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Date Posted: 03:48:47 01/13/02 Sun
Author: Pepsi
Subject: .: Calm :.
In reply to: Bronco II 's message, "*gallops up to Rage and nuzzles her pleadingly*" on 20:22:52 01/12/02 Sat

The mare watches calmly, unperturbed. If this other would rather run the risk of living by herself and leaving a perfectly good herd, just because her position has been threatened, then it is no concern of hers. Of course she shall not fight if the other is really in foal, but it is in her blood to be dominant, there is no way around - it's what she does.

She tosses her head and calls irratibly to Naranja, chiding the filly for being disrespectful.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> /*\ Nervous /*\ -- Dancing Jem, 03:53:27 01/13/02 Sun

The young mare paws nervousely at the ground. If she had been capable of the feeling, she would have been embaressed by her dam's behaviour, even though she knows she should have expected it. But she can't understand why their current alpha would rather run and leave the herd then stand up for herself against the newcommer. She whickers softly, rolling her eyes.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Stay* -- Rage, 04:39:54 01/13/02 Sun

*She stays. She was not leaving because her position was being threatened, it was for the safety of her foal. She walks a few paces away from the border and looks around at everyone. She stays silent and she stays away from everyone.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *trots up to Rage trying to comfort her a bit* -- Bronco II, 09:35:56 01/13/02 Sun

*he was slightly happier now that the herd had clamed down a bit and nickers at all the others. He watches as all the mares continue to do what was ment for them and sighs contently standing next to his alpha*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *She whinnies* -- Rage, 09:55:38 01/13/02 Sun

*She whinnies to Bronco II, "I am sorry for causing all of this trouble." she says.*

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