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+~Crystal Sky-Beach~+
Welcome to this tt!! This one is very unique, for the beautiful looking waters. The water is not salt water,thus you can drink it. If you are living in this territory right now, You do NOT have to travel to the Water Hole.

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  • Hurricanes
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  • High-Winds And more. NOTE:These are NOT disasters that ARE happening, they are what COULD happen!
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  • worn soul -- Demon, 17:41:05 05/27/02 Mon (armstrongDLP229.armstrong.ncn.net/

    ebon fatale slowly moves through the dunes of sand in search of tender blades of grass. while worn she was still strong and young in her movements. but in her eyes the fire which once burnt bright with a thousand flames has dwindled down to but few. she no longer wished to live alone away from the herd. she had only made few friends. one dubbed Danse Macbrae. who was like her in spirit. she longed for the comfort that El Bancho Diable once gave her but knew that was the past. but still she dreams as the waves crashed up onto the sands washing over her onyx hooves cleaning her of her past.

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    ^Quitting^ -- Sham, 21:38:36 03/04/02 Mon (14-pm3.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Cooper mascu' moves with force t'wards all, visage bowed at them. He has to send them 'way, for he must leave.^
    (I have to leave because this game is becoming unactive! I play at these other games:

    Come join, their great and many active people!!!

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    +Wild silver filly arrives, side-by-side with her steed Sham+ -- Silver Dream, 17:59:30 02/15/02 Fri (ce0.pli.centralonline.com.au/

    +Silver filly and copper mascu' arrive in the TT. She looks around, then nuzzles her steed, and gallops off. Vixen the rears and neighs shrilly, saying "Who is the Alpha mare?"
    She tosses head and gallops back to Sham+

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    [> ^Alpha^ -- Sham, 09:49:28 02/16/02 Sat (133-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    Mascu' o' copper desends 'pon terra, limbs carry him quickly down to others in harem. Indigo Allusions was his well loved Alpha, Thyme followed in Beta, then Blacklord Darq Rose as Gamma. Diablo's Forever and Kalila were members o' the harem just as she.

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    Re-claim -- �hadow �empest, 18:15:21 02/06/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-01-65.look.ca/

    Ebon masculine shifts within drapery o' leafy canopy, plume o' he is pitched as lingering shadows lenghten. How dare he dubbed Sham speak lowly of he, for he hath never spoke lowly of Sham, and never intended so, for one was of kind heart and soul. Lean limbs carry muscled bodice towards she dubbed Rise and ushers one o' beauty back to River Bend Canyon

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    |^| Return |^| -- Risa ...laughter..., 17:03:14 02/05/02 Tue (1Cust204.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    |^| Joyful bugle is issued as femmora o' laughter returns to terra o' birth, mocha gaze searching for steed dubbed Sham, grateful that he deemed her worthy enough to reclaim her. Former brute had been rather undesirable, and she wished to stay with he o' copper. |^|

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    [> -Agreement- -- Sham, 16:24:01 02/06/02 Wed (237-pm2.sol.alaska.net/

    -Soft whuff is emitted from vocals as flame licked he approached vixen, he agreed that the other mascu' was quite undesirable and unworthy o' such beauty.-

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    *Loss* -- Return to Forever, 19:56:36 01/20/02 Sun (snjts6-34-112.jersey.net/

    *femme stands atop a dune, a place she had visited often, over looking the rushing sea before her, things changing in it's daily ebb and flow, like life it seemed, femme was greatly saddened, on the verge of depression, indeed two dear friends had been lost to her, first the death of Fire n Ice, one of her closest and first friends, and secondly Diamond in the Rough, a good friend under the most difficult of circumstances, but in all this loss there was a sense of rebirth, she had made another friend in the daughter of the one lost to her in death, that fact made her realize just how old she really was, femme's soft mocha orbs stare out over the tt, seeking the femme and perhaps her stallion*

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    [> .approach. -- EBD, 17:40:23 01/21/02 Mon (bc-abb-a53-02-16.look.ca/

    The White Devil watches wise femme from a distance, drapery o his is pitched as a soft wuffle is issued as lean pistons carry elder stud t'wards RTF. Indeed the loss od DITR was great, the first mare he had ever had who stuck with him in the rough times. He nudges her gently she was the eldest of the harem, and indeed the wisest. Albino he nibbled her gently, was she willing to take over the monarch roll as alpha. He nudged her affectipnatly.

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    [> [> *Whuff* -- Return to Forever, 20:13:24 01/21/02 Mon (snjts6-34-85.jersey.net/

    *femme turns her head to regard the albino stallion as he makes his way to her perch, dial is lowered and a soft note issued towards him, indeed she was sad, the loss of her friend was great, and the loss of his first mare must have been great as well, but in all hope the mare would return to them, femme nudges steed, she would take over the role of Alpha, although the true one to hold that position would be DitR should she return*

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    [> [> [> Nudge -- EBD, 16:13:08 01/22/02 Tue (bc-abb-a53-01-06.look.ca/

    Masculine o' muscualr build nudges femmoral gently, indeed if DITR returned she would recover her position, but DITR would want RTF to take it for the time being

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    [> [> [> [> *Agree* -- Return to Forever, 20:31:37 01/22/02 Tue (snjts1-33-19.jersey.net/

    *femme bobs her head, looking out over the vast ocean, indeed her friend would probably want her to take over as the matriarch of the harem, and indeed she would try to manage it well, lobes prick forward as femme nudges steed kindly, had he seen the one called One n' Only?*

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    [> [> [> [> [> Nay -- El Blanco Diablo, 17:59:24 01/23/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-02-69.look.ca/

    Nay hath albino one seen One 'n' Only, probiscus extends briefly to femme before shifting slightly

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> *Wait* -- Return to Forever, 21:05:17 01/27/02 Sun (snjts1-33-50.jersey.net/

    *she arches her neck, her muzzle meeting his own, the comet curves of their necks making a heart shape for but a moment's time, femme whuff softly into albino stallion's nostrils, before turning her gaze over the dunes again, femme was hoping the mare One n' Only had not left as well, for she would not have liked to lose two good friends in a short amount of time, but femme was not one to panic, so she would wait, and all in all she had her steed with her, and that in itself was all she needed as well*

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Sepian mascu -- El Blanco Diablo, 19:05:05 02/04/02 Mon (bc-abb-a53-01-12.look.ca/

    nips femme gently, One 'n' Only should be out there somewhere, he nips her gently and watches his small herd, rather proud of it. He tossed his head softly he would seek more mares for his harem.

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Nuzzle* -- Return to Forever, 19:30:50 02/04/02 Mon (snjts1-33-27.jersey.net/

    *the mare bobs her head in agreement, sending fire colored mane bouncing along her sleek neck, mare whuffs softly into stallion's mane, nibbling gently, glad to have him here, indeed the harem was small, but it was homely and all were friends, indeed things were well here, but it wouldn't hurt to have more mares in the harem, femme keeps silent vigil on her dune, awaiting*

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *nips* -- EBD, 17:29:46 02/05/02 Tue (bc-abb-a53-01-09.look.ca/

    Yes, the harem was small but all were friends. he nudges her gentyl

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    Canters in, happily... -- Black Flame, 10:28:41 02/05/02 Tue (46.ppp1-4.odn.worldonline.dk/

    trots around exploring her new home. The lovely tt og the Blue Mountain Paradise. The Mountains... the lovely place she was born. But also the place were her last stallion had left her. Her and her 2 fillies Madeira and El-Awra wich also had left her now...

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    *Departure* -- Shadows Psyche & Psyches Promise & Psyches Raven, 19:45:41 02/04/02 Mon (snjts1-33-27.jersey.net/

    *the two young stallions canter up to the trio of mares on the beach, now was the time for all to leave, each reaches towards the bay and grey studs, wishing them well on the quest to find mares and watch as their forms disappear over the horizon, a trio again, the steel, the silver, and the black*

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    *Explore* -- Blacklord Darq Rose, 19:20:52 01/28/02 Mon (snjts4-33-237.jersey.net/

    *crimson mare trots down the beach, long legs making her strides long and elegant, finely chisled head is tossed as she moves down to where the land meets the sea, taking a small step into the foaming surf, she watches as it flows about her hooves with curiousity, breathing in the salty air*

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    [> To The Top -- Blacklord Darq Rose, 19:41:56 02/04/02 Mon (snjts1-33-27.jersey.net/

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    -Call to Harem- -- Sham, 10:33:22 02/03/02 Sun (120-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    Copper mascu' emitts trumpet to harem, frame clearly see 'pon a ridge. Flame tresses blow wild in the dry wind, olfactories o' he dialate, taking scent o' the sea in.

    (just check to see who is here. also if any of you want to breed go to the breeding boards.)

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    [> *Return Call* -- Diablo's Forever, 19:35:17 02/04/02 Mon (snjts1-33-27.jersey.net/

    *the trumpet of a young mare entwines with that of mascu', femme strides over on long legs, short plume swishing along her hocks, she tosses her elegant mane, reacing out towards him with a soft plush muzzle*

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    -Ignored- -- Danse Macabre, 20:54:19 01/28/02 Mon (209-193-14-134-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    As always, femme was outcasted and ignored...her stud had never shown sign of remorse for the leave of his blood,nor acknowledged her presense.Ebon dial is lowered, she was used to this...flints chew away at green blades and lobes swivel to catch any sign of an approaching equid.

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    [> ^Watching o' the Wind^ -- Thorwa, 21:20:48 01/30/02 Wed (145-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Cream hued he watches depressed vixen, badly he urned for her to return with him. Soft winds tangle char tresses o' she, was she ever depressed when she was dancing in the wind o' death? His love for this ever dancing vixen o' deaht had never been forgotten nor had she, he would return to claim her soon, very soon.^

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    [> [> -Cry- -- Danse Macabre, 20:55:54 02/01/02 Fri (209-193-14-84-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    Catches scent o' he and lifts dial, lobes directed tword him.Cry is issued she wanders tword him swiftly, reaching plush out to grunt in soft complaints and wonder.Charr tresses fly about her, entwining her hocks.Nares flare and she noisily clamps her jaws as if impatient for his return...

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    [> [> [> ^Wind^ -- Thorwa, 10:37:32 02/02/02 Sat (168-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    Auditives catch the sweet song directed t'wards he, her cry unbareable to he. His body had healed in a days time, but his challenged was lossed and she hadn't become his once more. Hurt filled his soul, without this dancing beauty he was at a loss. But he shall try once more, this only as a steal. Or perhaps would his death dancer wish to depart this harem now, for her fomar mascu' hath not care, and return with him?

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    [> [> [> [> )Twas true...If her steed did not say anything to this within 2 moons she would leave and be in the keep of the wind.( -- Danse Macabre, 13:43:27 02/02/02 Sat (209-193-14-158-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

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    [> [> [> [> [> (Sorry, i had to cram for a socials test, i'm sorry i was gone) -- EBD's player, 19:01:01 02/04/02 Mon (bc-abb-a53-01-12.look.ca/

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    +Little White Flame+ -- Thyme, 19:47:32 01/27/02 Sun (209-193-14-25-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    )Drifts in with the winds, the scent of spice filling the air o' her presence.Nares flare and she o' cream daintily scans terra for stud dubbed Sham.Granites paw at soil,lobes swiveling slightly impatiently.Dial is tossed abruptly and she darts fore', vocals raised in melodic song for her steed and whereabouts o' her harem.(

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    [> ^Breed^ -- Sham, 16:27:46 01/29/02 Tue (235-pm2.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Firey plush runs 'long snowy back o' she, 'twas she in heat?^

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    [> [> -Sudden- -- Thyme, 21:17:00 01/29/02 Tue (209-193-14-79-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    |Presence o' he had activated her monthly cycle to come more closely, lifts plume and turns, lobes swiveling, nares quivering.Dial is tossed and soft teaser of heat scent comes fore' crystalline bruja then whuffs and gently begins to descend to the breeding board.|

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    *Call* -- Diablo's Forever, 21:12:15 01/20/02 Sun (snjts6-34-112.jersey.net/

    *young femme, the hue of fire, paws as the sandy turf before her, looking quite impacient that the stallion had not noticed her yet, she rears to full height, hooves now raking the sky, a bugle coming from deep within her, a soulful sound, calling the steed forth*

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    [> ^Trumpet^ -- Sham, 22:00:42 01/21/02 Mon (121-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Fire hued he rises from terra, vocals emitting trumpet to vixen. Sorry he had not taken notice o' she he moves with grace o' dancer t'wards beauty. Soft labriums touch pelt o' femme.^

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    [> [> *Pleased* -- Diablo's Forever, 19:02:23 01/22/02 Tue (snjts6-34-114.jersey.net/

    *femme turns her head to set her gaze 'pon he of firey hue, muscles well toned from long gallops ripple as she turns to face him, although femme's personality was fiery, it was also forgiving like her dam's, she shakes her thick mane, femme turns to nibble at stud's hide, in a mutual grooming, dark eyes glittering*

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    [> [> [> ^Return^ -- Sham, 22:52:20 01/25/02 Fri (78-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Flamed he returns grooming, ivories caress pelt o' she.^

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    [> [> [> [> *Content* -- Diablo's Forever, 12:21:53 01/28/02 Mon (snjts7-34-166.jersey.net/

    *femme arches her neck, enjoying the feel of his ivories cleaning and itching her flame hued coat, femme snorts softly, lifting her head to look over the stallion for a moment, observing, then laying her head across his broad back, whuffling contentedly, tail swishing back and forth lazily*

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    [> [> [> [> [> ^Pleased^ -- Sham, 21:12:44 01/28/02 Mon (184-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Pleased at the contentness o' she. Ivories continue to caress the pelt o' lazy she. Question comes into mind o' he, was she in season? And did she wish?^

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    ~Deamoness~ -- Danse Macabre, 19:42:07 01/27/02 Sun (209-193-14-25-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    _The femmian o' death by dubbage saunters in pon' onyx peds, limbs o' steel carrying her effortlessly to steed El Blanco Diablo.An always following shadow hath now taken his leave and deamoness o' ebon showed slight mood of sorrow.Offers simple grunt for tidings and pricks lobes softly in half-hearted search for her friend Deamon._

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    ^Anger^ -- Gradez la Foi & Filla, 09:26:07 01/27/02 Sun (217-pm2.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Ebon drapery snaps 'gainst mocha pelt, anger plaining show in orbs as a shrill whislte is emitted to the ignoring mascu' dubbedEl Blanco Diablo. Her filla still doesn't hold a name.^
    -Firey hued she looks up at dam, confused by anger that was shown. Dancing lightly 'way from side o' dam, visage raised as flamed filla calls for another o' her size to play.-

    Here are some names:

    Aneka Shirah= Beautiful Song
    Ra Rainer= Sun Princess
    Bahieh Almase= Desert Diamond
    Bahieh Damaa= Desert Tear

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    [> .approach. -- EBD, 11:16:44 01/27/02 Sun (bc-abb-a53-01-15.look.ca/

    (Sorry, the power went out at my house for like 3 days!)

    Silver he pitches crown, listners flicker, scared pistons carrying musled bodice o' he t'wards Grades la foi, probiscus extended briefly attempting to comfort her. Mascu nudged filla gently.

    (Hmmmmm,i like Aneka Shirah. I can make a picture if you want)

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    [> [> ^Name^ -- Gradez la Foi & Aneka Shirah, 16:39:37 01/27/02 Sun (60-pm5.sol.alaska.net/

    (That's ok! :) I understand but she doesn't! hahah J/k)
    ^Sepian bruja extends plush t'wards silver one, he had dubbed his filla finally. Soft whicker is emitted to Aneka Shirah.^
    -Small filla looks to sire and dam before once more emitting shrill whistle to any other her size.-
    (sure if you want to!! She is a firey chestnut and huuummm... that is all I got.......Thankx)

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    |^| Dark Temptress |^| -- Risa ...laughter..., 15:23:53 01/18/02 Fri (1Cust11.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    |^| Fatale o' devilish humor dashes in, slender pistons forcefully driven 'gainst terra, plume snapping violently 'gainst sinewy quarters. Dished crania is lifted, piercing whistle issued, paper-thin nares dialated to expose crimson rims. Audatives lace to crown as orbs blaze, gaze shifting in search o' brute dubbed Sham. Mistrust was evident in ebon she, something that would not be easily won over... |^|

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    [> -Fire One- -- Sham, 10:01:04 01/19/02 Sat (148-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    -Fire hued mascu' watches endrading beauty, olfactories dialate, catching scent o' she. Gaze follows wary she, knowing that trust of one must be won not forced 'pon. He would stay, allowing she to gain his trust and him gain hers.-

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    [> [> |^| Gaze |^| -- Risa ...laughter..., 11:30:57 01/19/02 Sat (1Cust75.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    |^| Gaze shifts to steed o' fire, harsh snort issed as crania is shaken roughly. Charred she lifts 'bove terra, onyx peds striking t'wards cumuli, a second shrill bugle emitted. Femine o' ebon hue charges off, yet halts after several strides, attention locked 'pon brute. |^|

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    [> [> [> -Watch- -- Sham, 18:34:50 01/19/02 Sat (203-pm2.sol.alaska.net/

    Watches anticts o' she, returning trumpet made by she. Fire hued he lowers plush to terra, gazing 'pon blades o' green.

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    [> [> [> [> |^| Contemplation |^| -- Risa ...laughter..., 12:42:10 01/20/02 Sun (1Cust123.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    |^| Charred fatale remains nearly motionless, save the slow rising o' crescent audatives and dialation o' nares. Gaze remains locked 'pon fire-hued brute, watching silently. Finally, a short whuff is given and cautious strides carry she t'wards stud, visage lowered slightly, for mistrust had not been bred into her... |^|

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    [> [> [> [> [> -Silence- -- Sham, 21:09:36 01/20/02 Sun (112-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    -Flamed he remains silent as char bruja approaches. Plush is extented t'wards vixen o' shadows, soft whuff is emitted.-

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> |^| Approach |^| -- Risa ...laughter..., 17:19:40 01/21/02 Mon (1Cust114.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    |^| Loud snort is issued as delicate nares o' ebon vixen dialate, approach slow and cautious. Gaze remains locked 'pon steed o' flames, audatives pricking further in interest. Probiscus is gradually extended to he as she halts a few paces away, low whicker issued in reply. |^|

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -Stillness- -- Sham, 22:04:22 01/21/02 Mon (121-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    -Stillness forms 'round duo as plushes touch, flamed he intakes scent o' she with dialated olfactories. Soft whicker is emitted, had he earned this vixen's trust?-

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> |^| Confirmed |^| -- Risa ...laughter..., 16:20:27 01/24/02 Thu (1Cust135.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    |^| Soft nicker is issued from fatale o' char. Indeed, trust had formed 'twixt the pair she believed. Midnight-hued drapery swishes gently 'gainst 'quarters as plush o' she runs 'cross flamed hide o' steed, soft whuffles emitted.|^|

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> -Loss- -- Sham, 22:47:37 01/25/02 Fri (78-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    -Fire hued he angers as ebon mascu' enters and removes she dubbed Risa from harem, her trust he had just gained. Small chuckle is emitted, this new steed would have a hard time gaining her trust, but not for long for he would have this dark temptor back.-

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    .take claim. -- �hadow �empest, 15:27:25 01/25/02 Fri (bc-abb-a53-02-39.look.ca/

    Ebon stallion tuckes crownage firm 'pon muscled breast, drapery o' he is flagged, nostrils trmelbing as scent o' femmina one hath entered to take was caught. Lean pistons chrun moist soil, gentle ocean currents washing upon talons, listners flicker as masculine nips femme dubbed Risa ushering femme to River Bend Canyon, her new residence

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    Filly Arrives -- Marrakech, 16:49:04 01/15/02 Tue (rdu57-76-109.nc.rr.com/

    The filly arrives on the beach, and searches the beach for her mother, Pale Death.

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    [> ^Nuzzle^ -- Pallida Mors, 17:57:23 01/22/02 Tue (110-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Reaches filla, plush running over soft pelt o' she.^
    (sorry but we were at the traveling boards then I came here because it was time...............)

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    *Trumpet* -- Indigo Allusions, 15:33:44 01/09/02 Wed (snjts2-33-74.jersey.net/

    *Black mare enters at a fast and high stepping trot, trumpeting her arrival loudly, plume snaps against haunches, she had been lost, but believed her steed Sham resided here now, she trumpets again, calling for him, rising on her hind legs, striking out towards the crystal sky, was he here or would she search else where?*

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    [> ^Movement^ -- Sham, 22:36:33 01/10/02 Thu (11-pm5.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Movement graceful 'pon pistons o' copper, carrying he t'wards ebon femme. Whicker o' greeting is emitted from vocals, sweet song flowing 'moungst winds t'wards auditives o' she.^

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    [> [> *Kind* -- Indigo Allusions, 20:42:59 01/13/02 Sun (snjts4-33-251.jersey.net/

    *the gentle pricked auditives of the ebon she cup the sounds of his song, turning to regard the approaching stallion, another, lower whicker of greeting issued towards him, reaching out her muzzle, kindness in those deep mocha orbs*

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    [> [> [> ^Delight^ -- Sham, 21:52:13 01/14/02 Mon (141-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Delight is shown in liquid pools as mascu' approaches. Soft plush is layed on pelt o' she. Soothing whuffs are emitted from copper he.^

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    [> [> [> [> *Whuff* -- Indigo Allusions, 20:08:16 01/15/02 Tue (snjts4-33-245.jersey.net/

    *femme nickers lightly, arching her own neck to nibble mascu's pelt likewise with soft nips, she twitches her muzzle lightly as she presses against his copper hide, exchanging whuffs with gentle he*

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    [> [> [> [> [> ^Nuzzle^ -- Sham, 17:49:57 01/22/02 Tue (110-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Flamed hue nuzzles two toned bella. Olfactories dialate, wondering if she be in heat.^

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    ^Naming^ -- Gradez la Foi & Filla, 17:39:02 01/22/02 Tue (110-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Bay beauty moves forth t'wards ivory hued brute, names for their filla had entered thoughts and she wished it for he to choose.^

    Aneka Shirah= Beautiful Song
    Ra Rainer= Sun Princess
    Bahieh Almase= Desert Diamond
    Bahieh Damaa= Desert Tear

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    *Duo* -- Kalila and Blacklord Darq Fantasy, 21:09:38 01/20/02 Sun (snjts6-34-112.jersey.net/

    *the duo ingresses, unseperable to the last, even after the final departure of their stallion the two friends stick closely by each other, even into this new terrain, seeking the one called Sham who She'tan had given them too, both were still in heat, awaiting to be bred, but neither ever was...*

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    [> ^Greet^ -- Sham, 21:50:13 01/21/02 Mon (121-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Mascu' born o' the King Challenger moves forth 'pon terra, reaching unseperable duo. Scent o' heat drifts on the salty winds, copper he genlty nudges duo o' beauty t'wards terra o' breed.^+

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    [> [> *Departure* -- Kalila and Blacklord Darq Fantasy, 13:05:24 01/22/02 Tue (snjts3-33-161.jersey.net/

    *the mares bob thier heads at the approach of the son o' the king, as he begins to herd them off, both mares toss their heads, first the bay, then the black, and down they thunder through the beach and too the lands of breeding, making a race of it*

    ((just post under my message thats already there))

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    [> [> [> ^Follows^ -- Sham, 16:04:34 01/22/02 Tue (70-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Fire hued he follows racing bellas for a while before moving past them, a shrill whistle is emitted for them to follow.^

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    [> [> [> ^Follows^ -- Sham, 16:07:42 01/22/02 Tue (70-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Fire hued he follows racing bellas for a while before moving past them, a shrill whistle is emitted for them to follow.^

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    *Seeking* -- Prelude Only a glimpse of what is to come... , 08:00:58 01/21/02 Mon (snjts3-33-169.jersey.net/

    *Femme of Kelogg breeding enters the territory of the steed dubbed Sham, her dark eyes search the sandy beach for him as she makes her way down the dunes and onto the sandy strip of land, she stops suddenly, lifting her head, her long ebony plume lifted by breezes over the ocean's surface, she makes no noise, but seeks the one who had claimed her*

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    [> ^Watch^ -- Sham, 21:56:57 01/21/02 Mon (121-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Flamed hue he watches silently as bay she ingresses 'pon terra, strands 'pon boa blowen back in salty breeze. Soft whicker is emitted to searching vixen, he was here and watching.^

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    *Race* -- Devils Promise and Ravens Shadow, 19:59:08 01/20/02 Sun (snjts6-34-112.jersey.net/

    *two stallions stand side by side, looking down the expanse of the beach, one young stud, a silver colored, tosses his mane, rearing up slightly, nipping the other by his side, the other, a bay, snakes his neck to nip the silver back, and both take off, flying down the beach, the sound of hooves pounding on wet sand to be heard by any along the stretch of beach*

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    [> *Watch* -- Shadows Psyche & Psyches Promise & Psyches Raven, 07:53:16 01/21/02 Mon (snjts3-33-169.jersey.net/

    *trio of femmes watch the young studs race down the beach, all standing side by side, steel, black, and silver, tails swishing,watching each in her own thoughts, soon the stallions would be grown and would leave, Psyche's Raven's first foal the bay Ravens Shadow, and Psyches Promise's second foal a silver like she, they say nothing but merely watch as the two gallop down the stretch of sandy beach*

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    [> [> .observe. -- El Blanco Diablo, 17:33:09 01/21/02 Mon (bc-abb-a53-02-16.look.ca/

    Albino stud inclined crownage, drapery o' he is lashed 'pon siney quarters as lean pistons clatter 'pon terra, listners flickering. Probiscus us extended to trio, old age was prominant in his features

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    *Departure* -- Kaydanz & Kadenza, 15:07:34 01/14/02 Mon (1Cust92.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Femmora o' bronze hue emits low whicker tinged with sorrow as gentle nudge o' affection is given to progeny in final farewell*

    *Soft whuffles are issued to dam, as well as short whicker to steed dubbed
    EBD. Mahogany filla was now a long yearling and it was time for her to leave. Sculpted visage is lifted as bella sets off, plume flagged as onyx peds beat triple beat as she heads for terra o' claim*

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    [> Whistles -- El Blanco Diablo, 18:59:55 01/14/02 Mon (bc-abb-a53-01-94.look.ca/

    Albino masculine whistles sharp notes, probsicus extended briefly to retreating filla. Plume snaps as dial is pitches nudging femmoral affectionatly

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    [> [> *Sorrow* -- Kaydanz, 18:52:47 01/15/02 Tue (2Cust85.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Copper fatale moves t'wards steed, whuffling softly, lipping gently at his mane for comfort at loss o' first progeny. Drapery o' she glides softly 'cross hocks, lids close as femmora rests a hind, muzzle settling 'pon withers o' platinum he.*

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    [> [> [> .gentle. -- El Blanco Diablo, 18:48:44 01/16/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-02-13.look.ca/

    Albino he nudges coppers fatality, Pendalum laces sinewy quarters stallion sighs softly growing into old age. Maculine grooms femme gently

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    [> [> [> [> *Recieves* -- Kaydanz, 12:49:55 01/20/02 Sun (1Cust123.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Bronze-hued she recieves comfort from albino stud, plush giving gentle nudge. Femme lips at tresses o' he absentmindedly, drapery swishing 'cross hocks*

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    [> [> [> [> [> Tag -- EBD, 14:06:30 01/20/02 Sun (bc-abb-a53-01-26.look.ca/

    Ivory he nibbles femme drapery gently before pitching crown and extending stride inviting she in game o' tag

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    |Entrada| -- Thyme, 17:17:25 01/12/02 Sat (209-193-14-152-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    Bland femmian waltzes within confines,plume lifted in elegance and pride o' her limitless beauty.Strikes picture perfect poses each time she steps in her high trot, strands of her crest whip the air...fluttering like the wings of a butterfly.Her snow kissed hue is nothing but unique against ocher sand kernels and as she wanders freely into the white-capped waves, her coat reflects soft azul.Nares flare and piercing scream is issued to her steeed to notify her presence among his harem...though she remained alone in the sea swells.

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    [> ^Spies Beauty^ -- Sham, 21:12:22 01/12/02 Sat (206-pm2.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Sun stroked he lays gaze 'pon entrance o' white flame, breifly memorized by beauty o' she. Knowing only had he had the possesion of her frame, and may always her spirit o' the spice be freely running with the winds.^

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    [> [> -Quiet- -- Thyme, 19:51:35 01/13/02 Sun (209-193-14-235-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    Glazed lens pass o'er steed, turning down to meal underneath...flints cut tender chloros, consuming her energy source.Lobes flick and dial immediatley jerks up, orbs breifly scanning terra.This weed under the sea had a salty but toleratable taste...continues to graze upon it.

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    [> [> [> ^Watch^ -- Sham, 21:58:11 01/14/02 Mon (141-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    Visage is raised as wind whipped strands tangle in the salty air. Gaze is kept on snowy one, delight is slightly shown at the tasting o' weed. Moving 'way from crystal liquid he lowers dial to graze 'pon ocean grass, this tasting slightly better than what vixen grazed 'pon.

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    [> [> [> [> -Content- -- Thyme, 19:44:35 01/15/02 Tue (209-193-14-189-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    White flamed femme seems content to continue to dampen her plush o'er and again.Nares flare and she highs steps softly out of it, shaking slowly...liqiud strings fly about her in a delicate twirling way.Visage lifts and she prances t' greens by the bay and consumes a different type of weed...one that was much more splendid as steed had known.

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    [> [> [> [> [> -Relief- -- Sham, 22:39:12 01/16/02 Wed (174-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    Sun stroked one watches, relief over coming him. She had accepted him and his ways. Moving slightly closer to memorizing white flame, soft whickers escape vocals. Upper labrium curling up, was it possible she wished to produce progeny o' spicy sun.

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> -Interest- -- Thyme, 10:07:19 01/17/02 Thu (209-193-14-117-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    Lobes prick though dial remains lowered momentarily, plume lifts slightly, sending small sample o' tantalizing scent through the air.Crania then perks up, nares flaring to extract scent of approaching steed...Orbs scrutinize him for a minute then she trots tword him briskly, ready to conceive her firstborn...

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ^Move^ -- Sham, 22:40:42 01/17/02 Thu (30-pm5.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Gently touches plush to snowy pelt, moving beauty t'wards terra o' breeding. Pistons push forth, carrying mascu' closer to destination.^

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    [> [> [> [> -Content- -- Thyme, 20:03:59 01/15/02 Tue (209-193-14-189-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    White flamed femme seems content to continue to dampen her plush o'er and again.Nares flare and she highs steps softly out of it, shaking slowly...liqiud strings fly about her in a delicate twirling way.Visage lifts and she prances t' greens by the bay and consumes a different type of weed...one that was much more splendid as steed had known.

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    |^|Entrada o' Duo|^| -- Gradez la Foi & Filla, 09:10:44 01/13/02 Sun (73-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Sepian femme moves forth from cover, visage searching for sire o' progeny beside. Plush lowers to touch firey pelt o' youth.^
    ^Small filla stays close to dam's side, moving behind her 'pon stopping. Visage is seen looking 'round chest o' dam.^

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    [> Observe -- El Blanco Diablo, 13:36:06 01/13/02 Sun (bc-abb-a53-02-45.look.ca/

    Albino male observes toned filla, listners flicker cautiously, scared pistons stepping tentivly forth, probiscus extended to lean femme then gently to filla

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    [> [> -Pride and Curious- -- Gradez la Foi & Filla, 21:49:25 01/14/02 Mon (141-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    -Sepia femme stands proudly beside filla o' fire, drapery elavated slightly. Snorting she gently push flicka t'wards sire.-
    _Looking with uncertainity, flamed hue she takes tentative steps forth. Visage is reached t'wards he, as plushes touch a squeal is emitted as firey one races 'round behind dam. Dial is seen peering round haunches o' femme._
    (I need a name!!!! My means Keep the Faith... sooo........)

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    [> [> [> .cautious. -- El Blanco Diablo, 19:00:35 01/16/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-02-13.look.ca/

    Albino stalliuon adgusted stance, lean boa extends to sunkist filla. Drapery o he allures 'pon arched crest, nails leaving cursed insigma within dampent earth.

    Ummm, dont know many good names at the moment)

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    heat -- Demon, 14:25:33 01/12/02 Sat (armstrongDLP199.armstrong.ncn.net/

    heat had come upon her and was willing to breed with El Bancho Diablo.

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    [> black flames dance -- Demon, 18:30:15 01/13/02 Sun (armstrongDLP232.armstrong.ncn.net/

    femme snorts with rage at being ignored once again. she was easily angered as the cycle of heat grew intence with the passing days. ebon she strikes down upon the ground with sudden force and calls out to EBD in anger but also in wanting another foal. her orbs glare with black flames but in their depths lies a gentlness wanting to once again be seen.

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    [> [> .:IangerI:. -- Demon, 16:26:46 01/15/02 Tue (armstrongDLP206.armstrong.ncn.net/

    she was soon to out of heat but she wanted a foal and was tired of being ignored.

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    [> [> [> Approach -- El Blanco Diablo, 18:54:30 01/16/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-02-13.look.ca/

    Drapery o' he lashes quarters as lean masculine approaches ruthless effeminate. Nails collide with granite stoneas moonlit currents washes upon the delicate shorelione. Probiscus extends guiding femmoral to Breeding Grounds
    (Sorry for my Absence)

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    *Irritation* -- Cielo, 18:50:44 01/13/02 Sun (1Cust133.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Irritation sets upon steel-hued femmora, plume snapped 'gainst haunches as audatives move t'wards poll. Dished crania is lifted, harsh snort issued, onyx ped scraping at terra. She would soon be in heat, which would increase her moodiness. Sharp whistle is emitted to EBD, gaze shifting to his figure*

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    [> *Annoyance* -- Cielo, 18:59:30 01/15/02 Tue (2Cust85.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Femmora o' steel hue issues a harsh snort, plume lashing visciously 'gainst quarters as violent shake o' dial is given. She too had gone unnoticed by steed and her current state of estrus did not improve her mood. Plume is flagged, thick scent escaping her as fatale snorts again, awaiting attention o' brute*

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    [> [> (Sorry for not bein here lately, Science Project Due soon) -- EBD, 18:32:08 01/16/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-02-13.look.ca/

    Platnium mascu pitches crowange, penedulm o silver whips 'pon sinewy haunches listners o lean build flicker 'pon dial liquid pools fixated 'pon lean femmoral. Brakish enamels nip fatale gently t'wards Breeding Grounds

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    *Belated Entrance* -- Diablo's Forever, 20:10:46 01/15/02 Tue (snjts4-33-245.jersey.net/

    *femme of fire makes her belated entrance, having finally found the herd of the copper stud called She'tan, she enters, lengthening plume draped out like a banner as she ingresses at a lofty trot, abruptly she pulls up into a rear, scanning the dunes for any sign of him*

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    Meekness -- Sabiha Rakkas *Morning Dancer*, 18:29:08 01/11/02 Fri (usr2-ip31-grr.wmis.net/

    *Graceful she skims pon' top o' sands, having followed the fatale One n' One, for companion. RW, the brute, had left her lone' pon' the dunes, and bruja had given him up as dead. She chews and licks, telling EBD he was leader.

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    [> -Careful Watch- -- Danse Macabre + Ombra Della Morte, 19:57:26 01/13/02 Sun (209-193-14-235-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    /Femmian dares come closer, though she does not join the little surround o' mares about EBD.Lobes flick, she watches Deamon, understanding her feelings greatly.Plume gently snaps 'gainst haunches o' ebon, orbs showing slight irritation for flies around this beach.\r

    -Colt continues to race the sun, yet when he hears the whistle of his father immediate cease and whirl action is made.He romps twords him, nipping playfully at his muzzle.-

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    [> .watch. -- El Blanco Diablo, 19:03:32 01/14/02 Mon (bc-abb-a53-01-94.look.ca/

    Albino steed observes enterance o' she. Listners flicker t'wards familiar she who hath not appeared for weeks. Probiscus is extended affectionatly nibbing she gently

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    Tastes the air -- El Blanco Diablo, 22:05:59 01/04/02 Fri (px1wh.vc.shawcable.net/

    Mascu o' ivory tastes the air, penedulm lashes quarters. Liquidpools observe harem noticing ingressment o' The One 'n' Only. Masculine trumpet long call loping down a small sand dune t'wards the gathering. Gentle nip is given to DITR. Male nudges RTF gently and nibbles her mane, he hadn't seen her for many moons.

    Transparent beast watches Danse Macbre, he whistles softly watching Ombre Della Morte.

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    [> ...Greet... -- Diamond in the Rough, 09:42:36 01/05/02 Sat (adsl-80-205-42.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Lamia turns to steed, returning the nip softly as well, only grazing silken pelt... glad attention finally given to her, femme is relieved..


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    [> [> *Pleasure* -- Return to Forever, 16:50:53 01/05/02 Sat (snjts6-34-121.jersey.net/

    *flame hued mare arches her neck, glad for the attention, indeed she'd been wandering for quite some time away from the herd, investigating all there was on the beach, but she had now returned for good, she reaches up to lip his forelock softly, nickering to her friend DITR as well*

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    [> [> [> Re: *Pleasure* -- One 'n' Only, 17:45:13 01/12/02 Sat (clt163-77-112.carolina.rr.com/

    (OOC: sry i haven't answered for a while, i been sick)

    Fem whickers a greeting to El Branco Diablo glad he had seen her. Fem looks to Return, she was glad the fem thought this of her dam, for it would make her mother quite happy if she knew, but for some reason it just seemed like she did. Fatale tosses her dail to rid her face of tresses. A slight smile crosses lambrums yet occuli remain shocked that she had finallly completed what she had to do

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    [> [> [> [> Gentle -- EBD, 13:49:36 01/13/02 Sun (bc-abb-a53-02-45.look.ca/

    Albino nudges each mare gently nibbling the mane o One 'n' Only, she resembled her mother greatly

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    -The Soft and The Unruly- -- -Danse Macabre- & |Ombra Della Morte|, 18:49:50 01/08/02 Tue (209-193-14-104-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    -Ebony femmian gently nibbles long crest of companion in grooming manner.Such behaviour never before seen amongst hellion bruja.Plume sways gently in the breeze, contentness within whuff o' she.Mochas gaze after charred youth, a bit of warning to her young that Kali already belonged to another.-

    |Hellish equidae raises plush to atmosphere, nares flaring to scent o' others around him.The urge to flee takes over and with a toss o' his crania he flies along the beach effortlessly.Then he plunges into the surf, liquid racing up and down his muscular frame.Limbs reach into the endless aqua pool and he races the setting sun with glee.|

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    *Boredom* -- Kaydanz & Kadenza , 14:47:22 01/04/02 Fri (1Cust122.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Femmora o' brillant bronze hue emits piercing whinny o' boredom, plume snapping violently 'gainst muscled 'quarters o' she. Sculpted dial is tossed roughly, silken tresses cascading 'cross slender boa. Probiscus is extended t'wards progeny, gentle whicker o' affection emitted to filla*

    *Mahogany youth dances beside dam, lack o' interest in surroundings evident in shifting gaze. Bottlebrush flaps gently, minuature audatives swiveling 'top cranium. Filla snorts, venturing off to find playmatres*

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    [> ...playmate... -- El Diamante Del Diablo, 17:20:58 01/04/02 Fri (adsl-80-205-52.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Slender figure of firey hue approaches other filly, wishing to play as well...

    OOC: not inspired... sry!

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    [> [> *Play* -- Kadenza, 13:16:15 01/05/02 Sat (1Cust88.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Joyful nicker is emitted as mahogany one sights the filla. Dial is tossed as twin flames flicker 'top cranium, orbs dancing mischeviously. Probiscus snakes out, ivories landing a gentle nip 'pon hindquarters o' fire-hued one before charging off, bottlebrush flapping behind her, taunting squeal issued, inviting a game of tag*

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    [> [> [> ...touch and go... -- El Diamonte Del Diablo, 17:28:30 01/05/02 Sat (adsl-80-201-249.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Femme nearing maturity elevated quickly before bolting after Kandenza, whinnying repetitively, enjoying the game... Tassles flail out behind femme as she continues, slowly but building up speed as her dam had taught her to do so... nearing the age of two, legs were less spindly and much easier to control... becoming more graceful every day...

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    [> [> [> [> *Squeal* -- Kadenza, 13:59:47 01/06/02 Sun (1Cust12.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Sharp squeal is emitted as sound o' pursuer nears, stride lengthening in desperation...the other was much larger and older than she. Nevertheless, the game is still enjoyed, and filla pivots quickly 'pon haunches before charging off in a new direction, hoping to throw off the other*

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    QUITTING -- Diamond in the Rough, 18:48:09 01/05/02 Sat (adsl-80-201-249.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Sorry all, but i really gotta quit.. I'm really really sorry, but i have WAYYY too many games. talk to y'all lata, and if u want my sn for aol, its eatsleepride4me. bye! I'll play this if i ever get the time again...

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    [> NOOOO -- EBD, 19:49:52 01/05/02 Sat (bc-abb-a53-01-31.look.ca/

    Come back as soon as you can! we'll miss you!

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    [> [> Noooo! -- Return to Forever, 19:55:59 01/05/02 Sat (snjts3-33-154.jersey.net/

    Noooooooo!!! You can't!!!! oh no, you can, I understand what it's like to be extremely busy... hopefully you can come back sometime...

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    *Wander* -- Blacklord Darq Rose, 16:58:18 01/05/02 Sat (snjts6-34-121.jersey.net/

    *lithe femme wanders down the beach, leaving soft U shaped prints in the sands, head lifted allowing the wind coming from over the water to run along her neck, stirring her crimson mane, her filly had gone, but femme held no sorrow, Melody would do well and more foals would come...*

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    �I n g r e s s i o n� -- One 'n' Only, 12:52:57 01/02/02 Wed (clt163-77-112.carolina.rr.com/

    She devil enters lather covers arc as beast screams 'pon lands. Her spirit not one of kindness, weight shifts to hind as beast rises tearing at the air. Daggers dig 'nto terra as devil lands. This was the herd of her dam for a while and this was the herd of she. A screams emits once more, dominance seeps 'pon lands as beast treads accross the terra toward the mascu who wished her here. Doth ye deserve a chance from the devil? Yes that chance hath been given 'pon he of silver hue. Occuli of she dance 'pon souls of terra the only one she seeked was dubbed Return To Forever. Yet a faint memory of her mother recalls another name...Diamond In The Rough Doth she still live in harem of silver beast or has the fem been claimed by others? Dagger slids 'pon terra as beast moves forth into the lands which she would call home...

    (OOC: I think she will be recalling alot of memories from the past, and um don't let her meanness bother you she wont hurt anyone, but she will try for positions)

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    [> Approach -- Diamond in the Rough, 14:32:57 01/02/02 Wed (adsl-80-202-57.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Femme approaches she, recognising only slightly of whom this fatale may be... Ashen labrums poise forward in attentiveness as she attempts to decipher whom this equine derived from... Plush extends slightly, delicate nasal passages inhaling deeply, trying to catch the inevitable scent of she... hoping the pieces would fit...

    (ooc: not really inspired today.. maybe later)

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    [> [> Re: Approach -- One 'n' Only, 16:06:36 01/02/02 Wed (clt163-77-112.carolina.rr.com/

    Fem looks to she, she extends her plush giving a gentle nudge. Then draws it in and gazes at the fem before her. Yes she was how her mother descrided her, strong will and intelligent. Her dam which some may not know was Fire 'n' Ice, she was one who used to roam in this herd. Her mother had sadly deceased and left her. The fem was the only one left of her family thus dubbed One 'n' Only. Greif strikes occuli of she as she waits to see if the femme can remember her dam.

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    [> [> [> ...understanding... -- Diamond in the Rough, 11:13:48 01/03/02 Thu (adsl-80-207-43.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Lamia finally caught the scent she was searching for... although not best friends, Fire 'n' Ice and she were friends... Now knowing the terrible fate of she, femme knew One 'n' Only was a from friend, as if to carry on her spirit... Gentle nudge issued t'ward One 'n' Only, welcoming her to the harem... she will soon grow accustomed to the ways of them... Silver pelt soon gets dusted with white as the overhanging clouds drop from the sky, covering everything below with snow...

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    [> [> [> [> Re: ...understanding... -- One 'n' Only, 18:36:25 01/03/02 Thu (clt163-77-112.carolina.rr.com/

    Fem looks curiosly at the snow which dropped 'pon the from above. Occuli glance arround her before she parts lambrums biting a large chunk of air. It was her first time seeing snow, she had lived in desert and hadn't witnessed the fall of snow. Not quite sure what it was she kept snapping at the air.

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    [> [> [> [> [> *Greeting* -- Return to Forever, 20:22:41 01/03/02 Thu (snjts3-33-170.jersey.net/

    *the fire hued femme, once standing listlessly on the dunes, gazing out over the open oceans, turns to see this newcomer, something definatly familar about the mare, but she of flames could not place it directly, ears flicker back and forth as if bringing something to mind, tail swishes in thought, but soon femme makes her way down to visit this new one, moving to stand beside Diamond in the Rough, greeting this one with a throaty whicker*

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> Gaze -- One 'n' Only, 21:19:13 01/03/02 Thu (clt163-77-112.carolina.rr.com/

    The young fem stands dazed with the thought that she was standing next the fem of which her mother talked of so. Her mother had deeply admired this fem, and had so wished that she, One 'n' Only meet her. A smiles slips 'pon lambrums as the young gazes at the fatale before her. The final words of her mother rang silently in her mind as she lowers her cranium to the femme in respect, please, just.. tell her goodbye... this was what her mother wished and that she would do....

    My mother talked greatly of you, and wished with her one wish, and her only wish that I tell you good bye...

    Occuli become horror struck as she finally completes her task... yet she knew her mother wanter her to do so much more and that she would do if Return To Forever would except this...

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Profound Sadness* -- Return to Forever, 16:56:28 01/05/02 Sat (snjts6-34-121.jersey.net/

    *femme looks at the other, indeed seeing a resemblence, was this femme's dam truely her good friend Fire n' Ice? Femme watches the other with soft mocha optics, trying to take this all in at once, ears flicked forward, listening, as she finishes what she had come to say the mare lowers her head, nose almost touching the ground, if horses could cry the mare would have wept long for her beloved friend, indeed the mare had been the best of friends and she was sad when she had disappeared, but now she would never see her again, femme heaves a sigh, and to think she used her last breath to send word to her of a goodbye, femme bitterly wishes she could say a final goodbye to so true a friend, but that would never happen...*

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    -Dark- -- Danse Macabre + Ombra Della Morte, 20:46:25 01/02/02 Wed (209-193-14-35-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    Firey femme and her ebon colt watch harem from a distance both seeming to watch this Demon and her daughter.Dark femmian nickers softly to her, the first sign of a friendship attempt femme had made.Dark coat quivers, she had seen many as wild and untamable to the heart as herself yet never one she had suddenly taken a fondness of...

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    [> notice -- Demon & Kali, 14:18:51 01/03/02 Thu (armstrongDLP220.armstrong.ncn.net/

    Demon~Hears the nicker of the femme and nickers back for she was the first femme to attempt friendship with she. she slowly makes her way toward the firey creature and dark youth. she glances back at Kali. Kali was not her daughter but a friend of hers from her old herd before she found ASOT. few mares were wild these days and to find one like herself was special......

    Kali~smiles as she watches her friend with the other femme. she laughs at the thought of her being her mother but they did look alike and so she could see where she found that idea. she nickers to the mare in friendship but stays behind so Demon could talk with her. she grazes contently.

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    [> [> -Joy- -- Danse Macabre, 21:04:45 01/03/02 Thu (209-193-14-186-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    -Fatale whuffs kindly, coming closer also.Lobes are pricked and she grunts a short yet warm tiding.Pools of fire softly gaze aft o' her at Kali,My Mistake.Nares flare and ebon she glances back at nearly grown steed, Her son was most unlikely glancing at Kali.Interest apparent as he was becoming older...and more of a steed-

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    [> [> [> happiness -- Demon, 09:13:33 01/05/02 Sat (armstrongDLP238.armstrong.ncn.net/

    ebon fatale nods dial as she turns looking upon the young steed. he was strong and able of bone and muscle. her orbs brighten with laughter as she to watches him look toward Kali. Kali looks upon him with interest but grazes contently.

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    *Unruly* -- Shadows Psyche & Psyches Promise & Psyches Raven, 20:28:42 01/03/02 Thu (snjts3-33-170.jersey.net/

    *trio of femmes stand by the oceanside, the silver and black standing side by side, using tails to keep the bugs off one another, both obviously content with the situation, the steel stands farther off, she had become quite sour since the departure of her yearling daughter, jealous of the relationship between her sister and niece, she kept apart from the others, snorting softly to herself*

    *the two young stallions gallop along the beach, rearing and fighting one another with typical coltish behavior, two unruly studs, one grey and one bay, an uncle and a nephew, both best friends, a pair of unruly studs, soon to leave the harem proper, to start ones of their own*

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    *Departure* -- Cielo & Risa, 10:05:57 01/02/02 Wed (1Cust78.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Gentle affectionate whuffles are emitted to progeny, gentle liquid orbs holding sadness. Plush muzzle brushes with that o' filla for the last time.*

    *She o' char issues a last whicker to dam as dial turns, nickering also to steed dubbed EBD. Swiftly she pivots, visage held high as lithe limbs carry she 'cross terra, away from herd*

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    [> ...observance... -- Diamond in the Rough, 14:29:49 01/02/02 Wed (adsl-80-202-57.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    As femme watches mother and filly part... she slowly walks forth, whuffling slightly to Cielo in an offer of companionship in this needing time... She looks to her own filly, a yearling... for soon, she will have to leave as well....

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    [> [> *Grateful* -- Cielo, 18:25:21 01/03/02 Thu (1Cust18.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Dished dial o' steel-hued she turns, gaze falling 'pon she dubbed Diamond In The Rough. Soft whicker o' gratefullness is emitted to she, as first progeny had left her. Lonliness shows in liquid pools as plume swishes gently 'gainst hocks*

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    Free Sunglasses? -- Alex, 18:57:06 01/02/02 Wed (webmaster.tokushima.med.or.jp/

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    grazes alone -- Demon & Kali, 23:35:36 12/31/01 Mon (armstrongDLP227.armstrong.ncn.net/

    Demon~ivories tear fiercly at the helpless blades of tender tundra. dagger like hooves strike the ground warning others to stay away. onyx orbs glare 'bout the herd seeing new and old faces none of which was she close to. ears dart about catching the slightest sound and warning her of anyone approaching her. she would soon be in heat and she could already feel the affects begining. and in this mood she was easily set off.

    Kali~watches her friend but does not approach for the ice in her eyes had been that of warning and it seemed like looking into the eyes of a demon. she gazes about the herd and finds the same as her friend. they were on the edge and had no friends but each other. she stomps her onyx hooves annoyed but soon is grazing peacefully

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    [> Affection -- El Blanco Diablo, 14:06:12 01/01/02 Tue (bc-abb-a53-02-54.look.ca/

    Silver stallion nudges Cielo gently, nibbling tresses which cascades 'pon lean boa. Plume snaps 'pon quarters wufflinf softly to Risa, she would make a grand mare in the years to come.

    Transparent beast lopes t'wards Kali, probiscus is extended nudging femme affectionatly. Masculine nibbles satin tresses carfully, liquid ambers watching carfully, observing the now small harem.

    Platnium masculine tilts crownage t'wards Demo, male whistles softly taking tentive step forwards. Listner flicker, poised forth t'wards Kali & Demon.

    Ivory fatality tastes air carfully, listner o lean build flicker t'wards Gradez la Foi, nostrils quiver as masculine nips femme to breeding grounds.

    || Ranks ||

    Alpha: Cielo

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    [> [> WHAT???? -- Diamond int he Rough, 14:48:17 01/01/02 Tue (adsl-80-205-126.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Where's me????? I'm sry i haven't been activek but I'm still here!!! I'm so sick, and its hard for me to be on, but I try. I have been stuck in a relapse of mono, and can't think clearly. please forgive my inactivity...

    Lamia observes steed's affections, merely passing fatale by... was she not part of the harem any longer? Platinum sheen suddenly dulls in the thought... Where was Return To Forever? Where was the usual El Blanco Diablo she remembered? Vixen turns, and grazes, forlorn...

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    [> [> [> (OOC:) -- EBD, 19:25:55 01/01/02 Tue (bc-abb-a53-01-46.look.ca/

    (You can have your poisiton back, i know what its like to be sick, i got really sick on christmas eve! I thought you quit or something, cause when we moved to RWS you didn't show then when we moved here i waited a week or so and still no show, so the new positions will be posted in a second!

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    [> [> [> [> OOC: -- DitR's playa, 20:20:16 01/01/02 Tue (adsl-80-203-173.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    I posted on the 29th, and RTF posted on the 28th, just to let u know... i thought u just didn't want me in the herd or whatnot... lol, but yeah i am here

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    [> [> [> [> [>
    , 20:22:01 01/01/02 Tue (adsl-80-203-173.rdu.bellsouth.net/

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    [> [> [> [> [> Re: OOC: -- EBD, 09:28:00 01/02/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-01-03.look.ca/

    Musta missed it then, i thought you guys left

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    [> [> warning -- Demon & Kali, 19:47:33 01/01/02 Tue (armstrongDLP212.armstrong.ncn.net/

    Demon~ebon fatale snaps at the stallion warning him that he was to close to femme. onyx hooves strike the ground fiercly warning him that she will charge upon him. he may win but she would fight with all her skill. she would not be won back by him or any stallion. her heart was torn and she had become cold and fiery at the same time.

    Kali~nips at the stallions rough hide showing him that she enjoyed attention.

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    [> [> [> Snap -- El Blanco Diablo, 09:50:01 01/02/02 Wed (bc-abb-a53-01-03.look.ca/

    Ivory fatality snaps brakish enamels at charcoal femme, plume thrashing in warn, he would not be toyed with, he suited his name, and wouldn not differ.

    Ivory masculine nudged Kali gently and niupped her gently and loped a few feet inviting her in a game of tag

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    [> [> [> [> anger -- Demon & Kali, 17:02:29 01/02/02 Wed (armstrongDLP234.armstrong.ncn.net/

    Demon~she too suited her name and she emits a deep warning from deep within her telling that she toyed with him not. she never toyed with anyone and to think that about her was wrong. she takes his blows with honor and stands her ground. all she had done was warn him not to come closer but he was the one to attack first. she stands tall not moving just watching and waiting for the stud's actions.

    Kali~backs away from the stallion moving toward Demon's side. she would not play a game of tag but keep her friend company. she cared not for the light-heartedness of games but the closeness of Demon's friendship.

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    ~Duo~ -- Danse Macabre + Ombra Della Morte, 18:18:26 01/01/02 Tue (209-193-14-195-dial-ha1.sol.acsalaska.net/

    *Dark femmian perches pon hillcrest, firey pools settling scrutinize tward lil' steed.Lobes flick post to retaining laced position as a warning to those who wished to pursue her raven youth.Snap issued as for attention to her rigourous and defensive attitude evident.*

    -+-Dark colt whuffs, uninterested in any playful manner.Lobes lace and he trudges closer to his dam, unsure of those who were also inhabitants of his harem.-+-

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    |+|Entada|+| -- Sham ~The Desert Sun~, 11:37:09 01/01/02 Tue (115-pm6.sol.alaska.net/

    |+|Mascu' o' fire moves forth 'pon lands, nails pound 'pon terra beneath. Pistons o' flames carries he to terra o' claim, 'pon reaching stop copper mascu' rises from terra emitting a whistle to harem. They had reached their home, for now.|+|

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    Watch -- El Blanco Diablo, 14:24:17 12/31/01 Mon (bc-abb-a53-01-51.look.ca/

    Fatality o' ivory watches fading figure o she dubbed One and Only, he tilts crownage in mourn to the loss of Fire & Ice. He whistles softly to Gradez la Foi greeting her warmly. He lopes slowly towards Cielo and nduges her gently, whickering cautiously to risa as not to spook her. He looks about for the rest of the herd. Nickering to Kaydenza and Kaydanz

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    [> _~_Grace_~_ -- Gradez la Foi, 20:43:26 12/31/01 Mon (153-pm1.sol.alaska.net/

    _~_Grace o' she carries femme closer to ivory hued one, visage raised as bruja moves. Once more drapery o' ebon is elavated from haunches, scent o' heat escaping and mixing into air 'round harem._~_

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    [> *Bonding* -- Cielo & Risa, 10:48:17 01/01/02 Tue (1Cust76.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Steel-hued bella whickers softly to El Diablo, auds pricked as dial bobs. Sculpted visage is turned as gaze falls 'pon progeny grazing several paces off*

    *Filly o' char snorts softly, stomping a hind as lenthening plume snaps 'gainst hocks and ivores rip away at tender blades o' emerald. Dial is raised, lobes swiveling 'top crainum, dialated nares quivering. Already a long yearling, it would be time for her to leave soon. Lithe limbs carry bella 'cross terra to join with dam, soft whuffles issued to she o' steel hue*

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    �Seek� -- One 'n' Only, 13:43:12 12/31/01 Mon (clt163-77-112.carolina.rr.com/

    No this wasn't were the fem belonged but she came for a reason and would leave when she was done. The young one cried out for Return To Forever she was a friend of her mother. Her mother was Fire 'n' Ice, one who used to be here yet was no longer... for her mother was deceased. The young one was the only one left thus dubbed One 'n' Only. She only wished to let Return know for it was her mother wish for her friend to know.

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    |+|Grace o' She|+| -- Gradez la Foi, 21:15:36 12/29/01 Sat (107-pm4.sol.alaska.net/

    +Limbs o' char carry she from vegatation t'words harem o' El Blanco Diablo, sculpted visage raised, optics search out mascu' bathed in ivory hue. Ebon drapery elavates from haunches o' mocha, scent o' heat is issued from bruja. Nails pound 'pon terra, auditives cupping sounds o' equids 'round she, olfactories dialate, inhaling scents o' harem. Visage is shaken, jet strands cover dial o' perfection.+

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    Embracment -- El Blanco Diablo, 11:39:00 12/27/01 Thu (bc-abb-a53-01-95.look.ca/

    Male o' platnium hue lopes faultlessly forth t'wards that o vacant terrean, penedulm o' silk flagged out in banner o' monarch. Listners o' lean skulpt flutter frequently awaiting appeareance o harem.

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    [> *Entrada* -- Kaydanz & Kadenza, 14:45:45 12/27/01 Thu (1Cust159.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Entrada o' copper bella with progeny alongside. Dial is thrown as shrill whinny is emitted, nares dialated to capture scents of new surroundings*

    *Mahogany youth frolics a few paces away from dam, sculpted visage held high as bottlebrush o' she flaps 'gainst already muscled hindquarters, lithe limbs carrying tiny bella 'cross terra*

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    [> *Return to terra* -- Cielo & Risa, 15:08:59 12/27/01 Thu (1Cust159.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Steel-hued bella returns to former territory, though under different stallion. Dial turns, gazing 'bout the land, auds pricking as she hears lingering call from former steed. Halting, nares dialate, detecting old scent from former herd mixed with that o' new stallion. She turns back, breaking into swift trot t'wards EBD, soft nickers emitted.*

    *Coal filly trots placidly beside dam, though she emits soft whuffle in familiarity with new territory...this was where she had lived before...confusion is evident in expressions o' she...where was her sire? She snorts, following her mother to EBD, visage outstretched t'wards he*

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    [> enters -- Demon & El Pierre Mur Kali & Chagrin, 17:17:43 12/27/01 Thu (armstrongDLP219.armstrong.ncn.net/

    Demon~follows far behind and upon entering terra moves quickly to the soft grass and begins to graze. she cared not anymore for the social life of the herd and sought only the comfort of silence. her son was now old enough to leave and start his own herd and she nuzzles him warmly as she watches him depart. she bares her ivories at any who dare to approach her.

    El Pierre Mur~ he now understood the true meaning of his name and what he meant to his mother. and so he vowed to never hurt his mares. he races out of the territory ready to start anew.

    Kali~ gazes about the herd but finds that the only friendship she had belonged to Demon. her filly had grown too and it was time for her departure as well. she nickers and nuzzles her warmly as she watches her make her way in life.

    Chagrin~ El Pierre Mur and her were connected not just by blood but by their names that their mothers choose for them. she strikes the hard ungiving tundra before charging out.

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    [> ...ingression... -- Diamond in the Rough, 11:01:17 12/29/01 Sat (adsl-80-205-89.rdu.bellsouth.net/

    Lamia of equal tint ingresses only a stride behind stud, Whinnying joyously at the final scenery for a while... Ashen-tipped audreys swivel constantly as vixen scopes out terrain... Finally satisfied, femme sidles up to steed, aiding in the observation of harem. Filly, finally weaned, gallops about harem, nipping at all other yearlings, knowing she was of the youngest, yet spunk was of second nature to maturing femme... As tranquility sets upon the equids of primer age, excitement dwells within the youth...

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    *entrada* -- Khiva, 13:41:26 12/28/01 Fri (bc-abb-a53-01-41.look.ca/

    Brass fatality upheld lofty crfown, masculine o copper tastes gentle drafts unshod flints connecting briefly with terrean. Plume o satin flagged dancing and trembling in the soft oceanic breeze. Masculine issues soft notes his strides faultered as he limbed victoriously t'wards bella dubbed Temptation's Embrace probiscus extended briefly before snapping back to pinned position 'pon muscled breast. Newly made scars dry over as visage is pitched urging effeminate o unruly breed t'wards Rush Water Springs, her new home.

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    ^Enterda 'pon Lands^ -- Sham, 12:39:18 12/28/01 Fri (51-pm3.sol.alaska.net/

    ^Flamed lit he moves forth 'pon lands, visage raised as he emitts whislte to harem. They were hear. Looks to each femme, nares dialated, searching for a scent o' heat from vixens o' harem.^

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    .:.~*~.:.Time to TrAvLe.:.~*~.;. -- Temptation's Embrace, 00:05:04 12/28/01 Fri (Montreal-ppp3534824.sympatico.ca/

    ..Equine of leading harmen saftely to destination emitted a low whinny, calling for those within Exploit's herd to go to the travling board-the short journey would commence.

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    [> *Return before departure* -- Exploit, 11:02:02 12/28/01 Fri (1Cust230.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Steed returns with renewed strength. Shrill whistle is emitted as dial is thrown high, liquid oculi searching for herd. Seeing that they have already departed, he takes off at a swift pace to the travelling board, snorting in excitement with the prospect of seeing them again*

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    *Entrance and Departure* -- Return to Forever & Diablo's Forever, 09:22:40 12/28/01 Fri (snjts1-33-49.jersey.net/

    *crimson mare makes her entrance, a fire hued yearling standing beside her, fiery dam tosses her head, sending shimmering chestnut mane flying, stomping one hoof she investigates this new place, whuffing at the sand and the various dune grasses, finally crescent auditives prick forward, seeking her stallion and friends, youth has another idea, after investigating she nudges her dam, in was time for her to leave the herd of her sire to seek a herd of her own, femme whickers to her dam before starting off, the mare watching her youth leave*

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    *Entrance of One* -- Blacklord Darq Rose, 07:46:45 12/28/01 Fri (snjts4-33-192.jersey.net/

    *lithe young femme enters alone, her first youth having gone off to find her own herd along the ways of traveling, femme did appear a bit downcast, wandering in slowly, lifting her head to breath deeply of the salty air, searching it for signs of danger as well as her steed, whuffing softly she stood atop a dune, waiting it seemed*

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    *Scream o' rage* -- Exploit, 14:39:53 12/26/01 Wed (1Cust63.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Scarred and injured steed returns from battle. Scream o' rage is emitted in anger-he had fought and lost. Wounds inflicted by the other required him to recover for two moons. Thoughts flicker to newly-claimed bella dubbed Orare. She would come soon he hoped, for the herd would be on the move in a day. Gaze scans small but much loved herd, resting upon she dubbed TE. He snorts softly, gentle whicker emitted, knowing of her dominant spirit, he pleads silently with her to lead the herd for she held monarch rank. He emits piercing whinny of farewell, he would meet them at the travelling board in two days...*

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    [> .:.~*~.:. The Return of the Devil.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 17:06:10 12/26/01 Wed (Montreal-ppp3534754.sympatico.ca/

    ..Satan lobes perked 'pon delicate cranium partaining to mare-of-darkness,as the sound of admired stallion's call washed over 'she'. The cry was pain striken-and femina immediately knew steed had been injured badly- injured enough to stay at the recovering area for 2 moons. Hurt yet ragefull whicker unleashed femora, as upper bodus was thrusted t'ward the midnight hued sky- horned 'feet' ripping at the cumuli- actions meaning to get back at the one who caused her leader the inficting wounds. Diabolique,malacious and just plain evil spirit that had marked fem's soul for eternity became active once more. She would seek out the one that had caused Exploit, the one equine that understood her,so much pain and the price for that sin would be payed by their life..but first- the responsibility that layed 'pon regal 'she's ' shoulders would be fullfilled. She would indeed lead the harem to they planned desination. They would leave the following afternoon- and hopefully newly claimed equine of status 'she' would have arrived by then. And if not- well, Temptation's Embrace would take it 'pon herself to seek the female out- when it comes into being. Steed dubbed Exploit needed not to worry- she would lead the herd saftly to the new Territory- and 'she' secretly hoped that he would be there to greet them..

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    [> [> *Whinny* -- Devils Psyche, 20:08:44 12/27/01 Thu (snjts4-33-192.jersey.net/

    *femme looks towards injured steed, shaking her small chisled head she lifts her muzzle, a powerful whinny coming forth, wishing the steed well, femme snorts, moving off, small plume swishing against steel colored haunches*

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    *Calling of femmoras* -- Exploit, 13:03:51 12/22/01 Sat (1Cust162.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Ebon steed lifts himself upon steel limbs, chipped peds lashing out, shrill whistle emitted in calling to femmoras of harem*

    Alpha: Cyclone
    Beta: Chantal
    Gamma: Temptation's Embrace
    Delta: Fury's Fire

    ((OOC: Okay, nobody is being active besides TE and me! (Fury's Fire is an exception because she was just claimed) In case you haven't noticed, our herd numbers have dwindled. I might have to start kicking people out of the herd if they don't post at LEAST once a week because there's no point in having an inactive herd. Of course, if you have a legitimate excuse this won't happen, but please, try to post as much as you can! Anyways, I, for one, am getting a little bored in this TT. Does anyone else want to move? If you don't, it's okay, we can stay here for a while.))

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    [> .:.~*~.:.Reply.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 14:26:56 12/22/01 Sat (Montreal-ppp-89813.qc.sympatico.ca/

    Mare of devilish antics came up from behind Lead Steed, snort intwining barriors of vocal cage- and escaping as a shrill whinnie. She had not known how long the herd had been residing within the territory- however mindful hints were unleashed that this femmora was willing to move into another land- she agreed with stalion dubbed Exploit..it was time for a change.

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    [> [> *Agrees* -- Exploit, 10:43:09 12/23/01 Sun (1Cust31.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Ebon steed whickers a soft reply to femmora, pleased that she agreed. Lobes prick, liquid oculi holding further questions. They shall move, but where? He snorts, shaking dial sending tresses askew. He had been roaming, searching, but most territories were full...gaze falls 'pon she dubbed TE, seemingly his only mares as most had left or were not responding. She, who in his mind was rightfully alpha, would she like to decide?*

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    [> [> [> .:.~*~.:.Debate.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 17:58:37 12/23/01 Sun (Montreal-ppp-89906.qc.sympatico.ca/

    ..Equine mare of breathless darkness tossed sculpted dial roughly t'ward steed dubbed Exploit, tresses of midnight hue cascading down poll. Lenses of night colortaion locked with stallion's who's actions seemed to place her as monarch 'she'. Plush muzzle shot forward sharply and brushed virile's 'cheek' in act of affection- yet recoiled just as swiftly- and was directed t'ward the other lands. She would want to choose, yet she did not know which one would be the one they should journey to. All she know was that she would prefer to not venture too far..for she believed she would be entering the period known as oestrus very soon..and would prefer to be established comfortably somewhere during that time.
    Irritated 'whuffle' was released by twin nares, and a 'sorry' glance was followed- t'ward Exploit. She wanted to be helpful- yet she was stumped.

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    [> [> [> [> *Comfort* -- Exploit, 13:58:53 12/24/01 Mon (1Cust60.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Gentle nicker is emitted from he o' ebon, dial bobbing slightly, lobes pricked with anticipation. If femme wished to stay longer, they shall. Muzzle o' steed brushes that o' she softly, he was content with the decision resting 'pon him as long as bruja and harem were also happy*

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    [> Re: * His new femmora calls* -- Fury Fire, 06:38:11 12/24/01 Mon (02-108.064.popsite.net/

    *a call is emmitted from his new delta in reply to his beckoning calls.Hue of snow white glistening in the sun,her grey toned velvet touching his muzzle. Then ,in friendship, begins to groom him.*

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    [> [> *Greeting* -- Exploit, 14:02:35 12/24/01 Mon (1Cust60.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Ebon-hued mascu' lifts dial as gaze falls 'pon she o'ivory. Soft whickers emitted, steed nibbles gently at her crest*

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    [> [> [> Re: *grazes* -- Fury Fire, 07:27:39 12/25/01 Tue (01-059.064.popsite.net/

    >*The Femora of ivory grazes and lifts her dished dial and snifs the air..this place was different..they should move.

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    [> [> [> [> *Whinny* -- Exploit, 13:09:08 12/25/01 Tue (1Cust108.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Emits low whuffle, glad that the other wished to move also. Shrill whistle is emitted. Would his femmoras be content living in the safari? It would only take one day to travel there...*

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    [> [> [> [> [> Re: *Snorts* -- Fury Fire, 07:29:08 12/26/01 Wed (02-091.064.popsite.net/

    >*Nay,River Bend Canyon is better because you don't have to go to the water hole.Nor do they that live in Rush Water Springs.Femora o' ivory disagreed,but if it was thy wish,they shall go.*

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> *Agreement* -- Exploit, 14:12:31 12/26/01 Wed (1Cust63.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Light whicker is emitted in agreement with ivory she, River Bend Canyon was the place to travel. They shall leave tomorrow, if harem deems it appropriate*

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    *Enters* -- Devils Psyche, 15:51:28 12/23/01 Sun (snjts6-34-111.jersey.net/

    *steel hued femme enters, slender and strong of limb, with a look of youth still about her, for she had just left her herd in search of a new, and here it stood, the herd of the stallion Exploit, and so femme enters, causiously, unsure of this new place she had never visted before, muzzle lifted, seeking the stallion's scent*

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    [> .:.~*~.:.WaTcH.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 18:15:41 12/23/01 Sun (Montreal-ppp-89906.qc.sympatico.ca/

    ..Diabolique, malacious regal 'she' creature observed other of same status as her for a moment. Slight snort intertwined nostrils- but was barely heard. Femora did not have high tolerence for other mares- yet would learn too.
    Acknowledging and a bit 'welcoming' whinnie was emitted t'ward femina as the first act of '''friendship'''. Alliance was hoped to be aquired within time with this equine..and hopefully, sufficient 'other' thought so too...

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    [> [> *Greet* -- Exploit, 14:16:41 12/24/01 Mon (1Cust60.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Dial o' ebon is lifted, lobes pricked as watchful gaze falls 'pon two femmoras. Shrill whinny is emitted in greeting to newest she, low whicker to the older. Visage o' steed is lowered, ivories ripping at tender emerald blades, cranium lifted at intervals, surveying the territory*

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    [> [> [> *Whicker* -- Devils Psyche, 12:27:14 12/26/01 Wed (snjts2-33-99.jersey.net/

    *young femme takes note of the older she, prancing lightly on small hooves, curning up the sandy soil, seemingly unsure and nervous, but she gives the other a greeting whicker, indeed wishing to make friends among her new herd, short plume flicked across haunches, she turns to meet the new stallion, the one who claimed her, femme gives a warm whicker to her stallion, moving to stand close by, moving to graze as well*

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    [> [> [> [> *Nicker* -- Exploit, 14:08:56 12/26/01 Wed (1Cust63.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *steed emits accepting nicker, stepping lightly 'pon lithe limbs to be near young bella, dial extended to lip at tresses, affectionate whickers emitted from time to time*

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    [> .:.~*~.:.Thought.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 10:31:44 12/26/01 Wed (Montreal-ppp3534694.sympatico.ca/

    ..Equine of regal grace pondered quietly, velvet auditives twitching 'pon cranium. Moving to the Safari would only take a day, yes, but water was a necessary element of equidaes- and traveling to the water hole each time thirst invaded 'he/she'- it would become a bother to some-not her- but some. And thinking about the well being of the herd, it might not be the most favourable. However- the River Bend Canyon sounded pleasent for all- and it wouldn't be that long to travel for 2 suns and moons...but t'was not femora's place to decide. The safari, or the canyon- both sounded nice.

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    [> [> *Agree* -- Exploit, 14:05:38 12/26/01 Wed (1Cust63.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Charred dial bobs slightly in agreement with femmora. Yes, bothersome it would be to travel to the water hole when one required it. He snorts, dial shaking, tresses sent askew. River Bend Canyon it would be then. Do the others agree?*

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    MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!! -- Chrissy, 10:43:09 12/24/01 Mon (Montreal-ppp-89781.qc.sympatico.ca/

    Hope you all have a great christmas!!!Hehe!

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    .:.~*~.:.Once Again Left Behind.:.~*~.:.~*~ -- Temptation's Embrace, 17:23:18 12/19/01 Wed (Montreal-ppp3531679.sympatico.ca/

    ..Diabolic,malacious regal equine of female status allowed dark lenses to graze the terra-firma..searching for the stallion of monarch rank. It seemed as though once again she had been left behind, forgotten..
    Shrill 'whin' was unleashed and cervix(Yea I know it sounds nasty but it does me neck connecting to head!!) tossed dial ragefully towards other herd that shared the land temporarily. Stallion dubben Exploit seemed to not want herdmates to disappear, while the 'alpha' of her herd seemed to disappear himself. Confusion of the lost flooded femora- drowning devilish 'she' mercilessly. She had already left her previous herd- she did not want to leave this one- but was tempted- and the Temptation was strong.

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    [> *Turns* -- Exploit, 18:39:35 12/19/01 Wed (1Cust234.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Ebon mascu' flips tresses, dial turns, gaze resting 'pon abandoned femme. Snorts, unsure of cause of anger towards himself from the bruja. Tattered plume lashes 'gainst muscles hindquarters, pondering his own delimma. As of now his mare count had dwindled to one and only progeny had been stolen with alpha. Tossing dial, steed pivots and returns to lone mare of his*

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    [> [> .:.~*~.:.WoNdEr Of ThE EmBrAcE.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 13:12:16 12/20/01 Thu (Montreal-ppp-89821.qc.sympatico.ca/

    ..Equine of vengeance snorted and thrusted upper body towards false heavens, shielded 'feet' ripping at unknown anger. She was not reallybeen a member of this herd- she had only stayed for the sake of her sister which was now gone..and seeing as there was no reason to stay- nor was there and herd to stay in- cold hearted femora made the decision to leave- once more. How naive she had been to think that the same thing wouldn't happen again..no one seemed to be able to tame the wild spirit that burned through her black heart- no one seemed to stick around. Maybe because no one knew her real personality- they just saw the outter layer- the dark aura that surrounded the mare..
    Dial tossed to the side, black tresses cascading towards bodus. Raven plume flogged flanks as a questionate and teasing expression creased countenance-directed towards Exploit...cerebrating. Maybe this stallion was one that would be able to tame the temptation..

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    [> [> [> *Interest* -- Exploit, 18:34:27 12/20/01 Thu (spider-we042.proxy.aol.com/

    *Lifts dial in interest at actions of bruja, auds pricked, flickering slightly. Mascu' flips ebon tresses, snapping plume in air, oculars dancing, returning the tease. Femme was welcome in his harem if she chose to accept, unless she prefered to be pursued*

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    [> [> [> [> .:.~*~.:.Once Again- A changing of the Herd.:.~*~.:. -- Temptations Embrace, 10:23:59 12/22/01 Sat (Montreal-ppp-89815.qc.sympatico.ca/

    Diabolical, malicious regal 'she' creature assented to the virile's 'invitation'to join his harmen. Pools of view scanned for her herd once more- but failing again, femora of delicasy allowed hooves to carry her to her new Stallion acquiescedly. Now maybe should could have a real 'life'..a real home..

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    [> [> [> [> [> *Whickers* -- Exploit, 10:30:09 12/22/01 Sat (1Cust162.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Regal he extends boa, nostrils quivering as he captures scent of she. Steed flips dial, ebon tresses unsettled as low whicker is emitted, though allowing space for femmora if she wished*

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> .:.~*~.:.Wonder and First Signs of Tenderness.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 11:14:14 12/22/01 Sat (Montreal-ppp-89815.qc.sympatico.ca/

    Soft 'nicker' whuffled through flared nares, plume excitedly flogging flanks. Shielded 'feet' extensivly pawed sandy terrain, black tresses flowing in new air. She had too much space during her life- and for the first time, tenderness was wanted.
    Wonder of whom held monarch rank within harmen,next to Exploit, quickly passed as a thought.But just as quickly disappeared... fore regal creature of 'she' status was flooded by excitment.Sculpted muzzle extended to stallion's, and sharp nudge carressed cervix of 'he'.Femina's countenance twisted as flicker of calamitous mischief was aroused within poised 'she''s oculi-and limbs quickly recoiled femora playfully.
    Femina lifted delicate but harmful dial t'ward darkened heavens, peering through the thick substance which lingered over the land.Satin auditives 'pon cranium heightened,'drafting the soft hunting noises t'wards her. Gentle nicker emmitted from within her vocal cords, seeping through raven lips, whispering itself into the sullen atmosphere. Hind quarters supported upper weight as mare-of-darkness welded herself into the ashen sky,eerie shrill 'cry' unleashed as jagged 'nails' scratched at cumuli. Taunting 'nicker' strained vocals, directed t'wards the steed. Her muscles tensed at the thought that- she might be softening slightly...but maybe..

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Intrigued* -- Exploit, 12:47:29 12/22/01 Sat (1Cust162.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Dial is extended further, nares quivering slightly as he captures scent of femme, emitting low whicker in reply, plush brushing with that o' she, tenderness offered. Gaze momentarily is averted in direction of remainder of harem, disappointed at lack of progeny. Position of monarch held by Cyclone as former alpha had been lost. Attention returns to newest femmora, oculi dancing mischeviously, a gentle, playful nip placed upon withers o' she. Ebon he tosses dial, watching bruja attentively, noticing slight change, and accepting*

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> .:.~*~.:.Realize.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 14:45:23 12/22/01 Sat (Montreal-ppp-89813.qc.sympatico.ca/

    Excitment dwindled as mare-of-darkness realized how it must have been hard for a stallion to loose the 'other' leader- and the rest of the 'clan'. Slight snort emitted from twin nares at this thought. What did she know of caring? She had never cared for anything..and never would! But this feeling of acceptence this virile was giving her altered the feelings she once held- the hatred..the 'devilish'
    Cervix raised dial to settle a stable gaze 'pon steed. She wondered if he saw past her 'hate' engraved soul..She wondered if she actually calm down and settle in this herd..she wondered if she could trust the stallion who had willingky allowed her into his harmen...

    ((Ooc: Okay- sorry for this really lame post-lol! Sorta tired and all!hehe))

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *Gaze* -- Exploit, 18:11:11 12/22/01 Sat (1Cust94.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Gaze o' she is caught and held by that o' steed, step is taken f'ward, sights far beyond 'hate engraved soul'. Though core of mare was tough, there was more...dial is shaken, slight confusion shown. He knew there was more, better, more to be found...but he was sure only time would show it*

    ((OOC: lol, it's ok. Your posts are far better than mine!))

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    T E!!!!! -- Ange AKA Cresty, 17:17:19 12/21/01 Fri (1Cust109.tnt5.sioux-falls.sd.da.uu.net/

    TE! I'm so sorry but life has been catching up with me! I beg ya to stay in crestys herd. I know this don't help but I will be gone Dec. 23-30th or maybe longer cuz we're changing internet providers. I promise to get active after that K?

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    [> ... -- Chrissy aka TE, 10:00:16 12/22/01 Sat (Montreal-ppp-89815.qc.sympatico.ca/

    No one in the herd is active- so when am I suppose to do while your gone??:(:( The way I see things- this place needs some major spicing up;) And I think TE joining Exploit's herd would do the trick. Put it this way. When Cresty gets back- he can challenge for her back or something- cuz I was dying of bordem- and I don't really feel like hanging around doing nothing for the next week or so...

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    [> [> Re: ... -- Chrissy aka TE, 10:26:33 12/22/01 Sat (Montreal-ppp-89815.qc.sympatico.ca/

    O and well- I want TE to have a foal ect- but being in Cresty's herd she can't cuz well- her sister is in that herd and yeah- it would be kinda nasty..ya know? So Im sorry Ange..its just better like this for TE

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    Chesnut femme enters the area looking for the one dubbed "Exploit" -- Chantal, 18:34:30 12/19/01 Wed (ool-182cd5a7.dyn.optonline.net/

    She gives a shrill whinny and tosses her head, looking for any others.

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    [> *Greets* -- Exploit, 19:00:27 12/19/01 Wed (1Cust234.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Shrill whistle is emitted, calling to she o' copper. Approaching femme, boa is extended, nares flared, capturing her scent. Expelling warm breath and emitting low whicker in greeting, ebon mascu' tastes air around bella for traces of estrus*

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    *Revenge* -- Exploit, 14:41:18 12/18/01 Tue (1Cust69.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Dial turns, blazing oculars watching steed exiting with alpha and only progeny. He rears 'pon two hocks, pistons striking with venegance. The other may have won for now, but he will retrieve what was his...*

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    Retrieval -- EBD, 21:05:48 12/17/01 Mon (bc-abb-a53-01-26.look.ca/

    Sepian masculine stalks forth, auds flicker as brakish enamels nip Cielo & progeny titled Risa ushering femmora and youth cautiously to Travelling board where they will travel to Rush Water Springs

    (Challenged for Cielo & Risa and won, Cielo & Risa, EBD will be gone for a few weeks on a trip, wait for him at RWS i'll be back soon!)

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    Creme-hued bella & chestnut progency -- Liberty Belle & Shagya & Shantih, 13:51:19 12/14/01 Fri (usr2-ip84-grr.wmis.net/

    ~bella, sculpted dial raised, plume lifted, prances in. Her creamy coat seems to glow with warm radiance. Exploit now goverened bella, as she was glad. Spirit was never there for bella. Whicker is emitted as bella o' creme meets stud. Pon' two hocks she suddenly stands, proclaiming her liberty.

    *Colt o' chestnut hue comes forth, wondering in his small liquid pools. A shrill squeal is let forth as he waits, wanting a playmate.

    +Chestnut hued filly enters, weaker and younger than her energetic sibling. She lies down, resting her weak legs, hoping for a nap...

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    [> *Greets* -- Exploit, 15:19:53 12/14/01 Fri (1Cust94.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *whinny of greeting emitted as bella and progency are sighted. Ebon strides across terra, boa extended. Lowers dial, olfactories dialated, warm breath exhaled gently. Auds pricked, steed turns, nickering softly to progency of femme*

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    [> [> Re: *Greets* -- Cyclone, 16:30:05 12/16/01 Sun (spider-wl074.proxy.aol.com/

    thanx the steed Exploit and rears bringing her knees to her chest.she gives out a shrill call to the other equines hoping to make some friends with them~

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    [> *Sights newcomers* -- Cielo & Risa, 18:44:08 12/16/01 Sun (1Cust30.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Steel-hued bella lifts dial, auds pricked, sighting the newcomers. Flicking plume 'cross hocks, femme breaks into a trot, approaching the other equines. Dipping cranium, she emits friendly whicker of welcome to Liberty Belle and Cyclone*

    *Filly tosses dial, snorting softly. She squeals in excitement as she sees the two youths, cautiously moving towards them, extending dial, nickering*

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    [> [> ~sights the other equine~ -- Cyclone, 04:24:19 12/17/01 Mon (spider-te011.proxy.aol.com/

    ~*Dapple grey femme trots toward Cielo and Risa.she lowers her head in greeting and nickers a hello to both of them.she then turns and looks at Liberty and her foals and gives out a nicker to them also~

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    [> [> [> *Grazes* -- Cielo & Risa, 15:44:18 12/17/01 Mon (1Cust29.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Steel-hued bruja moves towards Cyclone, whuffing softly before lowering dial to graze. Long plume swishes 'gainst hocks gently. Alpha tosses her head and snorts, bored with the scenery, wishing to move to a new territory. Femme pricks ears in question. Do the others wish to move also?*

    *Ebon youth lifts dial, auds pricked in curiosity. She boldly steps forth, extending dial and whickering to the larger mare. Approaches Cyclone, touching plush to that of mare's in friendship*

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    [> [> [> [> Re: *Grazes* -- Cyclone, 17:53:19 12/17/01 Mon (spider-wb061.proxy.aol.com/

    ~she turns and looks at the foal and nickers in friend ship.she then turns to the alpha.yes she did wish to move for the scenery was boring.she then turned to look at the others hoping they would say the same.she lowered her head to the grass and grazed beside the alpha and the foal~

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    *Calling* -- Exploit, 12:35:42 12/16/01 Sun (1Cust213.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Emits shrill whistle, dial thrown high, calling to femoras and progency*

    (OOC: I need everyone to be active! I haven't heard anything from some of you for weeks. If I don't get a reply within a week you will no longer be considered part of this harem unless you have a legitimate excuse. Also, do you think we should move to a new TT?)

    Alpha: Cielo
    Beta: Passion Fire
    Omega: Beauty of the Breeze
    Others: Without Wings
    Liberty Belle

    Foals: Shagya (? X Liberty Belle)
    Shantih (? X Liberty Belle)
    Risa (Exploit X Cielo)

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    [> *Whinnies* -- Cielo & Risa, 14:46:46 12/16/01 Sun (1Cust213.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Alpha whinnies, letting her presence be known. Femme grooms the filly's coat, nipping youth when she attempts to escape*

    *Coal youth squeals and attempts to squirm away, only to be repriminded by inscisors of dam*

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    *Enters with progency* -- Cielo & Risa, 21:05:21 12/14/01 Fri (crtntx1-ar4-4-34-248-194.elnk.dsl.gtei.net/

    *Steel-hued femme enters after long absence, progency at barrel. Dial is thrown, plume flagged, pace slowed to match that of the younger. Gentle whinny is emitted, liquid mahogany oculars searching for sire of the filly*

    *Filly presses close to dam, orbs wide in wonder, minuature auds swiveling to and fro in fright. Tiny plume is swept 'gainst round hindquarters as terra is crossed with clumsy legs much to long for her proportions*

    (OOC: Here's her stats-

    Name: Risa (It means laughter in Spanish)
    Gender: Filly
    Color: Black
    Strength: Average
    Strength to be: Above Average
    Height: Average
    Height to be: Average

    I don't have a pic for her yet.)

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    [> *Whinnies* -- Exploit, 08:49:18 12/16/01 Sun (1Cust126.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Whinnies, greeting his alpha, emitting soft nickers. Lowers dial, boa outstretched to progency, olfactories wide and audatives pricked high atop cranium, whuffing softly to the filly.*

    (OOC: I like that name)

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    ~femme enters~ -- Cyclone, 05:35:54 12/15/01 Sat (spider-mtc-tc031.proxy.aol.com/

    ~firey femme gallops into the tt,her arabian neck arched.She stops in the middle of the tt and rears high,her knees touching her chest.she stops and flares her nostrils.she then looks for exploit,her new lead stallion~

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    [> *Approaches* -- Exploit, 08:44:08 12/16/01 Sun (1Cust126.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Approaches femme, boa outstretched, dialated nares catching her scent. Warm breath is expelled gently, auds pricked. Soft whicker is emitted in greeting*

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    .:.~*~.:.A part of the Devil as been stolen.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 08:06:22 12/16/01 Sun (Montreal-ppp-89784.qc.sympatico.ca/

    The devilish spirit that had once took over the regal equine 'she', that engraved her dark soul..was slowly fading. A part of the devil had been stolen..it had left when mare of consanguinity left..
    Dull lenses focused on the sandy terrain, as tresses cascaded liflessly down lowered poll. Zephyr encurled muscular yet frail structure, as all 'life' seemed to seep out of femina...

    (lol- in case this isn't clear- SHE ISN'T DYING..she's just sad..*snuffles and huggles TE

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    *whicker emmitted* -- Perfect Image, 17:45:36 12/11/01 Tue (h24-66-188-155.du.shawcable.net/

    *descion was made she would stay for a little while longer before deciding to quit* *nares flared she looks around and trumpets* *throws dial into the air, orbs alert and curious* *sadness washes over her*

    *cranium held high and proudly, nares flared and quivering he whickers* *makes his way out of the tt for he was old enough to leave* *rope swishes the pestering flys away*

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    ~*Bye Bye Cresty's Herd*~ -- ~*Cleo*~, 04:32:38 12/11/01 Tue (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    Sorry people. I'm gonna have to sit this one out - I;m not having fun with it anymore. :( I have alot to do these days with hurting my back bad the other day, and with being a newbie @ highskool.. I find it very difficult and everything and maybe I'm just not cut out to be a RPer NEmore. I dunno... But thanks for trying to make this game fun up til' now.. But I gotta say goodbye. I;m sorry too - I wish I could have stayed but it's just not.. good for me to stay right now... Hope y'all understand. If you want to reach me, my email is: twoworldswebsite@hotmail.com

    Have fun RPing...


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    [> Closing font -- ont, 14:02:45 12/11/01 Tue (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

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    [> [> ^Understanding^ -- Ange AKA Cresty, 14:10:10 12/11/01 Tue (1Cust140.tnt4.sioux-falls.sd.da.uu.net/

    ^Sighs^ OK I understand, life first compy second. Yes I know. I'll be sad seein' ya leave but I know you've got to go. By..... ^Wavies^

    ((You played, who? Perfect Image?))

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    [> [> [> ((OOC)) -- Cleo, 15:32:54 12/11/01 Tue (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    Thanks, I'm glad. Don't worry tho - One of my best pals plays Temptations Embrace, U'll have no trouble replacing lil' ol' moi! lol! :D I played Forever Dark.... Cya lata Ange (sp?) Bye Bye!

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    ..::Entrada::.. -- Morning Glory, 17:23:32 12/10/01 Mon (proxy.elcync.adelphia.net/

    Delicate Arabian bruja enters the strange land, tossing her dial wildly. She stopped before the harem, emitting a defiant call from deep within. She looked around for the hissian dubbed "Cresty" that dared claim her.

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    *Calling* -- Exploit, 17:14:01 12/03/01 Mon (1Cust74.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Stallion lifts dial, emitting shrill whistle, twin crescent auds pricked, swiveling to catch reply from his mares.*

    (OOC: If you are in my herd, please reply to this message:

    Alpha: Passion Fire
    Beta: Beauty of the Breeze
    Omega: Without Wings

    Tell me if I left you off or the rankings are different, that's just what I percieved them to be)

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    [> Mistake -- Exploit, 17:22:19 12/03/01 Mon (1Cust74.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    (OOC: Oops, ignore the rankings above. These are the correct ones from order of mares I claimed. Challenge for positions if you want, that's mares' business, not mine! Sorry!)

    Alpha: Cielo
    Beta: Passion Fire
    Omega: Beauty of the Breeze
    Other: Without Wings

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    [> [> *Answers* -- Cielo, 17:47:56 12/03/01 Mon (1Cust74.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Approaches steed, nickering a reply to his call. She lowers dial and rubs along foreleg, swishing steel colored tail uneasily. She snakes her head around and nips at swollen barrel. Snorting in discomfort she makes her way to the breeding board to give birth to progency of the stallion*

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    [> [> Re: Mistake -- Beauty of the Breeze, 15:46:05 12/06/01 Thu (NoHost/

    The omega whinnies to him, glicking her tail lovingly.

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    [> [> [> *Relief* -- Exploit, 15:21:53 12/07/01 Fri (1Cust138.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Nickers, relieved that at least one of his other mares seems to be here. He nibbles gently along her spine then flares his nostrils, wondering if she, or his other mares, are in heat*

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    [> [> [> [> Re: *Relief* -- Beauty of the Breeze, 18:05:09 12/09/01 Sun (NoHost/

    She nickers and nuzzles his flanks, urinating in heat.

    ooc- may ia have the url to the breeding board? my computer is all screwed up and doesnt show updates.

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    [> [> [> [> [> *Breeding* -- Exploit, 16:29:49 12/10/01 Mon (1Cust211.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Squeals in excitement, nipping the mare's flanks gently, nudging her towards the breeding board*


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    [> [> [> [> Re: *Relief* -- Beauty of the Breeze, 18:05:10 12/09/01 Sun (NoHost/

    She nickers and nuzzles his flanks, urinating in heat.

    ooc- may ia have the url to the breeding board? my computer is all screwed up and doesnt show updates.

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    � Elation � -- .�.rest.�.alle.�., 10:11:22 12/08/01 Sat (1Cust5.tnt4.sioux-falls.sd.da.uu.net/

    font face=tahoma>� Monarchail fig' claps the terra in elation for smaller herd was slowly returning to more than solo equus. Self turn to FD scenting the heat, countenance tremors bodice brushing past 'hers'. Dial tilt's t'wards Breeding Board flute twitching. Ooids prowl terra in counting femme's, Forever Dark, Temptatations Emebrace, Badieh Emir(?) Perfect Image and son(?) and hopefully, Tears.

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    [> .:.~*~.:.No One's Temptation.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 17:07:56 12/09/01 Sun (Montreal-ppp3534803.sympatico.ca/

    ...Equine of malacious spirit allowed a snort to escape twin nostrils, low 'whin' directed towards Crest.Fallen. In no way would this 'she' be called his. She was no ones- only one whom resided in the darkness that engraved her soul- and only appeared to be part of the herd. She only stayed for her sister- no one else.
    Cerix (neck) lowered, tresses cascading towards terra of pulverulence- incisors cutting the little lush flora that was left from the previous times she had grazed. Oculi quickly made eye contact with the lead stallion, and a low nicker followed- as an appologetic action- but she prefered solitude- she had been hurt too many times in the past- and there was no such thing as kindness in this equid 'she' anymore- only darkness.

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    [> [> Re: .:.~*~.:.No One's Temptation.:.~*~.:. -- Chrissy, 17:12:33 12/09/01 Sun (Montreal-ppp3534803.sympatico.ca/

    Hehe- What I meant by that message was that she was not to be REALLY considered a mare in the herd- she is just there. Lol- hope ya know what I mean...hehe

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    ((I'm In Cresty's Herd - So every1 knows! ^_^ ... D a r k S o u l R i s i n g ... -- FoReVeR dArK, 14:22:19 12/05/01 Wed (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    ... Mare sent a savage look t'wards steed, If he can't tame me... Then why the heck did he claim me... Mysterious oculars seemed more clear now, their message was set, engraved in her soul. She was one of hurt, pain. One of past mysteries that had long since faded into dwindling terror that she now, fondly, bestowed 'pon others. Her passive mood was shattered by the rude awakening this 'new' mare had brought upon the harem - hate once again flowed strongly through her bitter veins, she willed it to stay, Don't become a softy now FD, Not after all you've worked for... 'Caring' is something you don't do, remember? Incisors were exposed t'wards CrestFallen, never touching him - but coming close. His incisors were not welcome 'pon her pelt, the scars she held were enough, she didn't need one from him too. Her days of 'Abuse' were over, never again would she be the soft-hearted mare in the herd, Now, She was cold and stone-hearted. Quickly jagged knifes cut through the terrain, taking her away, isloating her from the "rest" of CrestFallen's harem, in her own way she refused to be one of that "rest". Ditaste was raging within her where affection had once grown bountiful, Distaste for everything including things she used to be able to stand, these things seemed as though they were against her now too. Appendages carried her further, t'wards solitude, for now she would linger away.... If thinsg got worse, she would disappear, like a shadow - Nobdy would ever know she was there. Shrill 'whinney' sounded through ebony lips, muzzle bobbing upwards- once, defiantly. Flagged plume cracked in the air as hindquarters emitted imense power - carrying her further still. Finally, reaching a destination suitable, she lowered her plush muzzle, letting it graze the surface of the terrain. Incisors appeared, nipping gently at the emerald blades...

    -FoReVeR dArK-
    -Everyone's Nightmare. Somebody's Dream.-

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    [> Closing font. -- Font closer, 14:23:49 12/05/01 Wed (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    Closing my font... Urgh. CLosing font bugs me!!!

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    [> [> .... -- me, 14:24:58 12/05/01 Wed (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/


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    [> [> [> � Good news & Bad � -- C.r.e.s.t.y., 14:51:12 12/05/01 Wed (1Cust90.tnt3.sioux-falls.sd.da.uu.net/

    � Alabastern shadow fades like shallow flames 'nto the umbra 'long t'with the 'she' fatale bodice slithering silently 'pon terra. Balking stud bides pools watching intently from 'hind viel o' mist. Narees exhale just looudly enough to cath femme's attention, swaying softly round to the fron of 'her' something just tells you that another is coming one that seems of searching for Forever Dark. Temptations Embrace... whispers the trees. Eyeing masculi casts dial downward in dipping motion. Scimitars pique feeling the tense cord t'wixt them. Abuse
    what was of it never in all his life hath he laid a whip to femme's. Donwy muzzel quivers unsure of what thee femina wanted of himself. �

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    [> .:.~*~.:.Returning Alliance.:.~*~.:. -- Temptations Embrace, 15:06:16 12/05/01 Wed (Montreal-ppp-89765.qc.sympatico.ca/

    ...Diabolical, malicious regal 'she' creature approached bloodbond relative, horny sheaths sheilding delicate feet beating against terra firma repeatedly at a placid pace.
    Countenance tossed ragefully to the side in 'merry' greeting towards her sister...her partner in crime...

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    [> [> ... T w i s t e d A n g e r ... (To the both of you.) -- FoReVeR dArK, 15:38:04 12/05/01 Wed (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    ...Femme paced herself quietly - nipping at the long shoots of emerald grass, letting the abyss of the swaying willows to calm her 'hackled' emotions. Jagged nails dug at the terrain impatiently, Impatient for what? Not even she knew. Cervix (Ur word Kris) shook and tendrils of her silvery mane whipped in the whispering wind, stroking their finger between the strands before they cascaded down her delicate neck. Femme turned - edging out t'wards the harem's border, feminine figure pressing itself on, the muscles beneath her dappled pelt flexed and creased back as sturdy, heavy steps were taken more forward, She wanted to go - obviously needing her was not one of the things the harem felt, she was the "shunned one" - exiting the harem she knew her sister could easily take her place. Standing bronzed at the harem's border a sharp whinney leapt from her ebony plush muzzle, finding it's way into the sweeps of wind that drifted 'bove head. Dark eyes were now dulled - life gone - life exited, as she did...

    ((This message sux - I can't RP horses very well...Sorry guys - I might be leaving... This is just all too much or me right now. I'm going through tough times and this is just... Ya.... My outlook may change - depending on your comments. :())

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    [> [> [> .:.~*~.:.Hidden Softness.:.~*~.:. -- Temptations Embrace, 15:50:21 12/05/01 Wed (Montreal-ppp-89765.qc.sympatico.ca/

    The rageful soul engraved within the mare's structure softened a touch. Sculpted chiseled muzzle extended and brushed Forever Dark's visage in a reassuring way- trying to calm her sister's anger. There comes a time when the demon within them needs to rest..

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    [> [> [> [> � Without you ?�?� � -- �(.r.e.s.t.y.�, 16:00:26 12/05/01 Wed (1Cust251.tnt3.sioux-falls.sd.da.uu.net/

    � Soulful ooids rest 'pon figment o' eventually imagination. Abruptly form plunges afterth, swerving self 'nfront o' 'she' equus. Countenance gazes mysteriously at, snort exhaling nare
    cavities. �

    [To lose the feeling you gave away to someone]
    [I hope you can fight all alone]
    [I guess you got what you wanted]
    [But what about me?]

    ((-sniffles- leave? No! Please don't I really think you are a great RPer and so are you Temptations Embrace. You really spiced this game up for me you made me really want to check it out here please don't leave I'll understand if your not so active. Please don't leave -sniffle-))

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    [> [> [> [> [> ...U n s u r e... -- Forever Dark, 18:51:14 12/05/01 Wed (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    ...Femina lifts delicate but harmful dial 'bove the morning mist, seeking out something but yet, not quite wanting to find it. Her dark oculars peered through the dense substance that hung in clouds 'bove the terrain, Image appeared 'fore her. Jagged nails plodded dewed terrain with aggrivation at the appearence of her 'stalkers', although she actually daunted willingly on their presence - her inner devil shrinking until it's rage could control her once more. The satin auditives 'pon her dial heightened, 'drafting the soft willowing noises t'wards her, gentle nicker emmitted from within her vocal cords, seeping through her black lips, whispering itself into the sullen atmosphere. Plush muzzle reached out t'wards bloodbound relative labeled 'sister' by scent, muzzle whisked her cheek for but a second, as if to say 'Even evil hearts need to rest' - instincts pulling her back - sneering personality taking charge. Hind quarters supported upper weight as mare-of-darkness welded herself into the ashen sky, sharp 'cry' taking the place of the earilier silence. Jagged nails scratched at thy clouds, never indenting their bloated bellies. Femina crashed t'wards the ground, hindquarters easing up now, front quarters placed 'pon the terrain sturdily. Taunting 'nicker' strained her vocals, directed t'wards the steed, in a way of asking for what seems, 'forgiveness'. Her muscles tensed at the thought, this straightened her level-headed posture, cranium reaching 'lead' height. Femina approached steed of 'unknown hue', pressing muzzle 'gainst his neck - tendrils of silky mane flowing as 'whuffle' sounded from within her dialated nares. Metallic hued plume flagged gently as grasping wind trickled past - enticing scent of 'In Season' reaching atomosphere - intwining with the fresh scent, of something that could be. Unsure, of where she stood with C.r.e.s.t.f.a.l.l.e.n. she let delicate ebony nails move her backwards, figurine reflected sunlight again, welcoming the shadows of darkness. Sculpted cranium lowered t'wards terrain, ebony muzzle scraping it's surface then letting back up, her dark eyes filled with once again, a mysterious essence that now held a new level of devilishness...

    ((*Laughs* Thanks Cresty's player - never caught ur name. That means alot to me - I'm satisfied if I perk up @ least one game! *Giggles* Okay, Okay... Maybe I'll stay. Kris-FE's Player... lookiez! I used special words! *Laughs* Hope u all like that post - took me awhile! Wonder what will happen now, This post is... interesting. Sorry if there's spelling mistakes and w/e - I'm getting back into the swing of things with horse RPING! Thanks again peeps!))

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> .:.~*~.:.Returning Hell.:.~*~.:. -- Temptation's Embrace, 13:05:12 12/06/01 Thu (Montreal-ppp3534782.sympatico.ca/

    >size="1">...Cold-hearted gale began to billow amongst the whispering canopy of full flesh foliage- its death surrounded 'song' equivocate.Diabolical, malicious regal 'she' creature focused rage enrgaved lenses on the steed that was Lead Stallion, raven plum flogging side flanks,cerebrating. Equine of consanguinity had positioned herself as monarch in the herd- but the question was-did the 'other' alpha react to denunciation of her rank? Did she react to her sister's fulmination?
    Shielded foot struck the sand covered terrain, as darkened celestail heavens began to surrender to the deepening cumuli that swirled with the growing zephyr- that soon turned into a violent simoom.
    Femina's countenance twisted as a flicker of calamitous mischief was aroused within poised 'she''s oculi. The tempest rising was an amen..surely...then it was decided. Equine mare would help the one she called 'sister' to get her position in the herd as lead mare..and nothing would stand in their way- no one would be playing obstacle this time...there were two she devils now..

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    [> [> [> [> [> [> [> OOC: Help! -- Cleo, 14:08:40 12/06/01 Thu (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    OOC: Just a quickie OOC post. I am SOOOO confused. *Furrows her brow* I dun get these 'words' not to mention they're not coming up in my theasaurus. :( *Cries* Ceyo isn't that smart - simmer if down y'all... I REALLY don't understand most of y'alls posts - which make it hard 4 me to reply. Please make simpler posts 4 us people - like me who virtually SUCK at horse rping! *Furrows her brow once again and looks confused* Cuz I am catching none of this...

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    *dial is thrown* -- Perfect Image, 18:06:15 12/05/01 Wed (h24-66-188-155.du.shawcable.net/

    *paws the ground with rock hard flints, unimportant and in the way* *nudges her foal lobes flickering and nares flared* *orbs watch cresty and his mares*

    *nares quivering catching the scent of the steed and mares, orbs alert and watchful* *dial is thrown and trumpet was emmited* *rope swishes the irratating flies away*

    OOC: I think I'm going to quit thease two horses, I have becoming more and more unactive and it's not fair for me or cresty. I think you will understand you have more mares and I know you will have more soon. I have been unimportanat and useless. I play alot of horses and I do think I am going to quit these two horses and others too.

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    [> ...::OOC::... -- FoReVeR DaRk'S pLaYeR, 18:28:18 12/05/01 Wed (CPE0050BAA696E0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com/

    OOC: Please don't go. Crestfallen + the herd need you right now... While we're all going crazy ur the only one who has kept calm and sane. You see? I really don't want you to go... I haven't meant to take up all of the harem's 'attention' but... I dunno. I'm sorry you've been somewhat 'ignored'. Just please... Stay, If you leave - we'll all miss ya, I'm sure! Ur part of da herd! C'mon... Pleeeeeez? *Looks Hopeful*

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    [> [> Re: ...::OOC::... -- Perfect Image, 18:48:02 12/05/01 Wed (h24-66-188-155.du.shawcable.net/

    OOC: But I have been becoming unactive and Cresty has three more mares now, I play many horses and it's going outa hand and everything. If I play pride that's one whole new harem I have to take over and it's not like you guys absolutly need me to stay or anything. I may be sane but that's just the horse I really excaped from the luney bin awhile ago... Shh don't it get out.. hehe... When I first joined as this horse she was as crazy as the rest of you but I have been coming unactive and I don't think it's fair for cresty or the rest of you. I have been playing this horse for the longest time he he as far as my forgetful mind can remember. I think it was when the game just got going and lots of ppl started playing. Anyway the point is I play to many horses and I don't think I can keep this one going and not become unactive. I will think about not quiting her and Pride but the chances are big.

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    On Edge -- Without Wings, 14:55:26 12/03/01 Mon (PPPa73-ResaleConnecticut5-2R7085.dialinx.net/

    The seal brown mare who's coat gleamed in the soft moonlight was aware of all the tensions around her. She senced them but dare not try to confront them. She sighed softly. She had finally found a home, but all this fighting was making her warry. Would this lead to disaster? Finally putting those awful thoughts out of her head she lied down a little ways of from the main heard congregation and qickly went to sleep.


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    [> Helpful! -- Ange, 14:59:38 12/03/01 Mon (1Cust92.tnt3.sioux-falls.sd.da.uu.net/

    There ya go!

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    [> [> Re: Helpful! -- Without Wings, 14:00:44 12/05/01 Wed (PPPa13-ResaleConnecticut5-2R7085.dialinx.net/

    >There ya go!

    Thanks how did you do that?

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    [> *Comforts* -- Exploit, 15:09:09 12/03/01 Mon (1Cust11.tnt33.dfw9.da.uu.net/

    *Stallion appears at mare's side, nudging her shoulder gently in comfort. He was at unease with the mare's discomfort with her surroundings and wondered if they should move to another territory where there was less unrest.*

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