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Date Posted: 22:07:59 10/20/02 Sun
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Helping Prevent Child Abuse

Somethings we can not change,some things we can. One of the things we can is child abuse. It seems that every time we watch news on television,listen to the radio or read the newspaper there is a story about a young child,both boys and girls that have been abused,exploited and have had terrible things happen to them,mentally and physically.This includes even murder and torture. With a desire to help and do something worthwhile,please allow me to quote the late and famous Ann Landers:" In the first few months of this year,the media shed light on a number of cases of child abuse. How can we prevent these tragedies from happening? Nearly three-quarters of Americans report having witnessed abuse and neglect,yet nearly half of them did nothing about it,largely because they did not know how to respond. That is why Prevent Child Abuse America has launched a public-service advertising campaign,"A Child is Helpless - You Are Not." This campaign educates the public about what people can do to prevent child abuse and neglect before it starts. We recommend the following: Reach out and support parents and kids. Anything you can do,from baby-sitting to running errands,can help reduce the stress that often leads to abuse. Raise the issue by educating yourself and others in you community. Remember the risk factor,such as economic hardship,isolation or substance abuse problems. Recognize the warning signs in children,which may include nervousness around adults,aggression or low self-esteem. Report suspected abuse or neglect. Readers can find more ways to prevent child abuse and neglect by accessing out website, www.preventchildabuse.org, or by calling 1-800-children (1-800-244-5373). Together,we can help stop the abuse of our nation's children." Thank you for listening to this message and for your help in carrying the message out.

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