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Date Posted: 19:43:02 09/03/05 Sat
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Our Father of the Sacred Abyss of nothingness

My Father:
You are my existence-
All is of you-
You are All Love-
You Are Heaven-

Sacred is thy name-
Only the Spirit of my soul can recognize and hear it-

Father from the Sacred Abyss of Nothingness-
You have given me Life and a Will of Freedom with your Divine Breath-
I Celebrate You in Life-
I work daily to align my actions with Love-

Father: I, am your chalice-
Fill me with Love and guide me to where it is needed-
Release me from the bondage of self-
Remove my ways that have been corrupted by the sins of wrath-

I shall overcome my Worldly difficulties with:
Your Love-
The teachings of Yeshua-
May your Holy Spirit saturate every corner of my life-

For I shall be a witness to my brothers and Sisters-
To the Beautiful Daughter and Son-
You brought to life through me and their Mother-
As we were though our Mothers and Fathers-
And they throuigh their's-
As all have been given life, Ions past-

I shall be a witness to the Beauty-
The Glory and power of Thy Love-

Bless me this day, as I walk forth-
May my Soul harvest the wheat of truth-
From the Teachings of Your Word made Flesh, Yeshua-

Forgive me father for my ignorance and sins-
As I forgive those who tresspass against me-

Lead me not into, but from temptation-
Indeed I, am Blessed by you-
You have increased my territory-
Your Hand is by my side-
To protect me from evil-
To prevent me from causing pain-

All is of Thee-
I, am of thee-
I, am thy Son-

May I fullfill my heritage, and become a Son of thy Light-
May Your Divine Light Shine out and upon you-
As it is in my Brother-
Yeshua Your Son-

May I become fully Human-
May I become Compassion-
Before I complete my Spiritual Journey-
Durring this Physical Life-

Grateful am I, to disrobe the animal within-
In Loving myself and all that is present in this Life-
I, am one with-
I Love You.
Your Son Michael.

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