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Date Posted: 14:27:12 06/27/04 Sun
ga jie, i definitely believe that we are really connected in some way! u know, what u wrote in ur latest diary entry really reflect how i act too.. I need love & concern, and i want everyone's attention too.. but yea, when someone approach me n show their love & concern, i rejected them.. that's so sarcastic.. and as a result, i pissed many ppl off.. hmm u know, when i read what u written in your diary , i was shocked of our similiarity! wonder how many coincidences we have eh? =P
u know, i pissed ppl off again yesterday night.. 1 of my friend tried to comfort me yet ended get pissed off by me.. sigh.. seem that i hate everyone in my school now, i don't know why but just getting so rude.. perhaps i'm trying to protect myself too.. hmm feeling so dead today... =(
haha money can't buy happiness but it can rent it for a long long time.. =P
ya health is important.. i'm staying up too late everyday.. i can really fall asleep when i'm alone! lolz.. i'm trying to isolate myself tho.. aiya how come we got the same problem eh? =P
anywayz, take care ya! haha btw, if ga jie is tired, why don't u go to bed straightly instead of goin online & end up fall asleep in front of the computer? lol.. =P
btw, wanna quote something here..
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