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Subject: Customers Need You to Decrease Negative Effects of Complex Lives | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 16:01:18 01/24/22 Mon In previous posts, my example offers are guides in offering long-term results. Since customer integration connects & completes benefits, I emphasize shaping offers to optimize lives. Let’s review more beliefs, desires & needs, so people recognize how offers make benefits productive & compatible with customers' lives. Controlling incompatibilities can be analogized with relationships. There are compatibility-incompatibility spectrums. Bosses push co-workers to be compatible despite disagreements about non-work related issues. Neighbors can be compatible if they don’t trespass & ignore disagreements about non-property related issues. Incompatible roommates might disagree about many issues & have conflicts because it’s hard to ignore each other. People need to learn to identify & manage what's incompatible to goals plus increase what's compatible. If authorities, products or systems limit incompatibilities by maintaining boundaries, people tolerate some inconveniences. Example: Pesticides & herbicides make gardens productive but harm people. Guidance can ease integrative complexity by limiting nuisances & ensuring food safety. Frustration increases as incompatibilities last longer & remedy attempts fail. How do you release people from incompatible choices? How do your potential remedies mitigate dissatisfactions? When you decrease any frustration, you achieve friend status. When you decrease multiple frustrations, you can be a smash hit by smashing through barriers. Products don’t smash barriers without aimed forces. Without information, aims might be lucky. Precise aims can smash specific problems because people know how to identify causes & effects of incompatibilities. People aim accurately by using product & condition-specific information about limitations & opportunities. Offer systems & products to reduce the most uncomfortable incompatibilities plus bring comforting satisfaction with offsetting compatibilities. Example: Plants attract harmful insects that are food for insectivores. Poisons kill good & bad insects plus insectivores. Though insectivores are compatible with human health, they’re less predictable than poisons. Unpredictability of dissonance & dissatisfaction increase if people don’t know how to integrate compatible factors to maintain consistency. Customer Integration Helps Retailers Reach For Success. Despite big competitors’ low prices; you can make more attractive offers. Customer integration builds compelling offers to vie for attention with life distractions & competitors. Even if offers achieve undivided attention, people still delay shopping & forget offers. Customers' physical & cognitive labor affect whether offers feel like opportunities or chores. Since people might delay purchases while gathering information, offer information so customers don't delay. Help ensure customers accurately diagnose problems & are self-confident about using methods. It makes more sense to urge people to BUY NOW if you offer everything necessary to benefit now. Unless people know how to use products to create definite benefits, you’ll only offer potential benefits instead of providing results. Make your store the best choice by making decisions easier. Don't assume people know how to diagnose & solve problems. Offer certainty. Describe symptoms. Offer optimal resources & explain how to use them for successful results. Each time you link compelling offers to people's needs & desires, show you provide ways to climb to liberation from problems. It’s different than claiming instant, effortless (too good to be true) success is possible. Liberation can be achieved by conquering any problems people tolerate. Customers’ mental & physical energy will be liberated by reducing burdens of labor & mental distractions. People can enjoy more experiences when your offers reduce tedium & eliminate stresses of lost productivity. Employers emphasize how accident prevention allows more productivity. People should consider what interferes with producing & enjoying valuable experiences. Even if people delay problem solving until after vacations, concerns can be nagging burdens & reduce enjoyment. Why Are Projects Delayed? You can encourage people to buy earlier & address problems sooner by streamlining efforts. Since people might lack time for research & shopping, offer project kits to relieve short- & long-term burdens. Quickly customize kits with consultations. Sometimes, overall stress loads are from many small things & can be more burdensome than individual big things. Mental focus can be more efficient & effective when stress is reduced by fulfilling high & low priorities. Though some want quick easy successes, assure customers with team efforts including combined resources. Customers want justification for money, energy & time investments, so use consultations to combine observations, knowledge & insights. Talk about expectations & full practical results that protect full investments because partial, quick results might end or fail quickly. Why Not Us? Whether questions are verbalized, people tend to wonder why & how others have better benefits. When consumers wonder if they can have better benefits, your offers should be full affirmations. Testimonials should include details to explain how benefits were created & assure consumers similar problems were prevented or solved. Help customers evaluate progress of each project element. What explains differences between project results & expectations? Example: If _ happened, it’s because __. Since _ didn’t happen it means __. Based on that, which resources would improve or replace current (suboptimal, possibly damaged) elements &/or add what’s missing? If efforts fall short, instead of continuing to struggle, people might think unfulfilled needs & desires are impractical. Even if projects are on track, people might not have essential information, strength or stamina to continue. Consult about hurdles, so people succeed with small steps. Multiple long leaps require more stamina & strength. Develop step-by-step flexible kits, so people can adjust if reality is different than they perceived or has changed during projects. Help customers determine if it’s practical to learn individual steps instead of full projects. Mental & physical momentum is interrupted when people need to change projects including learning methods to use different materials & tools. What kind of adjustments would preserve progress, eliminate insufficiencies plus build customers’ confidence enough to overcome disruptions? Dissatisfaction & disruptions are like friction or roadblocks. When people successfully achieve sub-goals contributing to full projects, next steps & skills can be added based on amended desires & needs without discarding goals. Suboptimal living is more probable & unsatisfactory for people who work only on easy low priorities. People need confidence to take on higher priorities. Each dissatisfying day can feel like sinking lower, so describe satisfaction you offer & explain how liberation is achieved. Talk to customers about avoiding discouragement. Causes & effects of dissatisfaction reduce life quality. Will incremental gains inspire people to continue? Do customers expect quick or incremental liberation? If liberation is a process, what confirms the process works? Do you include checklists to assure people are on track? As people gain liberation, what do you offer for avoiding regression? If consistent advancement isn’t possible, how can progress be maintained until projects are continued? How would people recognize regression symptoms & sustain improvements? These considerations are part of total offers & show your authoritative concern for customers. People recognize commitments to total quality value compared to desires for profit. Specialists have knowledge for asking diagnostic questions & dispensing insights, so your perceptiveness & empathy show your interest in customers’ wellbeing. Even after gaining distance from negatives, people might feel they’re sliding back &/or problems persist. How can people discern if setbacks indicate failure or necessity for different thinking? If people feel out of their depth during projects, it’s tempting to quit. Others try to ignore problems because they're too overwhelmed to start projects. Whether it’s from education or life’s struggles, people might have majors & minors of deep study/knowledge. Many things are outside of people’s majors & minors. How Customers Express Feelings Can Guide Your Explanations. When things go wrong, people might feel like they're in deep water. In effect, people need to rest on shore when they need breaks from swimming against life’s currents or just treading water. When people are overwhelmed, they might feel their heads are swimming. People should use the buddy system while swimming to avoid heartbreak. Beach lifeguards are trained to recognize & get out of rip currents. Swimming novices might not notice problems until they’re swept into deep water. There’s a difference between knowing how to get out of danger & thinking clearly while in danger. Since successful retailers have majors & minors of deep knowledge, you should offer buddy system services. When people perceive they’re out of their depth in conditions matching your expertise, you should be their best buddy. If people need the equivalent of lifeguard service, you could recommend professionals for guidance, remedial help or full service. Even if you can’t provide full value, bring in team members to help customers update decisions based on discovering what did/didn’t produce progress. Be people’s definitive source, so they don’t need to search for anything but your contact information. Basic Offer: ‘When you notice (symptoms), it means you need to solve (problem). You can call (store) for all you need for (solution) projects. (Store) offers (products) & consultations to plan projects, so you’ll have definite relief. (Problem) is increasing, so call (store) for checklists & you’ll recognize (symptoms), plus when & how to search.’ Do as much cognitive labor as you can & make the customers’ progress as routine & easy as possible. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2022 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. 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