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Date Posted: 11:44:15 05/24/02 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Re: The Boy Who Touched The Sky
In reply to: Joseph's Story 's message, "The Boy Who Touched The Sky" on 14:57:29 01/26/02 Sat

Tiny Angel's of God

I would like to dedicate this poem to all God's tiny angel.
It is not the size of the person,the color of his skin,whether rich or poor,educated or not that determines their value to their parents,friends but most of all to God.
It is the quality of their soul,their spirit,their faith and how they lead their life that determines their greatness. This poems is dedicated to "The Boy Who Touched The Sky" and all children; for they are truly innocent.
God Sent to me an Angel

God sent to me an angel,it had a broken wing.
I bent my head and wondered, "How could God do such a thing!
When I asked the Father why he sent this child to me, the answer was forth coming, He said,"Listen and you will see."
"My children are all precious and none are like the rest. Each one to Me is special,and the least is at the best.

I send each one from Heaven and plaace it in the care of those who know My Mercy-those who love to share.
Sometimes I take them back again,sometimes I let them stay. No matter what may happen, I am never far away.

So if you find an angel and don't know what to do...
remember I am with you.
*Love is all I ask of you."
Author Unknown

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