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Subject: Share Beliefs & Match Criteria to Integrate Customers' Success with Yours. | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 15:35:55 03/28/24 Thu While reading this, consider consumers evaluating personal beliefs while strange external beliefs invade too quickly for full evaluations. Seeing is believing unless people stubbornly ignore, misinterpret &/or reject uncomfortable details. Nobody perfectly perceives all details or whether issues are pertinent to goals. Confirmation biases are decisions of what's true or would be without complications. What are niche members' preferences for resolving complications? Advertise into customers' beliefs including empowerment to maintain or improve reality. Since people's confidence wanes, do your offers support biases or make advantages reachable with specific resources? Offer Example: 'Since weather supports & hinders plants, gardeners need integrated knowledge & products. (Store) kits customize instructions to integrate products & skills with tutorials. Local problem evaluations guide products & skills integration to harness positive factors with fewer negatives. Make gardens pleasant challenges with strategic tilling, mulching & planting fitting your goals, soil & weather.' Advantage Offers Combine Mental & Physical Benefits. Continual disappointments seemingly confirm failure delusions (perceived impossibilities). Customized kits generate possibilities to augment customers' life stories or chapters. Kits boost abilities, so people can establish, support &/or extend self-confidence. Let’s continue extending Marshall Goldsmith’s success delusion analogy & avoid human stereotypes by anthropomorphizing bears & salmon with piranha protectors. (This post ends with straight advice.) This nonpolitical analogy (below) demonstrates serving niches. It seems strange until you consider current controversies from opponents competing for "truth" & rejecting each other. How will you compete when people are comfortable with lies? If nature or society pressures salmon to spawn, "SHOULD" &/or "CAN" beliefs could inspire actions. Belief Formation: 'I should spawn, but can I? Previous adults haven't returned, so how would we know spawning is still possible? When we left, some eggs remained. Do fry come from those? Are scientists lying about unproductive eggs?' Integrate INFORMATION into Belief FORMATION. While deciding & planning, what do salmon believe about themselves, responsibilities & conditions? What are their preparation criteria? Do they want or believe they need help? What would ensure proficient goal achievements, so salmon decide to act? Salmon might reject piranhas as unnecessary consultants or extreme escorts because salmon adequately survived danger & fulfilled opportunities for years. Ocean-bound salmon haven't seen bears. Salmon don't return to oceans & report bear troubles. Danger awareness OR upstream swimming could be manageable until concurrent difficulties emerge. Simultaneous mental AND physical exertions cause exhaustion. Though salmon don't survive spawning experiences or bear encounters, bears have observed case studies &/or experiences with salmon. Would sensible salmon go unprotected because they reject piranhas without bear experiences? Are salmon like many humans prioritizing pride over physical safety? Salmon could be deluded about probabilities of spawning successfully since their parents spawned. While living in oceans, adults don't see bears eating salmon. Would they be convinced by bear attack videos or pictures of rotting fish scraps eaten by scavengers? When unprepared salmon learn bears are real, it's too late to avoid danger. Salmon could think their population indicates their parents were safe enough to spawn. Counter Argument: If swimming upstream is easy & safe, why aren't thousands preparing to spawn? Females can have thousands of eggs. Males have milt for thousands of offspring. In safe conditions, hundreds of adults could propagate thousands of offspring. Logical questions can prompt reconsideration of beliefs & options. (Advertise observable facts, so skeptics notice customers' successes & reassess confirmation biases about unsolvable problems.) If salmon don't implement protective or preventative actions, bears are apt to attack. Salmon won't get second chances. Piranha might save salmon by doing "extreme" things to bears. Protection drones might be invented if piranhas' successes are judged as extreme. If bears witness piranha attacks, salmon might avoid extreme actions with remote-controlled passive drones to scare, but not attack bears. (Remote-controls require thumbs? It's an analogy!) Would bears learn to identify drones & attack salmon? Would bears invent drones to hunt & serve-up prey? Attack drone marketers might compare passive drones to drone (male) bees without stingers. 'You won't be protected if drones can't attack enemies.' Passive drone marketers would exploit any cases of "extreme actions". Bears would judge any salmon defenses as extreme violence. Optimal protection could seem extreme or minimal depending on biases. If salmon want full protection without controversy, should they avoid danger (change spawning practices), risk danger by using minimal measures or ensure safety despite criticism of violence? Testing is necessary but should salmon start with maximum measures then decrease, or minimum then increase? Depending on criteria, the same results seem inadequate or excessive. Marketers could avoid consultations but recommend products & procedures with testimonials &/or case studies. But without collaboration, how would retailers & customers find resources to maximize effectiveness without excessiveness? How Would You Counter Objections Of Extreme Practices? Piranhas won't attack bears on land. Bears might be attacked while drinking or crossing rivers peacefully. How would piranhas or drones differentiate peaceful bears from predators? Though bears don't warn prey, should bears be warned about piranhas? If piranha recruitment is salmons' only effective, efficient protective & preventative action, "STEP-1" could be hiring one piranha as a test. If that piranha goes with the first salmon contingent & makes an example of a bear, other bears could attack while the piranha is busy. Some bears would think they'll defeat any fish because they've defeated many. How many piranhas would be necessary to cause bears to stay away? How many piranha-bear case studies would "prove" piranhas caused bears to stop attacking? After piranhas would be accepted as escorts, should they consult with salmon to maximize plans & resources? Would communication devices help fish exchange questions & answers or report expected plus unexpected results? Fish-to-fish communication devices can inspire confidence & reduce stress. If salmon didn't request help, reducing stress would conserve energy. Salmon could be more productive & enjoy traveling. (If people don't actively use products/services, benefit availability is like insurance. Though insurance premiums might seem wasted, financial protection is reassuring.) Would communication/in-transit consultations help piranhas adjust current & future offers? In-progress incremental tests can bring quick results & adjustments instead of waiting to learn afterward or acting based on historically different conditions. Direct observational & experiential applications can preserve emerging benefits while actions are functional. Piranhas might survive even if salmon become prey, but without salmon spawning, the customer-base would shrink. Piranha should interview salmon while they evaluate positives & negatives plus record testimonials. Did salmon feel personally secure? Were they uncertain about achieving their goal? Did they understand how & why products & actions were/weren't efficacious? Salmon might think they're safer in numbers because they can overwhelm bears. It'd only work because some salmon are caught while others swim past. Salmon might object to recruiting predatory fish while justifying how they prey on smaller fish. As Our World Churns, So Do We! How will defend yourself & customers who use products for unintended purposes? Whichever niche you choose, you'll need to defend customers to yourself & others. If you switch away from unprofitable niches, how would you justify your prior defense? How would you justify switching? Advantage offers demonstrate loyalty to customers, so they justify integrating your store because they prefer specific products, principles & practices. What do niche members stand for/against? How do you support their stance? Passion for people motivates people's mutual support. If you lose or don't have a passionate affinity for your niche, products/services & insightful knowledge, how will you continue day-after-day. You might logically defend choices to yourself & others, but you should have emotive energy. Zig Ziglar said enthusiasm means "I Am Sold Myself". Selling includes internal & external logic & emotion. Jim Collins's Hedgehog Concept is based on understanding 3 intersecting circles: "what you can be the best in the world at, what you are deeply passionate about, and what best drives your economic or resource engine." Your dedication grows from your passion for profitably developing your talents & insightful knowledge to help people create & maintain advantages. Compelling offer descriptions boost rapport by expressing your dedication & connecting your passion to consumers' passion. Rapport attracts customers & holds them in your orbit as integration increases. Express how benefits combine into advantages & why these are important for customers, plus why customer integration is advantageous for them & you. Customer integration means you're united, so continued integration builds & maintains more advantages. Establish Your Niche. Join The Team. If you offer similar products, differentiate from competitors with insightful knowledge for specific people's goals. If you don't have testimonials or case studies, refer to product reviews. Without identifying people, advise checking news reports, especially about people who disregarded warnings. People might be confident about success despite hazards & be unprepared until you present indications with precautions & remedies. As you create customer satisfaction, present testimonials & case studies about using insightful information with criteria to diagnose & overcome problems. Discount product-price offers show discounters lack facts about products & consumers' conditions. That price focus shows concern about money. Insufficient facts show discounters aren't teammates concerned about consumers' results. Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2024 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
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