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Subject: Customer Integration Includes Individual Attention Discounters Won’t Offer. | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 15:20:47 12/27/21 Mon Marketing should show you offer powerful values customers need for prized results. Advertising should show you understand niche members’ goals & offer ideal achievement methods. Empower customers by identifying products & methods to sustain powerful results. Customer integration will help you form relationships & differentiate your business. Reaching people with ads can start like greeting social acquaintances. Even if you want conversations, people (who recognize you) have other social options & priorities. Since people tend to listen to & talk about high priorities, which urgent benefits should your ads feature? Since ads can be like nuisance phone calls, which needs & desires would prompt consumers to accept your offers & put other things on hold? What kind of value would stimulate that priority? Do you inspire more hope & offer more functionality than competitors? Functionality is effectiveness & efficiency in creating benefits &/or avoiding benefit losses. Make offers special enough for people to clear their schedules to learn about & buy your offers. Projects might exceed people's abilities to create &/or maintain high priority benefits. Project offers should include consultations & tutorials to relieve strain with increased abilities. Explain why results are necessary & how you expedite projects plus reduce disruptions. If projects seem to be major life detours, people might stay on course unless you show how to: 1) make big improvements &/or 2) end plus avoid problems. Emotions Sink Unless Hope Floats. Functional hope includes methodology & dispels hesitation about setting goals. Functional hope inspires people to find products & apply methods because positive effects are possible. Optimally directed functionality creates inspiring results, so people believe more aspirations are achievable. Your offers can encourage people to bring aspirations to you. Aspirations can be fantasies, someday wishes or specific goals. Design total offers based on customers' goals & explain project effectiveness & efficiency. Projects should be designed with integrated products & methods so people don't rely on luck. Creating good luck is more than motivational philosophy. Be people’s good luck source by lining up elements & creating optimal momentum, so even a few bumps won’t stop projects. Incompatibilities & inconsistencies can arise if people use tutorials for miscellaneous unintegrated (some assembly required) products. Full functionality requires connecting (possibly assembling) products into conditions. Help customers get full benefits without interfering with other benefits. Example: People might buy bikes for transportation & exercise. When workers start shifts, they might be tired with aching backs & legs from commuting on bikes. Exercise might be fulfilled, but would it be efficient transportation? People can reduce air resistance by bending low, but strain their backs. Consultations about bike models & rider positions can maximize top priority benefits by matching product specifications with customers’ needs & desires. When, where & how will products be used? What about conditions should be modified before & during product use? How much can planned methods & products create those modifications? Which criteria indicate whether modifications are complete or should be continued? What would indicate adjustments are necessary? Special People Deserve Special Results. There are many retailers who aren’t concerned about customers’ results & treat people like money sources. You can easily differentiate from those retailers by serving people who don’t want to be commonplace & don't want common results. When complexities are discouraging, people settle for easy, ordinary results. Integrative Complexity can be analogized as optical illusion drawings that seem to be one thing or another, but are really both. If people perceive results as only good or bad, projects might seem to fail. Is partial success a total failure or opportunity for improvement? Though projects create slight improvements, people might feel their expectations or trust are violated. Consultation Example: ‘It’s easy to think we agree, but we might misunderstand each other because we have different interpretations. Let’s be sure we understand what to expect. We might perceive pictures & descriptions differently, so though challenges seem low now, complexity can become real quickly after you start. This full project could take XX hours even for highly skilled people; so instructions are highly detailed for novices. If a few details are missed, results might seem adequate but fail later. (Review the benefits list.) If your finished project creates (benefit 1) but not (benefit 2), would your satisfaction rate as high as 10, low as 1 or another level? Based on that, let’s be sure (result) definitely happens by thoroughly defining (method).’ Fight, Flee or Freeze Since there are limits on how long people can fight, they need closure. When people don't know which beliefs are accurate, conclusions (closure) aren't possible & Integrative Complexity brings dissonance. It can be hard to start over or reassign resources to different projects until people are sure they did all possible for positive results. After people did everything they know but got negative results, they might believe particular positive results aren't possible. Did somebody deceive them? If nothing confirms suspicions, is there anybody to blame (fight)? Should they give up (flee)? Do they hesitate (freeze) & potentially lose improvement opportunities? Would fleeing mean abandoning any partial good result instead of using or salvaging it? People could waste resources if they ignore negatives & try improvements without removing insecure underpinnings. People should learn & acknowledge whatever could undermine current & future efforts & materials. When people don’t admit misconceptions about what’s possible, it can be hard for you to counter misconceptions but necessary. Compare results of people who used knowledge, products & methods for satisfactory results. Case studies can show potentials without directly confronting misconceptions. Individual Attention It’s important to be mindful in present moments despite distractions of personal needs, business requirements & multiple customers. You might need reminders to put aside other concerns as you listen to people’s confusing expressions. Example: Customer: I have foot odor. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Pharmacist: Bury them! It’s more than a joke because it can be hard to determine what people literally mean. If you’re distracted, you might not notice primary words & respond to secondary words. Since people exaggerate all the time, it’s hard to know how to deal with a ton of bugs. What some claim to be true is literally unbelievably incredible. Urge customers to focus on specifics to help you precisely diagnose problems & develop specific solutions. Consultation Example: ‘I understand you’re frustrated. Let’s identify the problem size so you’ll have the right solution for the right price. If you use too much (materials), you could have (problem).’ Though people claim they’ve done everything about problems, they have finite awareness. Customers’ results prove success is possible & offer insights about products, methods & timing many people haven’t learned. People might reject conflicting insights because apparent truth can become false. Scientists willingly admit inaccuracies & overcome mounting uncertainty with research & acknowledge misperceptions & perceived exaggerations might have limited validity. Though imprecision erodes value & causes misunderstandings, people (including advertisers) commonly exaggerate. You could think somebody misunderstood you, but s/he might suspect fraud, especially if there are multiple misunderstandings. Though reviewing statements takes more time, that investment can reduce wasted resources. Consultation Example: ‘Let’s be sure I understand, so I offer accurate solutions. Please indicate if I’ve misunderstood some facts. Apparently you noticed (symptoms) in (location). Those symptoms might’ve existed __ months. You tried (products & methods) & have (preliminary results). You still need (final result). You have (products) & need to learn about (products). You have internet access. This video shows methods for using similar products, but those conditions are different than what you described. You can adjust by installing __ & using (tool) like this article shows.’ Perceptions Influence Experiences Which Influence Other Perceptions. Motivations are shaped by how things did or didn’t work. Since discouraged people might give up instead of search for solutions, you should explain how your offers improve results. Typical advertising (product names & prices) doesn’t differentiate benefits or motivate people to try another project. Since you probably need to coax people away from discounters, provide reasons to change shopping behaviors. Big store one stop shopping isn’t as convenient as ability to finish effective, efficient projects then focus on other priorities. If people excessively need to recheck results because of low product quality, projects aren’t perceived as complete or reliable. Solutions should provide as much relief as practical because a lack of fulfillment doesn’t fully relieve stress. Make offers to lighten people’s loads instead of just focusing on products. No matter how important results are, people quit if failures seem to indicate projects aren’t worthwhile. In consultations, you can learn what people expect so you can help customers define success & failure. Compare definitions of expectations & practical requirements to determine what successful projects should create. It’s vital for you to inspire hope, so you need to be precise with promises & explanations. Even if your social circle members understand what you mean & won’t doubt you if they misunderstand, customers don’t have that history with you. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2021 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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