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Date Posted: 21:26:51 06/09/02 Sun
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Divine Air, Divine Fire

"Soul of our souls, Spirit of our spirits,
And the One embracing All,
Divine One, of infinite names and none:
Powers of East, South, West and North,
And all who weave the Universe:
I call to you, within and without -
This night, this rite.

Divine Air - bring imagination and creativity to the world.
Like the far-seeing hawk,
May we see this situation as the whole
complete tapestry that it is,
And be in-spired with fresh and virgin weavings.
Like the unfettered winds,
May we be freed from old assumptions
and patterns in how we respond,
And breath in new possibilities.

Divine Fire - bring clarity
and compassionate passion to the world.
Like the bright light of the Sun,
May we see clearly the way-forward
of "what is necessary" for all life,
And the time to come.
Like the transforming flames,
May our grief, fear and rage
be transformed into compassion for all.

Divine Water - bring yielding and wisdom to the world.
Like the gentle erosion of water upon stone,
May we release our biases.
Like the deepening twilight upon the earth,
May we remember the lessons of the past,
And contemplate their meaning for the future.

Divine Earth - bring greening and surety to the world.
Like the stretching branches of the tree,
May we stretch ourselves
Into the life-affirming paths
of reconciliation and healing.
Like the deep peaceful dome of night,
May we stand firm in the Goddess and the God,
Through this 'dark night' of confusion and fear,
and false 'stars'.

May our souls be strong, steady and revealing.
May our spirits be en-lightened, faithful and sure.
May our choices be wise and enduring,
for the generations to come.

By all that is Sacred and True,
So Mote It Be.

~Pashta Marymoon

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