can be adjusted based on what worked before & what’s reliable now plus in the future. Which current/salvaged resources are still available? What could augment or restore resources to make them fully applicable? Would augmentation &/or restoration require too many new resources? Would new results be easier to maintain? Even if physical property is available or applicable, what was/can be learned? Are experiments possible using what might deteriorate? Pessimists think (CENSORED). You can’t turn everything around or inspire everybody to accept improvements. Are positive or negative causes & effects overestimated? Do different interpretations fit those perceptions? What’s been misinterpreted? What can be changed to augment &/or preserve positives? What can be changed to eliminate or decrease negatives? If negatives can’t be eliminated or decreased, what can be changed to halt problems & prevent more deterioration? What are the risks? What causes those risks? What could eliminate or decrease risks? Retaining & regaining control can depend on multiple factors, so which factors can customers currently manage? Which factors can be turned around? Which factors are too deteriorated to save? Could customers retain or regain control if they recognize current resources & learn to salvage & use those? Though customers might know how to use resources for other issues, condition changes might make different methods necessary to optimally fix current factors. After confronting problems, people might have comfortable, but less than optimal approaches. Criteria can help people accurately recognize problems & determine if approaches & solutions are compatible & complete. Problems can seem familiar until people learn about unfamiliar symptoms & change diagnoses. When they learn about unfamiliar, unrecognized symptoms, it’s easier to accept unsuccessful results without hurt pride. Offer Example: ‘When you know what’s wrong, you can learn which products & methods you need. (Store) is dedicated to more than product sales, so you get complete kits & results.’ Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2021 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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