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Subject: Do You Need People to Accept Unfamiliar Offers? | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 14:25:32 04/26/22 Tue Are you doing what’s necessary for your store to be & remain a popular choice for a benefit? Do you test or reject conceptual offers & innovative methods? If you reject unfamiliar marketing methods, why expect consumers to buy what they haven't tried? Don’t expect different results without trying different methods & offers to attract different people. “Are You Talking To Me?” Identify intended recipients. Authentic niche members know enough to evaluate product benefits & your advantages when you compare those with members’ lives & goals. Describe how offers are better than people's current experiences & competitive offers. To adequately test offers, you need enough authentic niche members to interrupt routines to evaluate benefits & advantages. Help people justify purchases with details. What’s special enough about offers to warrant people postponing other things to concentrate & buy? People Disregard Been-There-Done-That Offers. Product names & prices don’t offer advantages to accept or reject. People can engage with offers of specifically customized product benefits to achieve goals. If people don’t engage regularly with your offers, you aren’t in their routines. Most probably don’t routinely pay attention to & evaluate your offers. Test offers to determine which facts induce people’s curiosity & preliminary confidence to inquire. When people inquire, consultations can connect your advantages to people’s goals. If you won’t break routines to adequately test offers, why would you expect anybody to break their routines? Some retailers complain about fickle consumers, but some retailers are so fickle, they don’t experiment. Do You Reject Anything That Isn’t a Proven Success? For those who only invest in proven successful methods, invest in Sears, Roebuck/Kmart. Their combined methods were built in more than a century of power. Oops, they didn’t last! Long-term success happens when people start small & adjust based on results. Mainstream methods started as theories before becoming dull, unnoticed routines. You need new messages relevant to people’s goals because advertising success depends on Attention, Interest, Desire, & Action. Realistic retailers test approaches to find new successes & readily replace fading business practices. It only happens by investing a percentage of revenue into testing new options. Long-term successes come from creating methods to find better approaches & replacing lower performing practices. If you copy mainstream advertising methods, copies would be new in your conditions but old for consumers. Advertising success starts with earning attention with opportunities relevant to consumers concerns. Diversify To Optimally Compete For Attention. In repetitive surroundings, do you notice new things more than familiar things? When you use repetitive methods, they blend in with common surroundings. Humans perceive familiar things as settled because threats &/or benefits seem to be reduced, so more attention seems unnecessary. If threats still have longer term effects, change explanations so people understand how your advantages make product benefits more effective &/or efficient. Explain why offers are better than current conditions & competitors’ offers. It’s important to have an option portfolio so you can depend on what’s currently strong while replacing weaker options. Build multiple success streams of new advantages for consumers, so your store will thrive even when some streams falter. Instead of continually investing resources in old, worn out methods, you can consistently achieve AIDA with new, innovative methods. People notice & pay attention to new value like descriptions of advantages you add to product benefits. People are interested in what’s advantageous in achieving goals. People desire what increases value of current & planned possessions. You’re responsible for compelling value descriptions. People are less hesitant to quickly acquire superior value when retailers help them understand how to maximize results, benefits & advantages. You could lose more money by advertising the same offers people didn’t prioritize & buy already. If people link stale offers to your store, they might ignore future offers. Product, service & business differentiation requires compelling value descriptions. If you don’t influence consumers’ perceptions, you’ll lose sales to competitors’ better efforts. It’s your responsibility to increase perceived value & decrease perceived risks of buying from you. Cognitive Labor & Perceived Value Don’t expect people instinctively to understand value or feel compelled to investigate products. People go to discounters for generic offers that don't warrant detailed descriptions. If you believe your offers are special, demonstrate that value with details. Which offers have more perceived value? 1) Discounters’ cheap stuff; 2) Indifferent retailers’ expensive, generic offers; or 3) Empathetic retailers describing advantages for people to optimize results. Descriptions build knowledge & show you know people’s conditions, so people feel comfortable about purchasing. Your specialized knowledge builds people’s confidence in unfamiliar products. Despite discomfort about risks of spending money, people might feel driven by uncomfortable conditions & desire for your advantages. Describe persuasive value to decrease discomfort of spending money & perceived risks of buying. Offer Full Advantages If benefits increase incrementally, tracking progress is important to maximize results & check for reversals. Examples: 1) Health products slowly decrease problems by increasing healing, but if healing slows or stops, problems could advance. 2) Plants might grow without producing food. Opportunities can be lost if remedies are done late in growing seasons. 3) If mold remediation succeeds slowly, spreading spores can cause medical problems & property damage. People might overlook slow deterioration if effects aren’t measured because conditions might seem normal. Customers need to know if negative causes are nuisances or problems, so resources are used well for priorities. Ads should alert people about conditions that sustain problems. Offers should include resources for checking symptoms, remediating problems & repairing damage. Offer more than physical results & show concern for people, not just sales. Planning consultations reduce overwhelming feelings & improve long-term quality so people are confident. When people feel overwhelmed by priorities, acknowledging problems adds more obligations. People might feel less neglectful if they don't look for problems (error of omission) than by (committing errors) neglecting recognized problems. Write offer stories so people recognize causes & consequences plus understand how optimal solutions reduce obligations. Example: ‘Just as your vacation is set, you notice (problem) as you prepare to leave stress behind. Your money & time are committed, so (problem) feels worse. (Store) offers kits for quick diagnosis & solutions. You’ll reduce stress without disrupting plans & enjoy your vacation.’ Be Open Minded You’re hypocritical if you stubbornly refuse to change approaches but expect people adopt your ideas. I wouldn’t do you any favors if I didn’t include unpleasant truths. To serve people, you need to present reasons & explanations even if people are uncomfortable. People need to know why, what & how they should change. Example: ‘Paint $10’ doesn’t express value of What’s In It For Me? I want sweet beverages, why would I want your paint? If I pay you $10, I’ll have fewer desired benefits. Wait! What might happen if I don’t use your paint? It’s easy to ignore offers without reasons to pay attention. People need priorities because nobody can pay attention to everything. People attend to things connected with survival, comfort & self-actualization goals. You’re responsible for making offers connect to people’s priorities. To have enough mental energy for productivity, people have perceptual & mental filters. If something is perceived at any level, it’s probably 1) connected with people’s priorities; 2) unfamiliar enough for pleasant variety or 3) potentially threatening. When people are distracted by other issues, attention is sporadic & interest in offers can increase incrementally. Offers can connect while or after issues arise. People might disregard offers that aren’t connected with expected issues. Social tensions raise people’s defenses & distract from low priorities. It’s important to promote offers at various times, so messages can be perceived while people aren’t defending against other issues or focusing on more pleasant things. Incremental perception & reception can be like overlapping radio stations. Stronger signals on the same frequencies can be received more clearly than weaker signals that are barely perceived. Changing antenna or radio positions can affect signal reception. People's receptivity changes when internal & external issues affect mental positions. When messages are received while people experience related issues, you can connect to people’s priorities. If people missed part of your message & your offer fits their priorities, humans can remember & assemble pieces. Each message exposure helps people integrate rationales incrementally. Example: People receive parts of an automotive offer. Even if drivers think they don’t need brake service, ads prime them to notice brake system trouble. That offer is prioritized (earns Attention & Interest) & other exposures are integrated because the benefit is Desired & prioritized for Action. Emphasize safety during inclement weather. During dry weather, offer lower expenses of maintenance compared to replacements. Purchases might be delayed because resources (time, energy, money, etc.) aren’t available. Other priorities might be fulfilled because of importance &/or convenience (resources are available). Even if offered benefits aren’t the highest priorities, your advantage can include conveniences. Examples: Do you offer pick & delivery, payment options, project planning, complete customized kits, & whatever else customers need to benefit fully & quickly? Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2022 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. 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