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Subject: Replace Guess Work with Yes! It’ll Work! | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 16:16:27 03/28/22 Mon Primer $10? I guess it’ll work. Guesses fracture certainty & added aggravation shatters hope. Certainty increases confidence & decreases stress. Certainty is an advantageous offer. If people buy despite uncertainty, discount store prices seem less risky without increasing confidence. People can choose these options: 1) superior results from optimal products, knowledge & methods; 2) try decreasing possible losses by paying discount store prices; 3) ignore problems/opportunities. People are more stressed when low priced, low quality products increase failure & risks. Validate higher prices by describing lasting value of superior results plus the value of avoiding negatives. Explain why specific goals require superior products & planned methods you offer. Offer Example: ‘People might think they have less to lose by buying products made of cheap materials. Losing your budget on cheap products can ruin opportunities to enjoy great results. Secure benefits you deserve. (New material) resists weather conditions better & longer than (old material). Low prices won’t save you money if results fail. In (Store), consultations focus on goals. What do you want to prevent? Which specific resources do your goals require? Because you need more than products, (Store) offers (result) with these advantages: ___. Successful goal achievement combines the right elements. Suboptimal products & methods can bring dissatisfaction. Instead of settling for less than you deserve, get full advantageous results from (Store).’ Superior Offers Are Superior Options Initial Awareness doesn’t guarantee Attention. When people don’t know or forget about your store, it doesn’t exist in their Attention. Maintain customer integration by consistently achieving Attention, Interest, Desire & Action. Diagnostic Awareness mentally connects causes & effects. Optimize consumers’ Attention by connecting causes to what affects people & what you offer to eliminate or reduce causes plus mitigation or repair of effects. Example: Though you’re aware of sitting on a chair, you might not be aware how old cushions weaken & slowly contribute to spinal trouble. When you consciously think about it, you’re paying attention to it & remember your back hurts. Benefit offers connect to your Interest in & Desire for remedies plus motivate you to take Action for relief. People are stressed when they aren’t fully aware why something doesn't seem right. (Why does my back hurt?) Without firm knowledge, people diagnose things incorrectly or disregard potentially illogical feelings. If people use incomplete knowledge & cheap products, problems might fade anyhow. People might think that’s repeatable success plus tell friends. Example: Cheap aspirin reduces pain, but doesn’t eliminate causes. It’s vital to offer organized resources for specific conditions. People need consultations for complete knowledge to find & fill gaps. Outline: Since (fact A) means __, (project) should produce (result). Customer noticed (indication B) which connects to (A), showing (damage) was from (cause). (Method C) creates (result) with (Product D) & fixes (damage) plus prevents (cause) recurrence. After Creating AIDA, Sustain Awareness Consistent offers should raise & sustain Awareness of your store’s opportunities &/or solutions. Offer opportunity plans for fulfilling Desires by achieving goals & solving problems. Help people recognize how problems interfere with goals, so solution offers relieve stress & open opportunities. Offer specific benefit achievement & retention because Attention is finite & people Desire control over personal circumstances. People become Interested in your store when offers are the most advantageous for creating & maintaining important benefits. To build Interest & Desire, define why benefits are important for people’s current &/or future conditions. Help people set & fulfill higher priorities, so you'll inspire purchasing Action. Effective advertising gives people superior options. Some retailers make ineffective offers, but complain about ineffective advertising media. Bad Luck Might Be A Lack Of Control. Customer integration helps people take control & decrease stress. I write about projects & plans because organized product selection & methods bring better results. People might buy from discounters to get quick, generic results without processes. You can specialize in refined methods & help people recognize what’s necessary. Example: Gardens start successfully when seeds are sown according to requirements for each plant. People think preparation wasn’t necessary if they’re lucky with unplanned schemes. It’s easier to determine what’s wrong or missing when people know requirements & how required elements interact. Example: Luck ends if tack hammers adequately pound weak nails that don’t hold shingles during storms. Consultations can develop adaptations for people who don’t have or can’t use tools or materials. Planning includes determining which factors produce superior results for achieving goals in specific conditions. Otherwise, it’s like trying to analyze meal failures without recipes. Though people want turnkey benefits, somebody is responsible for planning what happens. Explain who has those responsibilities, so consumers know how much they're required to do. Does turnkey mean fully automated or minimal effort is required? Explain why turnkey isn’t too good to be true & assure customers about how that convenience is maintained. Differentiate offers by explaining what your supply chain does for customers’ benefits. Who/what makes consumers’ efforts more productive? Offer guidance so people get better benefits from efforts. Offers can present competitive alternatives &/or announce new opportunities. Internet access makes searches easier, but people search if they have some awareness. Some retailers act as if people naturally know about & remember their stores. When memories fade, awareness drops. Don’t blame people for forgetting. Blame yourself if you don’t remind them. As multiple priorities pull people’s attention, they become less aware of lower priorities. Though all priorities still exist, people must set some aside. When you understand niche members’ concerns, you can link offers with priorities & reestablish or retain awareness. Sometimes desires don’t arise until people realize what’s possible for them. Product & price ads communicate possible purchases without offering results except having less money. Do you think people search for product information just because you offer a price? Do you think people see familiar products & automatically consider how to use them? If you try to get by with minimal offers, don’t complain if your business fades because of minimal sales. Big competitors feature no-brainer offers of familiar products & prices. If you can’t afford to compete with low prices, don’t try to win that race because big competitors are optimized for it. Analogy: You can own the right car but lose the wrong races. Optimize your business for races you can win. Why Struggle? Marketing success is incremental. It’s rare to achieve a slam dunk in Attention, Interest, Desire & Action. Each time you remind niche members about necessary & desirable values, you can gain a bit more attention. As people recognize value, their product attention space expands. If your offers are compelling, potential benefits become Interesting & paying money feels more comfortable. Increase Interest with compelling descriptions of how offers improve people's lives. Help people understand value so they wish they had that result. Desires become more than wishes when you explain how you combine resources (tools, materials, methods & knowledge) into dependable results. Purchasing Actions happen when transaction opportunities fit people’s schedules or people rearrange commitments. Seeing somebody else’s result won’t always lead to believing, but personally succeeding by doing is confirming. Benefits are only theoretical until people are sure they can create results because their conditions are suitable. Theories aren’t comforting. People might accept theories based on incomplete information & think they did everything necessary for success. If any elements fail, the theory threshold is harder to overcome in the future, so people might not try again. So, it’s important to make offers to preempt competitors’ incomplete offers. Use Consultations To Encourage People To Try Again. What prevented or interfered with successful project steps? Is the problem related to or from products, methods or conditions? Is the problem temporary, long-term or permanent? How much problem mitigation is practical? Is total success possible? Consider how much progress is possible for determining if projects are worthwhile? How can you optimize mitigation steps to create progress? Without those answers or testimonials, how can consumers compare your offers with competitors’ claims? If previous products & methods didn’t produce optimal progress, explain what’s better about your offers. Can your offers help customers salvage previous or budding results? If it’s too late to achieve that previous goal, what can be salvaged for another goal? Would big competitors offer thoughtful value like that? Your concern adds value to your offers. Offer elements that bring benefits closer to fruition & reduce stress. Offers don’t have to be discounts. Descriptive product offers present results. Businesses make those results beneficial. Specific businesses make benefits advantageous for specific consumers. Your advantage offers can bring opportunities people think they’ve missed. People might think they’ve waited too long or tried & failed to achieve goals. New product, method &/or knowledge innovations can bring better success than people could’ve gotten without you. People might think, “Every time I tried __, it failed immediately or didn’t last.” How can you fill gaps to prevent collapses? What indicates problems are likely or already emerging? Compellingly offer prevention, mitigation or solutions. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2022 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: Replace Guess Work with Yes! It’ll Work! | Dennis S. Vogel | 15:45:31 04/05/22 Tue |
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