Date Posted:15:29:31 01/12/02 Sat Author: Naranja Subject: .: Bound :. In reply to:
's message, "*She stomps*" on 14:41:20 01/12/02 Sat
Almost grown filly watches, head high and cocked slightly, her tail flicking about her hocks. She blows through her nostrils then suddenly bounds away, forelegs straight as she bucks and leaps, lashing out at the other herd members. Of all Pepsi's foals, she has inheritated the most dominence.
*he did not want he to go, and he did not really want a fight to break out now.. why did Pepsi have to be so dominent and why did she have to pick a fight now? It wasnt right.. if a foal was in danger he would have to do something.. anything.. he calls out to Pepsi, maybe she would reconsider, and if she didnt, he would chose Rage to stay*