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Date Posted: 20:38:40 05/25/02 Sat
Author: Anonymous
Subject: The First Prayer

If you could travel back through time, to the moment the First Prayer was spoken, what do you think it would be?

Would it be a short and earnest call for the granting of a simple mercy, or even the chirp of an ancient bird calling out for protection of its young?

Some calling of the heart, perhaps more powerful than the most brilliant poetry, in its reach and connection with the divine. Imagine the birthplace of faith, which, in all likelihood, our faiths and traditions are the daughters and granddaughters of.

If you could also travel through time to the moment of the first answered prayer, what do you think it would be? How could it be possible for prayer to sustain as a commonality of all generations, ancient and contemporary, all with vastly different beliefs about the world, if not for the confirmation, the validation of an answer, the abiding sense of divine conversance.

The beauty of prayer, is that the chrysalis of a night's prayer, is the butterfly of the morning's faith.

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