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Date Posted: 20:41:21 01/02/02 Wed
Author: Sage and Thyme
Author Host/IP: 209-193-14-35-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net /
Subject: -Defiance-
In reply to: Loki 's message, "claim" on 20:07:13 01/01/02 Tue

Accepts approach from duo of steeds yet rejects offers of both, who would win her?Firey orbs set scrutinize pon golden hued, flashy ebon drapery flagging in temptation.Lobes flick tword One dubbed Loki, interest perhaps evident yet invisible to the untrained eye.Dial tossed in rough vigor and an age she had long since passed comes forward as she moves closer to Golden...he who had first lay claim to her.Nares dialated and strands quivering in the winds...

Youth of blank hue rears once more in defiance of this Son of the firestone in the sky.Snowy tresses elevate and stressful odor fills the air but still she lashes in teasing manner.Perchance more a temptress than she of dark who bore her?But of course, femmes years were few and the dance of uniqueness still filled her facial.Beauty of an untamed heart and an uncapturable soul flocked her coat as the elegance in it shimmered in her every movement and grace...

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